Chapter 5

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MALIYA’S POV All thanks to Gideon for being a savior to me or I would have been a dead meat, he had bribed the physician just like I suggested or he would have revealed to Alpha that I was pregnant. I know so well that Mia wouldn't want such a thing to happen. I was conscious now, and I could see them standing before me. “Oh! They must have thought that we truly passed out?” my wolf muttered, I cleared my throat and waved my hand to Alpha. “I wonder what brought you here?'' I queried, ignoring the fact that I already knew what was going on within them. He took two steps closer to me and then squatted. “You should be happy that the Alpha king visited a slave like you, of course, you're so worthless—” he snapped and winked. I didn't understand what was going on. I know they came to run a test on me, but why would he be saying such heavy words to me? “For how long have you been dating Gideon?” That question resounded in my eardrum. I took a glance at Gideon but his face was strongly contorted, then my eyes fell on Mia, there was a devilish smile on his face. “This is her handwork, to accuse a slave of dating a guard since it's prohibited so I can end up being punished…'' I swallowed my saliva, then faced Alpha again. He was patiently waiting for a reply from me, his gaze focused on me like he hadn't seen me for quite some time. “Uhmm! Gideon is just guarding my cell–like room, we aren't dating, and we can't do that when we know that it's a big crime in the palace…'' I replied to him. He stood up but seemed like he didn't believe what I just said. “But you terminated the baby you're carrying for him, that's why you feel sick and that's why the physician is here….” he added. My heart sank into my belly. That means a pregnancy test wasn't run on me, it was to know if I was sick and if I terminated a child. Then why did the physician become dumb? He only clarified that I wasn't pregnant, so that reply meant that I terminated a child. That can't be, if this physician ever betrays me, I'll regret ever coming into this world. There's no way I'll lose my child to either Alpha or Mia. “You aren't pregnant, that means you truly terminated a child huh? You got pregnant in the palace and you got rid of it…” Alpha scolded me. I bit my lower lips, lost of words. I glanced at Gideon, his face was not bright either, making me wonder why he wasn't saying anything. “I just hope you didn't accede to what they're saying here because the both of us know that we have nothing in common, talk more of carrying your child—” I snapped at Gideon, then struggled on my feet. I walked to the physician. “What sort of test did you take the first time?” My eyes were teary but I wouldn't just sit back. I am truly pregnant, and I will come to the end of it instead of terminating my child for the satisfaction of Mia. The physician smirked, “It was to know if you were pregnant, and it happens that you aren't and have never carried a child for the first time…” On hearing that, Alpha turned to us immediately. Mia grimaced, I believe she wasn't expecting that. I wonder if she also bribed the Physician like I did when we had different goals. “What are you trying to say? That she didn't get pregnant and never terminated a child?” Alpha queried, his looks were curious like one who wasn't so sure of what was going on. The physician nodded to his question. He then let out a deep sigh and transfixed his hands on his waist. “He's telling lies. Maliya or Gideon must have bribed him to tell lies. I am very sure of what I'm saying…” Mia interfered. I scoffed. “Seriously?” “Then why did you pass out earlier when we came in?” she interrupted. That must be what she wants to hold against me. I heaved a big sigh. “I've been ill all these while, so I passed out due to that—” “I already told them, but they insisted on coming and checking themselves. It's so shameful of you for accusing a slave of what she wouldn't think about..” Gideon chipped in. Now I understand what is going on, Gideon already lied that I'm sick, and thanks to the Moon goddess I faked being unconscious or it would have been hard for Gideon to explain how I feel sick. “So, he already told you that I fell sick, but you insisted on running a test to be sure I am sick because you think that I terminated a child?” I clapped my hands and walked up to Mia. “Make sure to get pregnant so you can keep your eyes off other ladies..” “The physician can leave—” Alpha ordered. I had eye contact with the physician before he left, and thanks to him for being on my side even at this level. He didn't reveal the pregnancy nor did he obey Mia by telling Alpha that I terminated a child. “I'll protect you by all costs, i know so well that Mia won't let you go scot-free after disobeying her order and ruining plans for her—and since you now know what she's after, she will want to get rid of you…I will never let anyone die because of me.'' I thought and pouted my lips happily. I turned to Alpha who was still staring at me, but I said nothing to him. I walked past him and sat on the floor as usual, my face bowed down that I was unaware when he left with Mia. I felt a palm on my shoulder, “They already left…” “We almost fell into his trap, how come I didn't know what was going on?'' I knew it was Gideon. He sat beside me. “I got a sudden call from Alpha and he kept asking why I was dating you, Mia showed up and added that you got pregnant for me and got rid of it…and that's why you feel sick—so I had to tell Alpha that you have been sick for a couple of days, he ordered that the physician come over and conduct a test..” I chucked. “And I caught up and faked passing out, then also insisted that I've been sick too making our words rhyme. Then the physician helped us, I was scared he would ally with Mia or tell Alpha about the pregnancy.." This is going to be a game of survival, and only if I'm fit will I survive. “I'm glad she lost now, but I'm worried about the physician—” “I must go after him and make sure he's safe. Mia is scared he will tell Alpha that you're carrying his child—and it's a pity that you are scared of Alpha knowing about it.” he shook his head. It looks like a twist and as well as funny, I'm hiding the child from Alpha meanwhile Mia is scared that Alpha will know about the child. Gideon left the cell to protect the physician because we are certain that Mia will go after him. Almost an hour after he left, he mind-linked me ...announcing terrifying news. “You must save him from dying, even if it means taking him away from the palace. Don't let him die please….” tears rolled down my cheeks. This is just what I'm scared of, losing anyone because of me. “I can't let him die!” I fell to the floor in tears. The cell was locked so there was no way to leave. “Mia, you think killing him will stop the Alpha from being aware if I want to? You should be happy that I already took my decision of hiding the pregnancy from him—but I'll reveal everything if the royal physician doesn't survive…I won't care about the repercussions again.'' That was much like a vow, and I meant it.
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