Chapter 7

1335 Words
MALIYA'S POV The pain of an innocent man losing his life for my sake is the worst pain ever, not just the pain, but I was also feeling guilty. Why would Mia reach this extent? Is this how she will rule this pack as the Luna? By killing off innocent souls and being less concerned about the fairness of the less privileged? The sound of the cell gate startled me because I was lost in thoughts, and then Gideon walked in. He had that happy look on his face, as proof that everything was alright and I hoped it was. “He survived! I took him to the nearest hospital and he survived….” he explained better. I felt like a heavy burden was brought down on my shoulder, making me inhale a nice breath. He squatted beside me, “The game isn't over!” hearing that, I turned to him. He could tell that the look on my face was filled with curiosity, I wanted to know more about what was going on. “Alpha’s Beta is working with Luna, I wonder what their relationship is all about that he's after you as well—” I bit my finger, Rex is just a Beta, and as I know from the beginning, Mia has nothing in common with any man. If Rex is working for Mia, then I think they have been allies before she became Luna. is he trying to get a favor from her or what? “You shouldn't be thinking about that now—I'm just glad that the physician survived, at least he didn't lose his life for our sake..” he stood up. I'm so happy having someone like him as an ally, or I wouldn't know what to do in this hell that I'm staying in. “Alpha ordered that you fill the drum in the royal kitchen with water before you eat tonight…” I let out a loud hiss, at least that's a minor job, and I am fine now so it won't be that difficult to do it. I stood up and tied my robe, then headed out of the cell happily. “It's a shame, Mia, you didn't succeed and I will never let you succeed..” I smiled while walking out of the cell passageway. Just like Gideon had announced, I filled the drum in the kitchen with water, but one thing I was less blinkered of is why I should do that when there are pipes and water connections in the whole palace, even in the kitchen. “It's part of the punishment, we should be grateful that it's a minor one now..” my wolf muttered. I shrugged my shoulders, she was telling the truth. Maybe he has searched for a minor work to give me but saw none, so he decided to give me this. On my way back to the cell, I came across a maid with a tray of food. She looked like the maid who had been serving me meals all this while, so I went closer to her. “I can't take it with me if it's mine…” she paused and turned to me, then handed the tray to me. I rushed to the cell to gobble on the meal, my stomach was already wary. I sat on the bare floor and uncovered the meal, it was weird. There's no way a slave should be served this way. “Is Xander or Mia trying to apologize indirectly by making these for me?” I shook my head in disbelief, “Mia can never do this—I bet it's Xander, he still has his conscience…” “Don't taste the meal!” I heard Gideon’s voice. He wasn't at the gate when I came in, and I didn't bother about his whereabouts because I believed he was around the corner, maybe taking a look in other cells. “That meal is poisoned, don't take it—I'll get another food for you..” he said again. I lifted my face to see him taking silent steps towards me. What was he talking about? “Isn't it strange that a slave was served such a meal?” he added. I nodded, it was indeed strange and I already said it in the beginning but didn't imagine that something was going on. I covered the meal again. “So, you're very sure that the meal was poisoned?” I asked again, this looks like a drama series, from one conflict to another. He nodded and pushed the tray to the side. “That maid that served this meal is my girlfriend—'' I shifted backwards. So he has a girlfriend in the palace and Mia accused us of dating. “I had told her to tell me everything that's going on in the palace so we'll be on alert—she prepared the meal and let me know that Luan ordered her to add the poison which she did and that poison is a drug that will abort the child you are carrying—” he continued. I shut my eyes for a while and then let them open again, so Mia wasn't satisfied with the feedback that I gave her about aborting the child. She still believes that I'm carrying the child and that's why she accused me so I'll be executed. “We don't have to let her know of how active we are towards her, that's why I will consume this meal…” Gideon added. I widened my eyes, is he okay? “Do you want to kill yourself?'' I scolded him but he smiled. “I won't die, but I'll purge and might even bleed. But you know? Luna will be in trouble because that will expose her evil act…” he explained. I rolled my eyes, I thought he was making sense, but I was still scared of losing him. “Do you know how the drug works?'' I asked him, just to avoid complications. He licked his lips. “According to my girlfriend, since I'm not pregnant, I will only purge and even bleed, that's what the physician she took it to acknowledged…” I let out a deep breath. It's a relief that the prescription was coming from a doctor. “So. you'll eat it and your girlfriend will prepare another meal for me?” He nodded. “Yes! And once the drug starts its effect, rush and report it to Alpha, and implicate my girlfriend. She will be the one to implicate Luna..” That's not a good idea. “Your girlfriend isn't safe in the hands of Mia either…” “She will leave the palace after this, we already arranged everything the moment she told me everything that's going on..” I tapped his cheek, he was like a brother, more than if I should confess—he's so caring. Before my eyes, he consumed the whole meal and within that period, his girlfriend brought me another meal which I gobbled on. He stood at the gate as usual while we waited for the drug to start to take effect. I was scared that something would happen to him, but he was confident that he would survive anything that came with it. My eyes were focused on him, thirty minutes had already elapsed and I was waiting for the drug to start acting…I was being impatient so I walked closer to the gate. “Gideon!” I mentioned and he turned. He was about to say a word when he spit out blood that even splashed on my face. I wiped my eyes with my palm to look at him, he was staring at me while gradually slumping on the floor. He spit out a mouth full of blood again making me nervous. “Didn't they say that it would make him purge or bleed? Does it mean Mia had the intention of killing me?”
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