Chapter 4

1383 Words
ALPHA XANDER’S POV Going through the bulks of files on my table is what I hate doing, but the most stressful part of it is that it doesn't come to an end—the more I clear the table, the more it piles up again. I decided to take a break, at least take a look around the enormous palace, since it's been a while since I did that. Walking side by side with my Beta, I met Mia on her way, she was looking around as well. I tried to look away and act like I never saw her, but she caught up with me as well and came over. She was really happy that I wondered if she had bullied Maliya again, that is one thing I know she loves so much…and that's why she was mad at me when I ordered that Maliya stay indoors until she recovered fully because there would be no chance for her bullying again. She embraced me but I pulled her off me. “I'm so curious to get a gist. What's making you so happy this day?'' I bit my lower lips seductively to draw her attention. She licked her lips. “There's a rumor that you aren't aware of…” She held my hands. “Maliya and the guard in charge of her cell are dating. And guess what? They were caught satisfying their s****l desires two weeks ago..” she continued. My face contorted. How dare Maliya do that? She's just a slave and must work. Did I ever order Gideon to take advantage of her? I felt like punching the wall so hard to calm my temper. “Is this jealousy or anger?” Mia drew me out of my thoughts. I faked a smile. “It's anger! How dare a guard and a slave go intimate with each other? Is that supposed to happen in this palace? They aren't even afraid of me..” I clenched my fist. Heaven knows that I'm darn jealous. How dare Maliya cheat on me with a mere guard? I never made her a slave to do that, she's supposed to serve me alone and no one else. “Then you have to punish them, that's the only way to teach them a lesson and set an example to the others. I was so shocked when I heard this, so I decided to share it with you…both can be left aside.” Mia interrupted my thoughts. I took a good look at her and looked off. Why do I still feel jealous after rejecting Maliya? I can't stay an hour without reflecting on her, why can't I just move on and forget about her? I'm supposed to hate her by now. This is infuriating. I smiled at Mia who was staring at me. “I'll send for them, just go take a rest while I handle this—they touched my tail,” I whispered to her. She chuckled and went back with her maids while I returned to the chamber. Staring at the throne, I felt like kicking it. I already sent a guard to call Gideon over, and I'm sure he's supposed to be here soon. “Your Majesty!” a deep voice drew my attention. I knew it was Gideon. “Come forward!” I ordered him and he arrived before me instantly. Not withholding my anger, I landed a heavy punch in his face. That wasn't okay, I gave him the second punch. “What gave you that guts?” I yelled at him. He got to his knees. “How have I offended you?” he asked, but I kicked his jaw. These won't do. Even if I kill him, it won't quench the anger overwhelming me. “Is that what I ordered you to do? To date her? There's a difference between dating and guarding right? I ordered you to guard her, protect her and make sure she's safe and not wounded. How dare the both of you date each other?'' I yelled at him. He was mute, his head bent low. “I rejected her and made her a slave because I want her to be in this palace, I want to be sure she's safe. How dare you take over what belongs to me?'' I screeched out in anger. He lifted his head, tears gathered in his eyes. “If you still have that attraction towards her, if you still cared for her, why did you abandon her? You should have made her your consort instead of watching her suffer like a slave. She almost died three weeks ago because of you and the so-called wench you made your Luna—now you're screaming at me like you cared about her. Stop faking that you still love and care for her when you don't even know how she's fairing—all you want is to see her suffer.'' I watched him scold me. A guard dared stand in my way? “I can see, you're really proud of what you did. There's no remorse in you..” “Everything is an accusation. I only take care of her like you ordered, but I never for once did anything stupid…” he insisted. Looking at his face and the gravity of his words, he seemed to be telling the truth. “That's a big lie! Rumors have it that she's carrying your child and you paid the physician to terminate it, and after my investigation, I found out that it was true. Maliya is lying down in pain in the cell…isn't she? Don't even try to hide the truth…” Mia uttered as she showed up suddenly. It felt like a heavy rock was banging on my head. I am still trying to fight through the previous news only for me to hear this, but merely looking at Gideon, he has that innocent look. He was still brave enough despite everything. “Heaven knows you're just jealous of the treatment Maliya gets even as a slave, don't even try to put yourself into trouble because I won't withstand being accused.” Gideon retorted at Mia. She clapped her hands. “Then we'll find out who's telling the truth here..” I let out a deep breath, knowing that Mia was waiting for me to take action over what I wasn't sure of. I was trying so hard not to believe that Gideon was dating Maliya, now how do I believe him again when it reached this stage? I think it's time to let go of Maliya entirely. “What punishment do they deserve, Beta?” I voiced out. “You can't do that without a proper investigation.” Gideon chipped in. I gritted my teeth, he still has the guts to say that to me. “I think he should visit Maliya himself, you need to see the condition she's in…” Mia insisted. I felt haunted. “Maliya fell sick yesterday…” Gideon interrupted. I signaled my Beta. “I'll go see Maliya myself, and the physician must tell me what's wrong with her.” I declared and left the chamber. They all followed me until we reached Maliya's cell. She was lying on the floor when I came in, but she stood up immediately when she saw us come in. “The royal physician is here!” Beta announced. Looking at her, she wasn't scared. I love and hate her bravery at a time, especially now that she should be shivering because of my present. “The physician will check up on you now, you're sick, so we need to know what's wrong with you…” I referred to her, but she shook her head. “I'm sorry, but you can't…” she replied. I walked closer to her, just about to say a word, but she slumped to the floor. That startled me, “She's pretending..” Mia interfered, but the physician rushed to Maliya immediately. My heart was racing faster, I didn't want to hear that what Mia said was true or I might have a heart attack. If it's true, then Maliya and Gideon will be severely punished according to the law, and both of them will be executed for murdering a child.
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