Chapter 3

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MALIYA’S POV “From today, you'll resume your work as a slave…” the guard stayed with me all these while referring to me. He already tried to take care of me for three weeks until I recovered fully. I feel heavy though, but at least not stressed or in pain again. “Alpha king and his Luna already quarreled uncountable times because of you—Luna Mia hates it that you aren't working with those bruises, I wonder how you offended her that she hates you that much…between, your injury is deeper than what any other slave has gotten, so I don't think it will be wise letting you work with it, or you might not survive.” he continued, but not sparing me a glance. I had nothing much to say, I already knew that I was supposed to be the Luna, but no one, not even me knew the reason my best friend took my position and I ended up becoming a slave in the palace. Whatever, I'll have to be strong to survive. The guard turned to me and smiled. I wondered why he put on that look. “Did you hear what the physician said, or did he only tell me alone?” his brows arched. “I just hope this won't cause any issues in this palace….” he signaled me to come closer and I did, “You Are pregnant! Three weeks pregnant, that's what the physician said,” he whispered to my ear. A scorching heat enveloped me at that point. I glanced at my belly and shook my head. “It's impossible!” the guard frowned on hearing me say that. There's no way I'll be carrying Xander’s child, this is exactly three weeks that I had a night with him, and that was the day I lost my virginity as well. If he ever finds out about this, then he might put an end to me and the child since he suddenly developed hatred for me. “You must know who owns the child, I can help you contact him. So don't be scared, okay, Alpha might release you from s*****y once he finds out that you're carrying a child..” the guard gestured, but I still shook my head. How do I tell him this? Will he believe me and help me resolve this? Xander must not be aware of this no matter what. Even if he wants the child to live, I can't bear seeing him take away the child from me. This must be a secret. The guard noticed that I was shivering instead of being happy, and then he unlocked the cell and came in. He forced me to sit down even though I didn't want to. “Feel free to share your problems with me. I am the guard protecting your cell and trust me, I can't lay a finger on you as other guards do to prisoners. It's a pity you lost your position and ended here, and it's an order to look after you.” I hissed, I wondered what he was jabbering. “My name is Gideon!” he smiled at me. I faked a smile, there was nothing bright about my mood right away. “You already know my name, Maliya.” He adjusted closer. “So, tell me who the father is and I'll call him over so you can meet him.” I shook my head in that favor. “Did you get yourself pregnant?” he asked, his brows furrowed. I released a deep breath. “This child belongs to Alpha, and I can't let him know about it. He will either get rid of me and the child, or take the child away from me after delivery, and I don't want to experience such a thing…" I swallowed my saliva. He stared at me for a while and smiled, patting my shoulder. “That's incredible! No one knows the reason Alpha cheated on you, it might be because you cheated on him, and now it resulted in pregnancy…” “I'm very serious! I don't also know the reason he rejected me, all I know is that he defiled me the night before his coronation—we spent the night together, so I can still tell why I'm a rejected Luna…'' I wiped out the tears that already rolled down. “He might not recall that night because he was drunk, and I left in the morning before he got awake. But I'm certain this child belongs to him…” He exhaled a deep breath. I know it was a bit difficult to believe, but he had to because that's the pure truth. “I don't want him to know about this. He might want me to get rid of the child, or we die together, or he might take the child away from me after delivery. I can't withstand those pains—'' I added, shedding silent tears. He was about to say a word when the cell gate was banged, he turned and stood up immediately. It was his fellow guard. “Luna sent for her!” I heard the guard who just arrived say to him, Gideon turned and signaled me to come out. “You should follow him, Luna sent for you..” Gideon said to me. I released a deep breath and then followed the guard until we reached Mia’s living chamber, he announced my presence before sending me in. I walked in to see Mia pacing around her room, she looked haunted, I don't even think she slept well last night. She turned to me. “Can you show courtesy to your Luna, or do I have to teach you that differently?” she blurted. I licked my lips and bowed to me, it's just a greeting, nothing much. “That's not how to show courtesy, maybe once you get whipped, you'll recall how to do it right?” her brows arched. I sighed. I'll never get whipped in this condition. I must lose my child. “Greetings, Your Highness!'' I bowed to him. She clapped her hands aloud for me. “Now you come, so have a seat…” she stretched her hands to the cushion. I took a glance and shook my head. “No thanks! Just go straight to the reason you sent for me, I have a lot of work to do." I snapped angrily at her, my hands clutched to each other backwards. She walked closer to me and rubbed her palm on my face. “I called to say, congratulations on your pregnancy, it's a good thing that the rejected slave is pregnant before Luna…” I bit my lower lips. Gideon said the physician only told him the news, then how come Mia knows about it already? She can't be happy that I'm pregnant, because she knows that it belongs to Alpha, and once it reaches his ears, he will rephrase his mind. “Uhmm! You know I can't let you keep the child..” she gestured. I glared at her. “You have no right to tell me that. You're Not the father of the child neither are the one bearing the child. It's left for me to decide…” “That's arrant nonsense!” she slammed back at me, which made me smile because she was completely quivering at that point. “Look, make sure to meet the physician, I've already paid him for the abortion, so get this thing out or you won't like my next action…'' She came closer to me. “The day Alpha will find out about this child, you'll regret ever being born—so get rid of it immediately,” she remarked. I gritted my teeth in anger, watching her give orders like she had any relationship with the baby. I didn't bother saying anything to him, all I did was to take my leave. I went back to my cell to see Gideon devastated, he must be worried about what was going on. He held my hands. “She already found out?” he asked and I nodded. “That means, she has a spy around…” I didn't believe that. “The physician must have told her…” He shook his head. “No! Even the physician is shocked that she's aware. He just left here now after he told me that Luna wants you to abort the child…” he scratched his head. “I need to come up with a plan, there's no way I'm obeying her or I'd rather leave this palace.'' I retorted everything is so annoying. “Let's bribe the physician…” He turned to me. “Bribe? To convince Luna that you aborted the child?” his brows knitted. I nodded. “She will still find out the truth, but then, I'll leave the palace. I'll run away..” he patted my shoulders, smiling. I guess my plan was a nice one.
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