Chapter 2

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MALIYA'S POV After taking twenty strokes of the cane, I wasn't myself any longer. I was near to hell, my whole body was quivering and I found it difficult to even lift my face. My body was so hurt and the pain was immense. The guards untied me and I slumped to the floor, then they took hold of me, dragging me like an animal back to the cell and threw me in. I regret the day I met Xander and accepted to be his girlfriend. If I had known that this was what was awaiting me, I wouldn't have dared to fall for him. I looked like a living dead lying on the floor of the cell, finding it difficult to breathe. It looked like my esophagus was blocked, making it difficult to inhale and exhale air—but I battled within myself to survive. I tried as much as I could until I came back to my normal self. “This is your meal for today!” the guard standing at the gate pushed in a plate of food. I pushed myself closer and took a look, it was like a meal for a dog. This is more than hatred. There's no way a living creature will give a fellow being this to eat as food. “But we have to manage it, Maliya. There's nothing left and we need to heal so we can survive.” my wolf said to me in sorrow. She must be resenting Xander at this point just like I do, but we can't blame ourselves since there are other werewolves of lower ranks like us that fell in love with the higher ranks and are living happily till now. All I know is that he will regret all that he's doing, and I will never forgive him—I'll make sure he curses himself. “Time to clean up His Majesty’s room!” the guard announced. Goosebumps covered my whole body on hearing that, I must be hearing things now, there's no way I'm leaving this cell with weak and bruised skin just to obey Xander. There are lots of maidens in the palace, and that's their work and not mine. “You should empty the plate immediately before I open this cell..” the guard repeated. I had to start gobbling on the meal even after saying that I was going nowhere. Who knows, he will take away the food from me. “His Majesty sent for you to come over and tidy his living room..” the guard said from the cell gate. My lips agape until I blinked and got back to my senses. “I'm only a slave, how will..” “This is an order, and you have no right to question his authority.” The guard cut me short. I swallowed deeply and went back to eating. At least, he was patient this time until I was done with my meal and then he took me out himself. He looks calmer than the ones who took me to the coronation ground. If only I could get along with him, chat with him and forget my worries, I'd love that. He said nothing to me on our way to the palace neither did I, but he was fond of taking a glance at me to make sure I was with him. We reached Xander's living room and he rang the doorbell. “Your Majesty, she is here!” he announced and the door opened. He signaled for me to walk in and I did. Thinking that it was just Xander in there, I was doomed when I saw Mia laying her head on his thigh. She swiveled her neck and glanced at me, letting out a devilish smile “Look who's here? My one and only friend!” she clapped her hands in excitement. The look on Xander's face had pain written on it. He wasn't smiling at Mia's reaction nor was he staring at me, but his eyes affixed in a particular direction. “It's a pleasure seeing you in slave attire, Maliya. How have you been?” Mia stood and walked towards me. I faked deafness and began my work even though I was so weak. “You aren't deaf, right? I asked a simple question and you're not answering…” Mia continued. I will enjoy seeing her make a fool of herself because I'll never make time for her. Days are gone when we were friends, we are enemies now, and I can as well claim not to know her in any way. She walked closer to me and yanked my hair, drawing me backwards. I winced in pain silently until I couldn't withstand the pain any longer—so I pushed her away and she staggered backwards. “You're getting strong. Slaves are always strong no matter their rank…” she laughed loudly, taking slow steps towards me, until she came closer. The next thing that followed was a thunderous slap that sent me to the ground. “This room can never be cleaned up by you, it's always done by maidens. I requested your presence so we could chat a little, but it seems you're looking down on me—maybe you've forgotten that I'm the Luna of this pack,” she screamed at me. I found it difficult to stand again. My vision was even getting blurry, but the most painful part of it was that Xander was still seated, watching us but doing nothing. I struggled several times to stand and vacate the room, but it was so tough for me. As if the first hit wasn't okay, Mia kicked me several times, she punched me and then landed her feet on my heart at last. I coughed and spilt my clothes with blood. I can't die in the presence of my enemy, even if I won't survive this, I need to go back to that cell before giving up. I fought within myself to stand until I finally did it, but immediately I stepped out, Mia drew me back to the ground. “Don't think you're leaving without cleaning this mess. I can see how intense your sickness is, that means you don't even live long.” she jabbered. My eyes were shut, so I couldn't see her face again. The only thing I wished for at that moment was survival, I need to live on and see how all these will end. I need to see when both Mia and Xander regret being together and letting me live, there's no way I'll do them good by giving up now. “Guards!!!” I heard Xander's voice at last. That was all he could do, send the guards to get me and take me out as well. He is liable to watch me die, that's why a beast is far kinder than he is. “Take her back to her cell…” he ordered whoever it was that came in. I was dragged up and pushed out of the room. “Permission to carry you in my arms…” that voice was familiar with the guard always standing at my cell gate. I gave a nod and he carried me into his arms and we headed back to my cell. He lay me on the floor and held my hands. “His Majesty whispered to me, he ordered me to secretly get a physician that will treat you, and you must not leave this place until you fully recover.” That's not possible! Xander can't do that!! “Is that how other slaves are treated?” my voice was so down that one would barely hear me, but I'm sure he did because he was squatting beside me. “Yes! Any slave that falls sick or is deeply wounded gets treatment, but that doesn't stop them from working through…” I shook my head. “Why shouldn't I be working when taking the treatment?'' I asked him again. I'm very sure Xander isn't in his right mind. He scoffed. “His Majesty didn't give a reason, this is just an order and we must obey it. You'll have to stay here until you get better…” I am already too weak to live. That's why I'll leave everything for fate to decide. If I must survive, then I'll love it. “You must hang in there until I return….” the guard said to me and let go of my hands.
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