Chapter 3

1779 Words
I open my eyes and quickly realize that I am laying in a bed that isn't my own. When I try to sit up, I begin to feel dizzy and quickly place my head back onto the pillow. My head is killing me. Just then I hear someone lightly knocking on the door. I look over and watch as it opens slightly. Once I see the dark brown hair, I know exactly who it is. "Hey Kasim, you are feeling any better?" "Hey Zayn..." I say. "Can I come in?" "Of course." Zayn comes into the room closing the door behind him. He has a look of unease on his face. "Zayn, where am I?" "Kasim, don't overreact.” “Zayn why would I overreact? Where the hell am I?” “Kass you’re in a hospital." "What the hell? I can’t be here Zayn!" "I know, I know. But there wasn't really a choice!" “There is always a choice!” “Not this time!” "Whatever, did they see anything?" "Well..." "Dammit!" "Kasim, it's all right." "No, it isn't. How the hell is this ok?” “Kasim calm down.” “What did they say?" "They just wanted to know how you got bruised so badly. And they were curious on why you haven’t been to a hospital in years. My mom took care of it and said you were seeing a specialist.” “Remind me to thank your mom.” “I will, but you know she’s going to be pissed.” “I know...” "So, what happened after I passed out?" "Your manager kicked Kyle out and said he was never to come to that restaurant again, and he wanted to make sure you were ok.” "Thank god!" "Yeah. Then he called an ambulance and said that he would ride with you. But I stepped up and said that I’d go since we are so close.” “Really?” “Yeah, he smiled and agreed. He also said to let him know on how you are doing.” “Oh...” “Yeah but everything is ok now.” “Was it you that was holding me after I hit the ground?” Zayn’s cheeks start going red and he look’s away. I smile. “So, it was you?” “Yeah… I couldn’t bare seeing you like that.” “Zayn...” “Also, I didn’t want someone noticing your scars.” “Thank you.” “It was nothing.” "So, when can I leave?" "My mom is taking care of everything; we should be able to leave shortly." "Alright... I can't go home tonight Z. If I do my dad will flip! I might even end up back here…" "Don’t worry I already talked to mom, she said you’re staying with us." "Alright." "Just a fair warning, Kathrine and Cole will be home." "You know that doesn't bug me." I say as I stick out my tongue. "I love Kat, and Cole is just too cute." "Yeah I know." Zayn says with a smile. Zayn has the most magnificent smile I have ever seen. His smile can really brighten a room. He seems so calm yet there is something in his eyes that sets me off. Something seems to be stressing him out. I wish I knew. I want to help; I want him to be happy. Zayn looks away from me and towards the window. His arm reaches for his head which shows off the tattoos on his arm. “Kasim if Kathrine asks why you were here just say you fell or something. Ok? She doesn’t really know what goes on at your place.” “I will. I don’t want them to worry.” “I know… thank you.” Zayn say’s still not looking at me. I smile and look up at the ceiling. ***Zayn’s POV*** I look over at Kasim and see her smile. I don’t know what’s going on in her head, but I know she’s in pain. Why can’t she just tell me what’s going on? Can’t she tell that I care? I watch as her eyes start to close. She always looks like she is tough and can take on the world but when she’s like this she looks fragile and scared. I slowly take out my sketch book and a pencil. I wonder what she’d say if she saw my book. I look down and open it to the first page. It’s a picture of her sitting on a swing. I drew this one day when we were waiting for Natalie to finish school. I flip through the pages. Every page is filled with pictures of her. I sigh and close the book. I look back at her and see that she’s fallen asleep. I lean over and touch her hand. “Kasim… I-I… I love you…” She smiles and rolls over. I knew she was still sleeping. But I wish she could have heard me. I really do love her. I wish I knew how she felt. I can’t stand when she’s with the football team. I know they only like her for her body. They would toss her aside if they knew what she is really like. Suddenly, the door opens. And a girl with long black hair enters. “Sky come on. Your sisters waiting downstairs with my...” she looks up and realizes she’s in the wrong room. “Oh, um sorry. I meant to go one room over I guess.” “It’s fine... I’m Zayn.” “McKenna, nice to meet you. Anyways I have to go so uh bye?” I laugh a little. “Bye.” “Yeah…” she walks back out the door and closes it. I look out the window towards the park and watch the kids and their families have a great time. They don’t even know the darkness in the world… if only Kasim didn’t have to know it either. “Mm, Zayn...” “I look over at Kasim and see her looking at me. “Oh, your awake hu?” “Mhmm.” I smile. “Do you need anything?” “I have to use the restroom.” “Alright I’ll wait here.” “Ok” She gets up and stops. “Where are my clothes?” “Oh, there in that bag over there.” “Oh... Who changed me?” “I think my mom did.” “Oh ok” she starts walking and stops again. “What is it now Kass?” “Where’s the bathroom?” she mumbles. “What?” “Where. Is. The. Bathroom?” “Oh, down the hall on the right. It’s the second room.” “Thank you.” She say’s then walks out of the room. ***Kasim’s POV*** I walk out of the rom into the empty hall and turn right. Ok so he said second door I stop at the door and push it open. I step in and quickly realize it’s not the right room. As I’m about to leave I hear slight crying. I step deeper in the room to see a boy with long brown hair sitting on a bed alone. “Hey, you ok?” He looks up and I could immediately tell that he was maybe 16. “Who are you?” “Oh sorry, I’m Kasim. I’m in the room two doors down.” “Hi, I’m Skylar.” “Nice to meet you, I’m sorry for coming in here. I was trying to find the bathroom but then heard you crying. What’s wrong?” “It’s nothing, at least nothing you would understand.” “Test me I understand a lot more than most people.” “Ok, I have a younger sister and my mom has a drinking problem… when she drinks, she gets mad extremely fast and tends to get violent. She start’s yelling at my sister who doesn’t get it cause she’s so young and then when she starts crying my mom goes to hurt her and I step in and she ends up beating me.” “Damn…” “Yeah…” “I kind of get it though... you can’t do anything about it or talk to anyone because they won’t believe you and once you find that one person who does they don’t really understand why you don’t talk to someone about it.” “Yeah that’s exactly it.” He say’s kind of shocked. “How did you?” “My dad beat’s me and so does my brother…” “Oh… is that why you’re here?” “Ha-ha, yeah. I guess you could say that.” “Skylar!” I turn around to see a girl with dark hair standing there. “What McKenna?” “Why are you talking to a stranger?” she says looking at me. “She isn’t a Stranger, at least not anymore.” He says with a bored tone. She continues to stare at me. “wait you’re the girl from the restaurant!” “Guilty.” I say. “Why are you here?” “Sorry, I should leave…” I say sensing the tense atmosphere. “Wait!” “What?” “Take this.” I grab the piece of paper to see a sequence of numbers written down. “It’s my number. I hope we can talk more.” “Maybe kid, maybe.” I say as I walk out of the room. I look down the hall and see the bathroom. I make my way over while I hear footsteps fallowing behind me. A few more steps and I’m clear. “Wait!” I stop and turn around. Mckenna is standing there with a hand on her hip. “what is it?” I ask. I could easily escape into the bathroom but that would be rude. I should probably hear what she has to say. “What did you and sky talk about?” “not much really.” “Your lying.” She says as she narrows her eyes at me. “honestly, we didn’t talk for long, I was trying to get to the bathroom when I heard crying. So, I asked him what was wrong.” “what did he say?” “nothing.” I don’t feel right telling her its not really her business anyways. “stop lying, you obviously made an impression on him for him to give his number to a stranger.” “I just told him if he needed to talk, I was available.” “Bullshit! Why would you care?” “Because maybe I get it?” “What?” “Nothing, I really need to go to the bathroom if you’ll excuse me.” I say. I can’t believe I almost revealed my secret to a stranger! I need to be more careful. “fine.” She says and walks back towards Skylar’s room. I wonder why she’s so defensive over him. Oh well not really my problem to worry about. I walk into the bathroom and glance at my reflection in the mirror. God, I hate hospital gowns they are so unbecoming. I quickly lock the door and begin to change. As I remove the hospital gown I stare at my bare body. My clear skin is covered in every stage of bruising. My jaw looks dark and it makes me feel disgusting. How could I ever see myself as being beautiful? I look hideous. I mean I know I didn’t deserve what happened at work, and there is no use hiding this one its too visible. If anyone asks, I’ll just say a customer at work had one to many and got out of hand.  No one needs to know how bad it gets or that this is a common occurrence in my life. That being said, I need to talk to Hunter and make sure he doesn’t talk. I’ll also need to come up with a cover story to tell hunter about Kyle. I’m sure Kyle must have said something to hunter. I know hunter will have questions for me and I’m not ready to answer them. I quickly get dressed and head back to my room.
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