Chapter 2

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The rest of the day goes by in a rush and now school is over, and I'm left alone leaning against the wall. My left hand on my hip and in my right hand I hold a cigarette. I stood with my back against the wall watching as practically every girl in the school flirted with Zayn. I could see that he wasn't paying any attention to them since his eyes were on me, but I couldn't help but get mad. Those girls do everything in their power just to irritate me. Usually it doesn't work but it's times like these where they get under my skin. Those girls flirt and try their hardest to piss me off and if they keep it up it just might work. I have been through hell and back and through all of that I only have one weakness... Zayn. Zayn and I have been best friends since we were kids. We did everything together, told each other everything… there were no secrets between us. As we grew older things began to change. We don't hangout as much and it felt like he was hiding something from me. I'm not positive if that’s the case but I can’t help but wonder. I just want to protect him from those girls, there trouble. I wouldn't be able to handle it if he got his heart broken by one of those snobs. I stood up straight and walked towards and empty picnic bench, my hips swaying from side to side as my stiletto heels clicked against the pavement with each step. As I approached the bench, I could feel their eyes on me. I could tell they hated me with a passion, I don’t blame them because they all knew what I was up to. I took a drag from my smoke and sat on the top of the table in the sun. I looked over at Zayn and saw his expression change. Soon enough I was surrounded by men. All the guys on the football team sat with me like always. I could feel how angry Zayn was but that wouldn't change my intentions. I want him to feel what I go through every time he’s with those plastic snobby hypocrites. This team treats me like I’m their younger sister every single one of these guys treat me with respect. If I were in any trouble, they would be there in a heartbeat, but Zayn doesn't get that. He thinks these guys just hang out with me because they want my body. Even if that’s true they wouldn't be able to touch me without getting hurt. They know very well that I can handle myself.  I may be small and dress like one of those prissy girls, but I know how to beat the crap out of someone larger than me. I mean the bigger they are the harder they fall right? “Hey Kasim, could we talk?” I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize Zayn walked up to us. I went to say something in return but one of the guys on my right answered for me. “What do you want Zayn? Haven’t you caused enough damage?” “I just want to talk to Kasim alone… is that okay with you Hunter?” Zayn said with a sad smile. “Not going to happen!” Hunter said while he stood up. Hunter was tall and buff while Zayn was tall and a little scrawny. If those two got into a fight I would be the only one to blame. But I’m sure hunter would win. He’s one of the strongest guys on the team. I sighed and took another drag from my cigarette. “It’s ok Hunter, Zayn won’t hurt me. He just wants to talk…” “Kass…” “I said it was fine!” I snapped. I have a noticeably short temper and I’m normally incredibly good at controlling it. But when it comes to someone trying to stop me from talking to Zayn, I just lose it. I don’t understand why but I’ve always been like this. Zayn has been there watching my back since we were kids and to have someone try to stop him from doing that, it bugs the hell out of me. “Yeah, she said it was going to be alright.” Another one chimed in. “If I needed an echo Tony, I would have said so.” I said. “Kasim, Careful with what you say… It could end up getting you into trouble.” Zayn said. “Whatever…” I stood up and walked towards Zayn. “Bye guys!” I say with a flirtatious tone. “See you later Kass!” they all yelled back. Together Zayn and I walked away from the guys and towards the exit of the school yard. Zayn tended to speak up about what’s on his mind. He also knew when I needed him and when I wanted to be left alone. He was always there watching out for me, making sure my real brother Kyle didn't do anything stupid while we are at school. But that’s what best friends are for right? “Why were you with those stupid jocks?” Zayn said breaking the awkward yet comfortable silence. “They aren't stupid Zayn…” “That still doesn't answer my question Kasim, why were you hanging out with those guys?” “Does that really matter to you?” “Yes! Why else would I ask?” “Fine... I hang out with them because they care. It may not appear to be that way to you but its true. They also make me feel special not like some piece of s**t like everyone else does! They make me feel beautiful and not like some creep who gets raped by her father and brother when she gets ready for bed. You know they may not know the truth about me but at least they show some interest in me. They are good people Zayn you may not want to believe it, but they are!” “Kasim come on you have me; I think you’re beautiful and special. Yes, you have some serious baggage but that’s not your fault!” “How isn’t it my fault? What the hell do you know? I just sat there watching as my father brutally beat my mother to death! This is all my fault! I knew something wasn’t right when he came home that night and yet I did nothing!” “Kasim wait… it’s not your fault you were only a kid! And that’s not what I was trying to get at and you know it! I just don’t think you deserve this!” “You know, I may not deserve it to this extent, but I think I do deserve some form of punishment!” “No, you don’t Kass!” “Zayn just drop it ok?!” “Fine... so when you’re with hunter and his crew why are you always staring at me like you want to kill me?” “Because I don’t like all the girls hanging around you!” “Why? Why does it bug you so much?” “I've seen what they do to guys like you Zayn. They treat you like you are everything then they throw you away.” I say. “I’d know I've talked to people. I've tried being there friends, talking to them. But they will always be that way.” “So what? You don’t want me hanging out with them? Fine I won’t talk to them. I’ll just sit alone and watch as you flirt with the entire football team. That sound better to you kass?” “No Zayn that’s not what I meant! God why do you make everything so f*****g difficult?” “Then what am I going to do Kasim? How in hells name am I going to make you happy hu? I’m sick of playing these games!” “You know what forget it! I've got to go anyways…” I say as I start walking away. “Kasim, wait… I didn't mean it like that.” “Whatever, I have to head off to work anyways.” “Wait... You’re working tonight? Till when?” “Yeah, I’m working tonight 5 till 10.” “Would you like me to watch your back?” “Ha-ha, I’m not working there I’m at the restaurant tonight.” “Do you still want me to watch your back?” “Only if you really want to.” “Ok, we’ll see.” I sat down next to the wall and sighed. I've been so stressed and irritated that I haven’t had the chance to take a break. I’m so tired from working last night that I was barely able to get up this morning to go to school. Sometimes I wish my life were normal or at least not as crazy as it is now. I looked up at Zayn, but he was looking off into the distance with a grim expression on his face. I could tell something was bugging him, but I couldn't see what it was. “Are you ok Zayn?” “Yeah what about you?” “I’m fine, why?” “They did it again, didn't they?” “Yeah… How did you know?” Zayne looks down and shakes his head. “I saw a healing cut and a new bruise on your side. Your shirt lifted up a little.” I look down and she my shirt sitting just above a bruise. “f**k!” I pull my shirt down. As I do my hand hits the fresh bruise and I can’t help but wince in pain. “Didn't you have your pocketknife with you?” “It wasn't in reach…” “Damn it! If only I knew, I would have been there in a flash!” Zayn said getting even more upset. “They don’t deserve to have you in that damn house!” “I know Zayn, but you need to calm down. You shouldn't have to worry about me. Whatever you do don’t get involved.” “Are you serious Kasim? Do you expect me to sit back and watch you get abused every day? You want me to stay here and keep quiet even though I know something’s wrong? I can’t do that! I won’t just sit on the sidelines while I know you’re in pain.” “I know, but I can’t let you do anything.” I say as I begin to cry. He’s right; this isn't a healthy lifestyle for me. But I can’t let him get involved because he would get hurt. Hell, he could even wind up dead if he tried to help me. I know how hard my father hits. Zayn doesn't deserve to have to feel that pain, my pain. I deserve what I get. I sat back and watched my father beat my mother to death right in front of me. I should have done something to try and save her, but I didn't! I just sat there. This is my punishment for that mistake. I take a deep breath and continue. “Well Zayn, I can take care of myself; you of all people should know that!” “I know that, trust me. But I can’t help it. I worry every night after I drop you off at your house. I wouldn't be able to live if I ended up getting news from the police that you were beaten to death!” “Stop it, just stop it ok?” I screamed at Zayn Fresh hot tears run down my face. “It’s true Kasim. I’m sorry if it bugs you so much but it’s true.” “I’m not dealing with this right now! I have to go to work in a few minutes and I really don’t want to be in a bad mood.” I say as I light up another cigarette. “Kasim wait.” “I need to leave now; I don’t want to be late.” “I’ll drive you; we need to finish this conversation.” “I’ll walk thank you.” I stand up and start walking away. “Kasim come on. Talk to me…” “No, I have to go, and I really don’t want to talk about this.” I walk away from Zayn. He really doesn't know when to take a hint and shut up. I can’t believe we ended up talking about my terrible personal life in public. I mean we’ve talked about it outside of our houses but never here. What if someone found out? I’d be ruined. Nobody understands what it’s like to be abused everyday by your father and older brother. I always thought family was supposed to protect each other not beat each other till we bleed. I cry myself to sleep every night in fear that I won’t wake up in the morning. And with Zayn saying all that it just made me realize that I’m not as tough as I wish I was. I need to get help but no one will help me. I’d ask Zayn but he’d just get hurt. If I told the guys, they wouldn't believe me. I have nobody to turn to and it scares the hell out of me. I’d turn to the cops but what good would that do my dad would just deny everything and they would believe him. I live in a world where I’ll never be safe! I take a drag from my cigarette and wipe my tears. If I walked into work crying my boss would not be pleased. I just have to fake a smile and tough it out Just like every other day. I walked into the restaurant, said hello to all my fellow staff members and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and my green eyes were red and puffy. I could tell that I was crying, and I hate it. I turned away from the mirror and headed for a stall. I opened my bag and took out my uniform. I started taking off my shirt while replacing it with my white blouse. Then changing into my black work pants. I changed my shoes and walked out of the stall. I set my bag on the floor and tied my hair back into a ponytail. I grabbed my apron and tied it around my waist. I tied it a looser than normal because of all my cuts and bruises.  I honestly can’t recognize myself when I’m dressed like this. I look smart and beautiful. I grabbed my note pad and pen from my bag and left the washroom. I headed into the back, hung my bag onto a hanger, and walked over to the hostess stand to greet the new customers. I stood there for a couple minutes waiting for someone to come in. After a good five minutes two young girls probably around my age walked through the doors. One of the women had black hair while the other was a blonde. They were both beautiful, they were probably just like all the others; rich and snobby. “Hello, how are you today?” “We are actually doing really great!” “I’m glad to hear.” I say with my typical fake smile. “Is it for two today?” “Yeah.” “Alright, so if you just fallow me, I will show you to your table.” “Thanks a bunch.” I lead the girls towards a table and place a menu down. “Is here alright?” “It’s perfect!” “So, my name is Kasim and I will be your waitress today.” “Hello, I’m McKenna and this lovely lady is Abby.” The blonde girl waves and gives a shy smile. “Hi.” Suddenly, I see Kyle walk through the front doors. “What could I get you two lovely ladies to drink?” “I’d like a water please.” McKenna says. “Milk if that’s ok?” Abby answers quietly. “Alright so one milk and one water?” “Yes.” “Thank you.” “It’s no problem at all.” I walk to the kitchen as quickly as possible and get their drink order filled. I take a moment to collect myself before I exit and hand them their drinks. So far, they aren't as bad as I thought. I walk out and see Kyle hanging around their table. It’s obvious that the girls are displeased with him. I don’t blame them; he is very annoying. “Hello again, here are your drinks is there anything else I can get you?” “Um, yes actually. Could you make this man leave us alone he’s kind of ruining our date?” “Of course. Excuse me sir but could you please leave these two women alone? If you were looking for a place to sit and eat, I would be happy to show you to a table.” I say keeping my composer. “Excuse me Kasim? Did you just tell me to leave?” “I’m sorry sir, you must have misunderstood me. I would really appreciate it if you could leave these two women alone, I would also be glad to show you to a table.” “Why don’t you just leave us be Kasim?” “Please sir, if you don't leave these girls alone, I will have to get my manager.” At this point in time I could see Kyle getting angrier by the second. I hate being in this kind of a situation in public. I’m not sure what Kyle is capable of doing right now. “I’m not leaving. And if you ask me to one more time, you’re going to regret it.” “I’m sorry sir but I’m going to have to get my manager.” I began to walk to the back of the restaurant to get a manager when Kyle’s words hit me. “You’re not going to do anything.” I turned around only to see Kyle lifting his hand. I tried to get away, but he hit me directly in the jaw. I fell into McKenna and Abby’s table. The entire restaurant went silent. And all eyes were on us. I wanted to cry and scream but I couldn't. If I did, I would end up losing control of myself for the third time today. As I started getting up the restaurant doors opened. Hunter and Zayn walked in and sensed the tension. Zayn’s eyes look directly at me and he noticed Kyle standing a few feet in front of me. “Kasim!” I could hear Zayn’s voice, but it seemed very faint. “Kyle, what the hell happened?” Another voice asked I couldn't exactly place it but if I guessed I’d say it was Hunter. Soon the manager entered and from what I heard kicked Kyle out and forbade him form coming here again. I pulled myself from the table and almost began to lose my balance. I quickly grabbed the table, but my grip was weak. I fell to the floor and everything started to disappear, and I could barely hear. It all seemed surreal to me. But I knew for a fact that I was beginning to lose consciousness. I could feel someone supporting my head and brushing my hair from my face. “It’s okay Kasim, I got you.” The voice seemed so quiet and far away. “Don’t worry everything will be ok, I’m here now. You’re safe.” The voice was so calming and reassuring. I lost consciousness not too long after.
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