Chapter 4

1411 Words
I walk into the room and see Zayn sitting by the window. He is focused on his sketchbook and I can’t help but smile to myself. I stand by the doorway content with watching him work. Every one of his movements seem so precise and practiced. I know how good he is, and I can’t wait till he becomes a licensed tattoo artist. I want my body covered in his original work. He let’s out a frustrated sigh and runs his hand through his long hair. His muscles flex with each movement and my breath catches, he is absolutely gorgeous. “Hey.” I say softly. “There you are.” He smiles up at me. “Took you long enough!” I walk further into the room as he closes his sketch book.   “Sorry went into the wrong room.” “How awkward was that?” “A bit. It was a young kid.”   “Like Kat or older?” “He was maybe 16.” “Damn.” “Yeah, has a hard home life. He gave me his number so we could talk. I think he did it cause he understands that I get it.” “You told him?” “In so many words.” “That’s a risky move Kas.” “I know, but he was protecting his little sister and I want to help him anyway I can. If that’s just listening to his problem than so be it.”   “You’re a good person Kasim.” “Don’t tell anyone I have a reputation to uphold.”   He laughs and I can’t help but laugh too.   “No one would ever believe me!” “That’s right.” I say flashing him a huge smile.   He chuckles and get’s up from his spot by the window. I make my way towards the hospital bed and take a seat. It doesn’t take long for Zayn to take a seat beside me. “What are you thinking about Kas?”   “It’s nothing.” I sigh. Of course, he can tell something’s wrong, he’s my best friend for f**k sakes. If he couldn’t pick up on it, I’d be worried.   “Come on Kass, I know you better than that. Something is eating away at you and I want to know what so I can help fix it.” “I just” I sigh “what will hunter say? What if word gets out that my brother attacked me at work? What if Kyle convinced him of some bullshit? How can I show my face at school again to the guys?”   “Who cares what the meathead thinks? Nothing will be mentioned about that asshole, you have my word. And as much as I hate Hunter, he won’t believe any story Kyle tries to weave. School will continue as normal and you will still be the most feared b***h in that place.”   I chuckle softly at the thought. “Ok I’ll take your word for it… but if anything goes sideways there will be hell to pay!”   “Damn right!”   I feel myself grin at the thought of Zayn and I kicking the ass of anyone who dares say anything about me, about us.   “There’s that smile I’ve missed!” I laugh “Please, it’s not like I don’t smile.” He just laughs. I look up when I hear the room door open slightly.   “Knock knock!”   “Kitty Kat!”   I watch as Zayn’s little sister laughs and runs up to us throwing her arms around me giving me a big hug. “Kas, I’ve missed you!” “I’ve missed you to honey, how are you?”   “I’m good!” “That’s good to hear!” “Mommy told me to come get you guys, she said we are having a sleep over!” “That’s right Kitty Kat, I’m going to be staying the night.” “Does that mean we get to stay up and watch movies and eat popcorn?” I laugh at her enthusiasm while I play with her hair.   “Kat, we can’t stay up late and watch movies it’s a school night.” Zayn chimes in.   “You’re just saying that so you can keep Kas all to your self!” “Kat…” “I want to play with her to! She’s my friend too!” “I know kat and you will play with her, but we can’t stay up all night.”   “I’m gonna ask mom and I know she will say we can!” “Kathrine,” “I’m gonna do it and you can’t stop me!” I watch as she places her hands on her tiny hips in mock defense. “Come on Kas lets go home! You can share my room!”   Kat grabs my hand and starts pulling me out of the room. I hear Zayn sigh and turn to look back at him. I watch as he pick up my bag and makes sure that nothing of mine was forgotten before rushing out and trying to catch up. When we finally reach the front desk to have me released, I spot Zayn’s mom talking with a doctor who looks overly concerned if not out right mad. We slowly make our approach when I stop hearing exactly what they are talking about. “Carolyn, you can’t keep hiding her away, something needs to be done about this!” “I know, I’ve been trying but he is too smart for his own good! I’ve been protecting her ever since it started, she’s a strong girl and I know I can help her!” “We need to tell somebody!” “We have Harold, and he finds a way to get out of it every time! Now do as I ask and don’t go to anyone about this, if I hear any word of this leave this hospital you will have hell to pay!” “Carolyn!”   “I mean it! It’s for everyone’s sake!”   “Fine, I’ll get rid of the record and speak to no one about this.”   “Thank you.”   I stay there frozen in place, I really do have to thank her for everything she has done for me, this shouldn’t be any of her concern, she has three kids of her own and shouldn’t have to worry about me. I let go of Kat’s hand and turn towards Zayn.   “I'm going to wait outside I need a bit of air.” I say quickly as I make my way out the hospital doors and towards their car. At least this way I can have a smoke and calm down.   I reach into my pocket and pull out my pack of smokes and my lighter. I place the cigarette into my mouth and light it up. I inhale and close my eyes, letting my stress drain away with the smoke I release. I wish I wasn’t such a Burden to them. I mean I appreciate everything they do and love them like they were my own family but they should not have to deal with my problems. Especially when it comes to the a*shole of a father I have.   I take another drag from my cigarette and release the smoke with a light sigh. I open my eyes and stare at the reddish sky. Looks like I spent most of the day in that hospital room. I can’t wait to relax. Just play pretend, act like I’m normal, like I am part of their family. Even if it’s only for a few hours before have to go back to hell. Back to them… if only I was free.
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