
1343 Words
"Oh my God!" Natalie turns to a very familiar voice. She breathes out a sigh of relief, finally glad to have someone who will not be eyeing her with weird eyes. Ever since she stepped out of Brendan's car this morning she swears everyone has been behaving funny around her. Everyone is still whispering about her, the only difference being that they are making sure she doesn't hear a thing. The whole thing with Brendan was weird too. Everyone around them was behaving like something important was going on but she didn't really care because all she wanted was for him to let her go. Which he did much later than she would have liked. She frowns at Ava though. Her best friend loudly squeals while she runs towards her making Natalie look at her confused. There is a wide grin plastered on Ava's face and she looks too excited, much to her confusion. It's only been a few hours since they have been apart and Natalie wonders what could have happened in that time to get her this excited. Without a word, Ava gives her a tight hug. And after the day Natalie has had, she melts right into it. She loves the warmth it gives her. She almost feels like letting out a few sobs. "Oh my God Nat, I just heard." Ava squeals again and Natalie wonders what she is talking about. "What are you talking about? And where have you been?" Natalie asks when Ava finally lets her go. "Well I only got here right before my first class, so I couldn't look for you." She replies almost running out of breath. "But enough about me, I want to hear all about you." "Me?" Natalie looks at her surprised. "Not just you, but precisely you and Brendan. You know the hot dude with eyes on you." Ava replies, her eyes shining with excitement. "There is nothing to tell." Natalie replies. Just the mention of his name is enough to get her mood all sour. If it wasn't for him her life would have been just the way she likes it...quiet. with only her own personal struggles that in her opinion deserve her undivided attention. "What do you mean nothing?" Ava looks at her seriously making her frown. "I mean nothing." She shrugs her shoulders. Ava just looks at her thoughtfully before grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the hallway. "Ava!" Natalie calls but Ava just keeps walking with her in tow. They end up on the roof top and Ava lets go of her hand the moment they do. "What's up with you? And what are we here for?" Natalie asks but all Ava does is look around the place like she wanted to make sure they are alone. "Hey what's going on with you? Are you ok?" Ava's weird behaviour makes Natalie think she is missing something, and it's definitely something major. "How much do you know about the Elites and their traditions? Ava looks at her seriously. "Why is everyone asking me that today?" She frowns. "Everyone? What do you mean everyone?" Ava's eyes widen. "Well, it's not exactly everyone. Just Brendan. He asked the same thing when we were coming this morning." "And your answer was?" Ava looks at her thoughtfully. "The same thing I'm about to tell you." "I don't care about whatever that thing is or whoever is a part of it." She replies with arms folded. " he did know what he was doing." Ava appears thoughtful. "Anyhow here is your quick lesson about your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." "Whatever." Ava retorts. "The shortest version is this. There is a hierarchy and as you know the elites are at the top of the food chain." Natalie rolls her eyes at that. "Anyway, the king a.k.a yours truly being the topmost gets to have any girl of his choosing. And if he wants to have her all to himself as a forever thing or until he wants out he can claim her." "But as far as I know, this is the first time he is using it. And too early in the year if you ask me." Ava looks at Natalie expectantly as if whatever she just narrated is supposed to make any sense. "What are you saying?" Natalie gets the feeling she is still missing something. "Well…how shall I say this?" Ava bites her lips nervously. "Damn it Ava, don't keep me hanging here." Natalie says impatiently. "How much do you like or hate him?" Ava looks at her a little too serious. "Him, who?" "Brendan of course." Ava replies. "What has that got to do with anything?" Natalie asks while her heart flutters at Ava's question. "Everything.. because as of now you are his girl, his queen to be precise. You at least know that he is the king right?" "What?!" Natalie laughs out loud. "What kind of crazy gabbage is that?" She gives Ava a pointed look. "Nat…" Ava comes closer and takes her hands in hers. She frowns when she notices how serious Ava appears. "I know you don't believe in all this crazy stuff about the elites, about Brendan and what he is all about. But that just makes you one of the few, if not the only one." Ava still has her serious look on and it makes Natalie start paying attention eventually. "Brendan just claimed you as his." Ava smiles at her. "And there is a reason he did it in front of everyone. So everyone will know and by everyone I mean everyone. Here at Blackwood high and beyond. Meaning you can't date any other person or more importantly you are off limits to every other guy unless they are willing to face off with Brendan which is unlikely." "It doesn't matter if you believe it, only that everyone else believes and lives by it." Ava looks at her apologetically. "It's like some weird code of conduct." Ava adds while she lets out a chuckle. "You too?" Natalie can't help but ask. She regards Ava with curiosity. And when her friend just nods, she face palms herself. She knew she should have been paying attention when Ava would blab about all that stuff. "You are all crazy." Natalie says after a moment. "It's called high school." Ava retorts. Natalie just looks at her before bolting. "Hey where are you going Nat?" "I'm no one's girl and he'll have to confess that to his minions even if I have to beat it out of him." Natalie shouts back but she stops when she realizes that she has no idea were to find him. She turns around to face Ava and she catches her looking her way amused. "Why do I get the feeling this makes you happy?" Natalie gives Ava a pointed look. "Because I totally am." Ava squeals. "In my opinion he couldn't have made a better choice." Ava hugs her one more time. "You are crazy if you think I will just sit around while I let all of this happen." Natalie says when she pulls back. "You are even more crazy if you think Brendan will let you go just like that." Ava replies, a huge grin plastered on her face. "Watch me." She walks away from Ava without bothering to ask for Brendan's location. She has a better idea. She reaches for her phone and dials his line. "My queen." He picks up on the first ring and her heart hammers in her chest at being referred to as his queen. "Focus Natalie." She swallows hard before composing herself. "Where are you? I need to see you." She barks at him this time. "Why, you missed me already?" "Just...Where are you?" She shouts out of frustration. "I can't tell you that." "Brendan!" She stomps her feet in anger. She hates how he is toying with her. "Later babe." The line cuts and she is left glaring at her phone. "Did he just hung up on me?"
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