One More Time

1625 Words
"Let me go!"  Brendan just smirks at her yet again. No amount of threats will work with him, but he's got to hand it to her for still trying. He focuses back on the road after their latest squabble. She is still fuming and if looks could kill, he would be a goner by now. A subtle smile crosses his lips when he remembers the shock on her face the moment he had her off her feet and in his arns. He didn't really need to resort to that, but when he saw her approach his car with those clenched fists and eyes screaming murder, he knew that was the only way she was riding with him today. The whole ordeal feels so exhilarating to him and the adrenalin rush has left him feeling weirdly happy.  The fury in her eyes is the most exciting thing he has experienced yet and as much as he hates doing this to her, he can't deny the rush he is getting from it.  Just the way those eyes are blazing with fury is enough to give him a sweet blood rush that feels a lot like a drug. Makes the chase worthwhile. "You know I don't bite." He says when he notices that even today she wants to be as far away from him as possible. "And I don't care." She hisses making him smile in return. She is like a vicious tiger eyeing her rival that is blocking her path and she has made sure to fight him the entire way. And surprisingly he has loved every part of it. Even when she seemed like she was about to bite his head off. He looks at her and finds her clenching and unclenching her fists and for a moment he thinks she might just let him have a taste of her knuckles. Just the thought makes him flinch. He may be enjoying all this, but that is one taste he is not ready to have. "Will you relax Nat?" He smirks when he sees her eyes widen after he calls her Nat. He must say, he loves how it rolls off his tongue too. "Don't call me that." She finally huffs after a moment of silence and he just laughs. Now she just looks and sounds cute. "And why not?" He asks, amused. "Just don't." She hisses.  "Okay. What do I call you then?" He complains playfully. "Just leave me alone Brendan." She says quietly this time. And of all the things, he loves how his name sounds from her lips. Those beautiful lips of hers that have his head spinning everytime he thinks about the kiss they shared or more like stole. And if he had a way he would ask her to say it one more time.  "Just one more time." He holds on to his steering wheel tighter than necessary when sparks shoot down every part of him. He doesn't know how much of this he can take. Unconsciously his eyes land on her again and everything just gets worse. He is not one to lose control like this but something about her is making him do exactly that. Just one look is all its taken for his mind to spiral down deep in fantasy land. That's all it took for him to make the decision that led him to her house early bells, even though he knew she wasn't going to welcome him. He couldn't just wait until school to see her, so he decided to risk offering her a ride. Which she clearly said no to in not so many words. She just practically forced Ava to drive off the moment she saw him approaching her house. "So about last night." He begins. Hoping a change in topic might get her talking. He looks her way but she doesn't look even remotely interested. "How does she do that?" He mumbles to himself.  He still wonders how she remains unaffected by the stuff that happens between them. Just like last night. After spending time with her in the library he couldn't get her off his mind no matter how much he tried. And for some reason he thought she might be going through the same. But if his unanswered texts where anything to go by he would say no. Not even a call from him excited her instead it was him that wasn't so ready for how that call would affect him. "Natalie Brown." He smiles to himself. She is definitely a different breed of girl. He lets out a chuckle at that. He can't deny that since meeting her his days have definitely become more entertaining. Her presence is like a breath of fresh air and definitely a break he didn't even know he needed from the usual type of girl.  For once he thanks his father for driving him insane and ending up in her life. The sting of his father's words that day has totally dissipated only leaving him with something better. "The nerd for the king." He lets out a subtle chuckle. She's a different type of nerd too that keeps surprising him everytime he sees her. And everytime he looks at her, he can't help but wonder what lies beneath what he sees. It's the first time he has thought of any girl in that way. It's weird especially for him, but he is not interested in just the usual with her. The thought of having many different sides to her leaves him wanting to dive into discovering who Natalie Brown really is. He smiles when he thinks about what he has planned for her today. Its probably insane and so out of his character but he doesn't really care. It might even be a shocker to every one else.  "How much do you know about the elites?" Brendan looks at her, and from the way her lips tighten in a fraction of a second he knows its something she prefers not talking about. And as he suspected she remains quiet. "You could at least tell me you know their king." He earns himself a glare with his statement making him chuckle. Just her body language is enough for him to know what she is thinking. "Is that why you brought me here? To brag about your little pathetic kingdom. Is that it?" She sneers. "Oh, so you do know their king?" He's probably annoying but anything to get her talking. Even if its just a word of which he only ends up with her silence this time. "Brag about my kingdom? Not exactly." He replies, a little amused about her brutal view of his world.  "Then what?" She growls impatiently. "To apologise for kissing you." He says grinning to which she just scoffs.  "You already did that. Now can you drop me off?" She says calmly.  "Now tell me why would I do that?" He lets out a chuckle.  "Because this...this is a kidnapping." She huffs and Brendan just laughs out loud.  "You are cute." She just rolls her eyes to that and he surprisingly loves it. So different from the many girls that would hang on to his every word. They stay in awkward silence with him lost in thought about her.  Before long Blackwood high comes into view and he can't help but smile to himself. His little pathetic kingdom according to her is ready to welcome him. She on the other hand is oblivious to what is happening exactly. As far as she knows it is just a ride which he forced on her. He comes round to his parking spot and the moment he stops she gets ready to jump out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Brendan looks at her with a smile when her hand goes to open her car door. And she just glares at him in return. A raging fire crosses her eyes daring him to stop her and he just raises his hands up in surrender before nodding in a particular direction. Just as he suspected she is still oblivious to what is going on judging by the frown on her delicate face. He was counting on it. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to do what he is about to do. A huge smile crosses his lips as he sees everything falling into place. And before she knows it he jumps out of his car and goes round to her side and opens the door for her. Her eyes go wide when he does that and they dart between his face and the hand he is holding out to her. A crowd has already gathered around them just as he expected and he can hear clicks of their cameras.  "Are you just going to leave me hanging here my queen?" He says it a little too loudly and gasps erupt from everyone surrounding them. She however just glares at him and once again he feels the familiar tingles that make him go weak in the knees. "Stop tempting me love." He says just loud enough for her to hear. "And I suggest you come with me before I kiss you right here right now." He whispers so close to her making everyone else think something else is going on. And when she just pushes him back and reveals her flushed self, the crowd around them goes wild. And when she takes hold of his hand it seals it for him. Such a simple gesture and yet it she has sealed her fate with  it. "Oh my God!" "Did he choose?" "I'm dying here!" "Why her?! She's not even all that." Brendan smirks when all the damsels let out their frustrations. "Welcome to my world Natalie Brown."
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