Going Crazy

1638 Words
"I'd hate to be that salad right about now."  Natalie pauses and looks at her plate. It is filled up with mashed up fruit, one would not believe had real pieces of fruit before. It seems her murderous thoughts drove her to commit a fruity murder of her salad with her folk as the murder weapon. She shoves it away from her while she sighs loudly.  It seems her absent mindedness is getting worse with each day or should she say his absence is driving her totally crazy. It has already been two weeks since he claimed her and since he has fallen off the face of the earth. Sounds a bit extreme but that's the only way to describe his sudden disappearance.  She didn't even get a chance to tell him to cancel this whole weird claiming thing. And now she is stuck with no clue of how to get out of it. The whole thing has left her feeling so frustrated and angry. She really needs to be set free from this claiming business, and if he doesn't show up soon she'll definitely end up going crazy. She sighs again when she thinks of what she has to endure because of it. It was a shocker to discover that everything Ava told her about the elite tradition was true. It's one weird world to her and she wants no part of it. If only the jerk would show his face and set her free. "You might as well confess to the poor salad what's got your pants in a twist." Her father looks at her amused. "If I do ever end up in jail, please promise me that you'll visit me." She says with a pout. "Whatever he did, I hope he apologises. And soon." Her father lets out a throaty chuckle as he walks round her chair on his way to put his mug in the sink. "He?" Natalie looks at him confused.  "It doesn't take a genius to see boy trouble written all over your face sweety." Her father smirks at her.  "It...it's not what you think." She stumbles over her words as she looks back on her plate.  "Is it that obvious?" "Yes it is." Her father's amused voice makes her look up. "Did I just say that out loud?" She feels blood rush to her face. "Loud and clear." Her father walks over and sits right in front of her and she groans. "You seem to be doing that a lot lately. So what is it?" He regards her with concern. "I'm not asking for advice." She eyes him with hooded eyes. "But I'm giving it anyway. It's my job." He smirks at her.   "Please….spare me." She groans as she drops her head on the kitchen table. She wonders if she is just easy to read or her father is just good at reading her. Nothing seems to escape him, especially if it's anything to do with her. And she really doesn't feel like talking about Brendan to her dad. "Does he know?"  Her father's question has her a little confused. "What? Who?" "This boy that you have been dreaming about stabbing in so many different ways." His grin widens.  "I have not." She protests but her father's eyes just drop to her plate with the mashed up fruit. "That is so not about him. I was just….Just…" "Just thinking of the perfect way to give it to him?" Her father sits back with arms folded and a raised brow. "N...no." She looks away in shame. He just hit the nail on the head. She can't even remember how many ways she thought of getting back at Brendan.  In those two weeks she has probably sent him to her imaginary E. R. a thousand times already. "Am not violent, am I?" "So does he know that he's got my daughter tapping into her dark side?" Her father looks at her amused.   "I don't have a dark side." She says with a pout. "Tell that to the salad." He retorts and Natalie just huffs. "So out with it." Her father urges her. "You wouldn't understand." She tries to look away but her father is not having it. "Try me." Her father regards her with curiosity.  She sighs before looking down on her plate. "Here goes nothing." "He kind of claimed me as his girl okay?"she looks up at him and finds him smiling.  "That's a good thing right." Her father asks. "And now nobody can date me unless he says so or breaks up with me. So I need him to unclaim me but he kind of disappeared and now it's driving me nuts." She says everything in one breath and finds her father looking at her confused. "Well?"  "You are right, I don't understand." "Would this be the same kiss thief?" Her father asks, a smile dancing on his lips. "Well..Yes." She answers hesitantly wondering how he made the right guess. "And now he is driving you crazy?"  She wonders why her dad finds all this amusing.  "Yes but…" "Are you sure you don't like have a thing for him?" Her dad gives her a pointed look. "Yes, well no...dad!" She exclaims when she realizes that like always he is just fishing for information. She also doesn't miss the little fluttering going on in her stomach. As much as she is upset with him a part of her just wants to see him too. "What? I need to know what I'm dealing with first." Her father replies, still amused and she just rolls her eyes.  I'm just gonna go to my room." She says before getting up. The parent daughter talk is not helping much and she figures a different approach might be needed. She decides to call someone else who she thinks might be of help or at least make her see reason or just plain dive into her misery with her. But before she can get to dialing Ava, her friend's head pops through her door and she squeals. She's definitely happy to have her here.  She goes to hug her friend while she feels a little emotional too. "Well I'm glad to see you too. Ava says while she laughs out loud. "So what's up." "Did you get anything?" Natalie asks impatiently.  "Well I couldn't get Nate to tell me anything new. But he assured me that your boyfriend will be back soon." "He's not my boyfriend. " "So you say." Ava  retorts.  "It's true." Natalie huffs before moving away from Ava. "How does this even work?" She falls back on her bed.  "I mean how is he allowed to ditch school for so many days?" She wonders while she looks up.  The starry night on the ceiling reminds her of him. She wonders if she really was keeping him up that night, or if he is even thinking about her now wherever he is. "Maybe I should take it down."  "Earth to Nat." She finds Ava snapping her fingers in her face. "I didn't realize it was this bad." Ava looks at her as her frown deepens.  "Huh...What is?" Natalie's looks at her confused. "You miss him." Ava says with a smile. "N….No I don't." She retorts. "You totally do. See yourself blush." Ava is grinning  "I am not…" Natalie defends herself  "Then why the sudden interest huh?" "I need him to unclaim me duh." "Where did he go again?" She looks at Ava questioningly. "Told you Nate's lips are sealed. But wherever it is, he needed to make sure you would be available when he came back."  "What's that supposed to mean?" Natalie  frowns at her best friend. "It means you better keep your fingers crossed because I have a feeling he won't grant you your wish." "He knew he was leaving and wanted to make sure no one touched his girl. Ooh this is so romantic." Ava exclaims and Natalie just rolls her eyes. "Like hell he won't." Natalie huffs but in her heart of hearts Ava's thoughts leave a little warmth. She suddenly can't wait to see him. Maybe Ava is right after all. "I'm so right?" Ava looks at her amused. "Did I say that out loud?" Natalie is sure she is red faced. "Yep." Ava chirps. "Argh...something is wrong with me." Natalie groans into her pillow. "And I have just the thing to cure you." Ava sounds excited and Natalie wonders what that thing is. "Let's party." Ava grabs at her in excitement. "It will totally get your mind off everything and you'll be good as new I promise." "Nope...You know I hate crowds." Natalie protests. "Please Nat, then do it for me." Ava looks at her pleading. "For you?" "Well yeah, we finally got an invite to like the coolest party Nat." Ava says dreamily. "We?" Natalie frowns. "Yes, you are invited too." She answers sheepishly. "I should have told you earlier but...Well I'm telling you now. So can we go pretty please?" Ava says quickly "And where is this cool party?" "Over at Nate's." Ava answers nervously. "But I promise Brendan is not going to be around. Let's have some fun please?" Ava holds on tightly as she pleads. "Alright geez. If you promise that he won't be there then maybe I can. Besides I think these walls might end up driving me nuts." Natalie eyes her familiar walls thoughtfully. "Yay! Now let's go." Ava drags her off the bed. "Why, did the party start already?" "No, dummy.. we are going shopping." Ava chirps. "We are?" "Oh yes babe. We definitely are. Wouldn't want us showing up looking like nuns." Natalie just rolls her eyes. She knows Ava will use anything and everything as an excuse to go shopping. 
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