Ride With Me

1531 Words
"Argh, not just yet." Natalie groans as her alarm goes off. The sound that usually makes her grit her teeth in irritation every morning, today sounds like one of those soft pieces of music meant to calm one's soul. She still feels very tired and is so not ready to leave the comfort her bed is offering her.  She buries her head in her soft pillow while she covers herself up in her very warm duvet. "God bless whoever invented this beautiful piece of furniture." She moans with pleasure as she turns from one side of the bed to the other. "I can't sleep...You are on my mind." All sleep disappears and she is wide awake when those words cross her mind. She wonders if it was just a dream or she imagined them. The sun's rays peeking through a gap in her curtains makes her blink and fall back on the bed. It's morning and she thinks her theory is correct. "Thank God it was all a dream….or maybe not." Her eyes widen when she unlocks her phone. "Sleep looks good on you. Good night or is it good morning?"  "He really did call me?" Bits and pieces about the moment just before she fell asleep flood her barely awake mind. "Brendan?" A smile tugs on her lips even though she doesn't get why.  "Sleep looks good on you." "Oh crap!" She jumps out of her bed and gets to her mirror in a flash. She is in panic mode when she remembers that it was actually a whole video call and wants to see what he saw. Which is a surprise for someone who doesn't care what he thinks. Her hair is in a mess as can be expected. Her eyes appear centuries older with those sagging bags under them because of her lack of sleep and she generally looks terrible. "How is this looking any good?" She blows a few locks of hair out of her face and just stands there wondering what it is about the person she is looking at that Brendan thinks looks good. "I guess he's blind too." She shrugs her shoulders before hitting the shower. It's the fastest way to get herself ready. "Will you be my best friend again?"  Natalie finds Ava outside their house door with a book in hand. "That depends on whether you intend to ditch me again." Natalie stands back with her arms folded. "It's your favourite author." Ava wiggles her eyebrows at her.  "Give me that." She grabs the book quickly from Ava's hand. Only Ava can use her weakness against her. "This is not an answer though." She waves the book back at Ava. "Does it matter that he is cute?" "Nope...but it will have to do." She pushes Ava right into the car when she notices a familiar sports car coming down the road.  "Wouldn't want us to be late. Step on it." "This is new." Ava grins. "I guess this is my green light to go as fast as I want." "Just... go." She pushes Ava before Brendan can reach them or before Ava spots him. "Way to go Nat." She smiles to herself as they drive away. Her victory is short lived though when her phone rings and Brendan's name flashes on her screen. "When did I save his number?" "Since when are you calling each other? No...scratch that, since when do you have the king's personal line?" Ava looks at Natalie's phone shocked. "King's personal line." Natalie rolls her eyes at Ava. She can be so dramatic at times.  "Give me that." Natalie tries to grab her phone but Ava moves it out of her reach. "Hello." Ava picks the call while she looks at Natalie with a huge smile. "Yeah sure. It's for you." Ava hands back her phone and Natalie takes it with a huff.  "What!" Natalie barks before turning to look at him from her window. She doesn't even know how he caught up so easily. "Ride with me.." His deep gruff voice makes blood rush to her face and she quickly looks away before she is caught blushing.  "No." She hangs up before he can say anything.  "What did he say?" Ava asks while her eyes remain on the road. "Nothing." Natalie replies. She knows Ava will gladly stop the car and push her to get into his. Or maybe she'll just ditch her again.  "You are blushing. It can't be nothing." She says matter of factly. "I am not." Natalie protests weakly.  "You totally are." Ava squeals so loudly Natalie feels her ear drum about to pop. "Did I miss something? Why are you running away from him? Did something happen?" Ava sounds too excited for her own good. "Nothing happened okay" she looks at Ava who seems distracted. "What is he doing?" Ava asks as she checks her rear view mirror.  Natalie just looks back trying to see what she is on about. She frowns when she sees nothing unusual except Brendan's car that is now about to overtake them. She sees him bring it just right by her side again and when their eyes meet he winks at her before smirking. "What is he doing?" Natalie looks at Ava but her friend is equally smirking. "You want a race? You got it.." Ava says with a wide green and Natalie is confused. "Let's see what you got pretty boy." Ava says before looking straight ahead and before Natalie can catch on what is going on, they are flying down the road. "Ava!" Natalie screams when they make a sharp turn that was just up ahead. "Oh please just relax and watch me beat your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend!" Natalie screams again while she holds on tight but Ava just bursts out laughing. "Not yet." Ava retorts. "What's that supposed to mean?" Natalie shouts as she closes her eyes afraid to see how fast they are going. "Are you that clueless Nat?" Ava bursts out in laughter again. "Oh crap!" Ava screams before slamming on the brakes and Natalie finds herself being thrust forward. For a moment she thinks she is about to die and a scream escapes her mouth too. The absence of a loud bang is the only thing that makes her sure they are not in any sort of accident.  "Where the hell did he come from?" Natalie opens her eyes slowly and finds Ava frowning at something. While her heart has leaped into her throat and she is shaking like a leaf, Ava seems to be just fine and more concerned on whatever she is looking at outside. "Are you crazy? I could've smashed into her." Ava shouts from her window and Natalie just turns to look at who she is shouting at.  Her eyes go wide when she finds Brendan's car packed right across in front of Ava's car. "He is definitely crazy." Natalie retorts.  "Crazy and fine." Her mind retorts.  "Shut up." She mumbles to herself.  "What was that?" Ava looks at her questioningly.  "Nothing." "Huh...You got a lot of nothing going on lately." Ava smirks at her and Natalie just rolls her eyes. "Let's just go. I think you've had enough fun for one day." "Yes mother." Ava replies before starting the car. "What the…" Ava's horn blares loudly making Natalie cover her ears. "Hey, what's that for?" Natalie exclaims. "For the jerk that just packed behind us." "Who?" Natalie turns around and finds another car parked behind them leaving them trapped. Ava honks again but whoever was in that car just comes out and sits on the hood of their car while they wave their keys in the air. A grin plastered on their face. "What is this?" Ava is now exasperated. She is no longer in her playful mood. "Ride with me."  Natalie jumps in her seat when Brendan speaks so close to her ear. She glares at him but he just smiles.  "Breathtaking smile." Her mind notes. "Shut up." She mumbles.  "What was that?" Brendan asks.  "No. I already said no." She replies, louder than he was. "She said no?" A guy she doesn't know asks surprised from behind Brendan "You said no?" Ava exclaims.  "Whose side are you on?" Natalie glares at a wide eyed Ava. "Suit yourself, I hope you are ready to join me in detention." Brendan replies while he walks away. "Why's that?" "Apparently being late or staying away from school gets you detention." Brendan looks back at her grinning. "And why would…" her words die down in her throat when she realizes what he means. "They won't move?" Ava looks at her shocked but Natalie is not having it. She gets out and marches to Brendan's car. Her feet stomping the tarred road as her frustration eats at her. She plans on giving him a peace of her mind but before she even reaches him, he meets her on the way and grabs hold of her hand.  "Hey what are you doing?" She glares at him. "Just ride with me Nat."  She is about to say no but the next moment has her screaming..
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