6 • Malva •

1285 Words
The Party is about to start, but I haven't even dressed up. Sitting down on my couch in my living room, looking ahead at the large frame picture of my mother seems to bring back all the memories. I couldn't do anything at all. Have you come to torture me, mother, because I couldn't find the cause of your death? I thought inwardly, but I had no reply. A sigh fell off my lips as I reached out for yet another cigarette. I have exhausted a pack already, but still, I am not feeling any better. Truth to my father's words, at this time of the year I tend to be antsy and emotional. Was that why the new Rose in my territory had grown on me? Was that why I despised the fact that Mary had given up so quickly? These thoughts were still running in my mind when a knock came through to the door. I didn't bother to respond because I knew it was only a man who would dare knock on the door to The Jaws. The door opened a second later, and I perceived the scent of roses mixed with alcohol. " The party had begun Boss. You need to come out," Marco said from behind me, but I chose to ignore him. I took a puff from my cigarette before dropping it into the ashtray. " Boss ... " " Give me some moment, Marco, " I cut in curtly, but he disobeys. " The Roses are getting abused by the guests. I think your presence there will restore order " At the mention of this, I almost hiss aloud. Roses. That's The ladies who live in my territory. Without another hesitation, I rose from the couch I sat on and headed into my closet. The lady's well-being is my responsibility. Though I trusted Martina would do her very best to make sure No Roses faces any abuse, I know she stands no chance against the guests who have come to rejoice with us. I dressed up casually. Not overdoing anything at all. My black pants trousers and long sleeve T-shirt. I make it go with black polished boots. Then I raked my raven black wavy hair with my fingers and headed out without wasting any more seconds. After living in the fort for many years I have come to understand time is such a luxury. If I am late by just one minute a life might be taken. Just like in my mother's case. I walked out of the Jaws, and Marco followed me immediately, his closeness giving me a sense of support. As I walked past, I briefly glanced at the Roses home, where I am sure Mary would be, but no one was in sight. Probably they are in the long hall, at the party. All of a sudden, I stopped in my tracks when the realization slammed into me. Mary. She would be there, at the party, working now. Briskly, I made my way into the large Hall and burst in, attracting so many eyes and attention. The chattering voices from all angles came to an abrupt stop the moment I stepped into the long dining hall. It's a feast. Rich and different types of Italian dishes are on the long table before all the guests that sit around it. I allowed my eyes to roam about to see the Roses refilling the guest's glass cup and smiling at them. I didn't search through the crowd for Mary. I don't wish to see her. Somehow, I felt it was better not to lay eyes on her. " He is here " " Thank goodness Boss is here " I could hear the whispers from My Roses as I headed towards my reserved seat. The one beside my father and across Nero. Years ago, I wouldn't have dared sit there, but now I deserve much more than that. I bypassed Martina on my way and I saw her bow in respect. When I turn briefly to stare at her she whispers. " Sir Nero and the others keep Harassing the Roses " " After the round, take them back," I responded curtly and then lowered myself on the seat. At once, a drink was poured for me, but I only glanced down at it. Experience has taught me the hard way not to take anything without caution. " Oh, Malva is here " I Heard Nero says across me while displaying his teeth to my anger. " Brother, what took you so long? " " He is here now " The godfather replied for me. " Now that my two sons are here I would like to make a toast " A loud cheer came from the guests the moment my father held up the glass cup. " This is a toast for my woman, my love, who has been with me all through the bloody path of my life and given me her utmost support. To the godmother, Viola! " I watched as everyone drank from their glass, but I didn't budge. Instead, I take an interest in the wine before me; the color seems to turn bloody. I was lost in thought, and the chattering sounds and voices faded into the background, but then the sigh of disgust came through, forcing me to look up gently. That was when I saw her again after the incident that took place in the morning. Mary. She is in her Rose's dress, and her long black hair is packed up in a ponytail just like the other ladies. There she was before me, pouring one of the guests a drink, but the man couldn't keep his fingers still. I watched as they came up covering that of Mary's. The expression on her face was helpless and disgusted. She feels completely irritated but, as usual, unable to make her own decision. For some moments there I could almost feel the bitterness in her heart. " Let her go. She's not your slut. She is only here to serve a drink." My voice suddenly came out a bit loud, and again, it brought an absolute decorum to the large hall. Mary's green eyelids flutter up, and she looks straight at me in silence. That gaze again, steering my heart and making me set my jaw. " What in the hell did you just say? She isn't a slut? Of Course, she is. Just because you call them Roses doesn't mean they are one. They are a w***e and ... " Oh gosh. He keeps talking when he should have kept quiet. Even the dumbest person is aware of this fact. This guest must be new, I am sure, and he is acting too annoying for me to sit still and watch him molest my lady. In a blink of an eye, I picked up the fork in my plate and threw it at him. Expertly without missing any inch. The sharp edges struck him in the neck, just below the danger zone. He would live, but the memory of tonight would serve as a stark reminder never to repeat his mistake. The party comes to an abrupt end at my behavior. Though I know I'd pay for it, I feel not regretful. I don't know why but under the gaze of this sacred woman who is supposed to live her entire life a nun, I tend to find an absolute solace. The urge to protect her with everything I have is overwhelming, and the possessiveness I felt over her is also alarming. Why? Why does she have to come to my life at this point and disrupt it? Why?
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