5• Mary •

1762 Words
As I sat naked beside the lake, the water came down on me, washing away the blood and dirt from my hair and body. The cool droplets were soothing on my skin, but my mind seethed with turmoil. The memory of Malva, the illegitimate son of the Italian Mafia godfather, lingered, his wicked words echoing in my thoughts like a curse. His advice had been laced with malice, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach. He seems like an angel but yet a devil as well. I could feel he was hellbent on keeping me at arm's length. I could feel he was troubled by my presence. Do I irritate him that much? Do my tears make him mad? The answers to these questions remain a mystery, just as the enigmatic aura that swirls around him. " Oh my, why did you make such a choice? Why did you choose Boss? Shouldn't you have chosen Sir Nero Instead? " One of the young ladies who wears the same attire asked me, cutting into my thoughts and forcing me to look around. " Boss? " I asked in confusion and another replied. " Yes. Why did you choose Boss? Shouldn't you have picked Sir Nero? At least you will be fed properly and have the grace to escape too many rules and... " The maid was saying, but unfortunately, her speech was cut short by a woman approaching. Everyone quickly parted the way as she came to tower me. I had to swallow hard at her presence. She is beautiful, alright, but her piercing brown gaze is cold enough to send shivers through my spine. " So you are the newest Rose in MalDom," She blurted out curtly and then continued with her eyes roaming around my body. " Pretty, I must say but reckless. We are supposed to welcome you properly, but I'm afraid we don't have enough time on our hands. Chiara? " The woman called aloud, and swiftly, a maid with ponytail blond hair and blue eyes rushed forward. " Yes, Ma'am" " You should give ... " She stops to glance at me. " What's your name? " " Ma... Mary " " Chiara I want you to give Mary a short tour around the fort. Informed her about the rules and regulations as a Rose. Also, Explain to her what would become of her and her body if she dares break one of those rules, okay? " " Okay, Ma'am. I will " " Now girls. Let's go. We got to prepare for the Mafia's Anniversary Night party " Under my watchful gaze I saw everyone start to disperse, preparing for the party godfather had mentioned to me. Somehow, now I feel a bit lonely, but those emotions were shortlived because the lady called Chiara, who will give me a tour, swiftly rushes to me, a bright smile on her face. " You made a very good choice! Wow. I was on pins and needles when Godfather asked you for a pick. What if you have chosen Sir Nero? What will become of you? " She is friendly; I noticed that at first, and now she has begun to make me feel a bit better. " How... How can you say Malva is a good choice? Was it because he is powerful or ... " I was still speaking when Chiara's face suddenly turned pale. I wonder what has gone wrong with her until she reaches out to my hand urgently and gives it a gentle squeeze. " You can't address Boss by his name. What if someone hears you? " " Ah... " I mutter. " I'm sorry. I'm just... " " That's enough bath for today. Come on and dress. I will take you around now " Chiara urged me to get out of the lake and lead the way towards one of the buildings. Now, looking around, I realized everyone there was a female. The place looks like a peaceful, soothing garden. There are apartments, but they blend in with the greenery. I turned my head carefully to see all the people there were busy now. Each lady occupied her task with the lady who addressed me, giving orders. I slowed down a bit while taking a glance at the most beautiful part of the place. It is the bathing area, which is outside in the garden. There's a calm lake and a gentle stream that flows through it. The sound of the water and the birds singing makes it feel like a serene oasis. The garden is full of colorful flowers, mostly roses and fresh herbs, making the air smell sweet. The bathing spaces are decorated with pretty tiles and mosaics, and they fit perfectly into the natural surroundings. It's like a hidden paradise where you can relax and feel at peace. " Now that you have known where Roses lives, should we proceed to The Jaws? " Chiara's voice came behind me, and I turned swiftly to her. " The Jaws is Boss's Bedroom. The very place you wanted to follow him into " Now, she chuckled as we continued to walk into one of the apartments. We emerge into a tidy living room and, at last, into a nice, comfy bedroom with two beds. " You will be staying with me, Mary. You can take the bed beside the window. That way you'd be able to look out to see the main gate of the fort. I mean... That would make you feel a bit at peace, given the fact that you just came here," Chiara explained. Without a words, I took my step towards the window, and truth to her words, I could see the main gate from where I stood. " Here, it's your dress. Put it on and follow me " I turned to see Chiara extending a simple identical dress as her own to me. Slowly I glanced down at Malva's cloth on me. Pulling it off has never crossed my mind, but I know I have to do so anyway. I put on the dress, letting it fall just on my knees. Then I watch as Chiara helps me pull my hair into a ponytail as her own. " Now you look exactly like a Rose " She complimented with a smile. " Rose? " " Every maid who works under Boss is called Rose. All of us " " Oh ... " She urges me to walk with her as she continues. " The first rule you should never break is to hurt the Mafia Family " " I can't even do that. I stand no chance " " The second rule you should never break, Mary is never to mention Mother's name " " Mother? " " That's Boss's mother. We Roses called her mother because she is one of us. A very beautiful lady who has the purest heart. I can talk about her all day but I'm afraid I can't " " Why? " " She died two years ago and her cause of death remains a mystery. It's like a big blow to Boss and I can tell he hasn't recovered from the loss so we Roses are banned from muttering mother's names or speaking about her at all " I swallowed hard at this point. We have already walked out of the garden and now emerge into the beautiful lighted Hall where Malva had left me standing. " The Tenty Men abode " Chiara continues while pointing across her to two closed doors. I must have missed it earlier. " Tenty Men are Boss's men and Sir Marco, Boss's childhood friend is their leader just as how Ma'am Martina leads us Roses too " " Oh " " The Jaws," Chiara said at last as she pointed ahead toward a solid door at the end of the hall. The four men who were keeping guards are still there, standing. " Why is it called the Jaws? " " Because it's where Boss lives. No Roses have ever been there. Whenever he needed a Rose to spend the night with him he would take the room next to The Jaws " Upon hearing this part I felt the mysterious feelings of jealousy overwhelmed my heart, almost shattering it. " Spend the night? " I took no time before asking but it was a chuckle that came first before a response. " He only asked the Rose to refill his glass cups. Well, she'd try to seduce him, but that trick never works on the boss. He never for once lay hands on us in a lustful way " " So what next? " I quickly demanded, trying hard to stop thinking about him already. I turned away from The Jaws and walked briskly ahead in somewhat anger when Chiara suddenly stopped me with her urgent order. " Halt! " She blurted out and I obeyed. " We Roses have so many rules to follow to stay alive. One of them is that We can't step over that line unless we have a solid reason to do that " Slowly, I look down to see if she is right. There is a margin line that seems to separate The Rose Garden, The Tenty Men abode, and The Jaws from the other places in the fort. I remembered vividly well Malva had headed to this place after I chose him. " That lane is what Divide MalDom and the other Territory in this fort, Mary. Do not let this one rule slip through your mind at any time. You are a Rose now, which means your life and Well-being belong to Malvagio Sal Conti, Our Boss. You shouldn't step over that line unless necessary. Within MalDom you will be safe. No one outside the territory will dare hurt you but once you are out, it's dangerous " Without hesitation, I stepped back into the MalDom, crossing the Margin line into a world both familiar and foreign. I believed Malva could protect me, and he would. With a soft sigh, I gazed ahead towards his sanctuary, The Jaws. Perhaps he sought solace there, and no wonder he didn't want me to follow. I wasn't that important. Or so I thought. " Now Mary, Tour is over. Let's get to work. " I heard Chiara's cheerful voice come through, cutting into my thoughts, and I nodded. With a sigh of resignation, I walk away with her.
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