17 • Mary •

1415 Words
" Malva I ... I want you. I do. I beg you " I suddenly let go of the last pride I have and then come begging him so shamelessly. " That's not you talking. It's just the adrenaline. This isn't what you wanted. It's just a whim " " What? " I asked in awe, surprised at the word he had used to describe my emotion for him. My disappointment turned into anger immediately, and I made to pull away from him, but he caught my wrist. " Let me go! " I thrive to free myself and I succeeded at last. Well, more like he purposely released me. I didn't bother to think it through. I made my way towards the exit at once, but his voice came at that moment, low, husky, and warning. " Don't take a step further into the living room. You'd be stunned " Oh, come on. Like I believe his words. I waved it off as anger clouded my senses, but I soon regretted my actions. I push open the door, expecting the warmth of the living room, but instead, I'm confronted with a snarling, salivating lion. Its jaws yawn wide, revealing a cavernous mouth lined with gleaming teeth. The sudden appearance of this savage creature freezes my blood, and I'm rooted to the spot, unable to move or breathe. I stumbled backward, horrified by the monstrous unexpected presence in Malva's abode. With My heart racing, I frantically re-entered the room, only to find Malva sitting calmly, fiddling with an unlit cigarette. " Malva...there's..." I stuttered, my quivering lips barely forming words when I saw the lion's majestic form glide into the bedroom after me, its eyes fixed on me. I was paralyzed, fear cementing my feet to the spot against the wall. I'd always pictured Malva as charming and majestic, but nothing could have prepared me for the unbridled dominance he displayed. He rose at last, his movement glowing effortlessly, steady and deliberate, commanding attention. Every step he took towards the lion was a masterful display of power. His existence makes my heart flutter. " Why do you think this place is called The Jaws? " He asked, his voice low and mysterious. " Kree is harmless. I brought him up myself " Harmless? I bit back a scornful laugh, fear choking my very own voice. Still, in the fright I could only watch Malva gently caress soothed the lion, and to my astonishment, it turned and left the room. Tense silence suddenly fell at that moment. I could feel my heart racing, but then I became aware of his closeness, too, when he walked up to me. His eyes upon me, his hands on me, and his body pressed to mine, warming it up. " You are such a a daring lady, aren't you Mary? " He whispers hoarsely, but before I can reply, Malva does what I have never seen coming but have so much wished and craved for. He leaned down at last and captured my lips with his. The Mafia man before me, solid and capable wrapped his one hand around my waist while the other one rested against the wall. The moment seems so peaceful, opening my heart to many emotions I have never felt before. Why is it so soothing? So satisfying? So dangerous? Why? Where has he been all these while that he couldn't find me much earlier? I wanted the moment to last forever but this wasn't the case. Malva soon pulled back to study my expression, and he must have noticed my burning cheek because he smiled at me and whispered, his voice low and possessive. " Don't ever tell me to let you go, Mary. I do when I want. You got that? " He demanded, and like a compelled helpless lady, I nodded in agreement. Then he came down again to kiss me just as he whisked me up from the ground and took me to the bed this time. Malva laid me down gently and then rolled to his side of the bed. " Come closer," He said to me, and I obeyed without any hesitation. I pulled closer to him as I placed my head against his chest. " I can hear your heartbeat, " I whisper, and he sighs. " I'm alive " I felt him caress my arm gently, and then his palm moved down to my buttocks, which he caressed briefly. " Malva? " " Hmm? " " Emily who you called last night... Do you... Make love to her? " I couldn't help myself. And I waited for an answer which took a while. " No. I couldn't " " Do you kiss her? " " No. Why? " " But she ... " I stopped when I realized Emily only lied to make me mad. " Nevermind " In response, Malva cuddled me closer, and then he placed a soft kiss on my hair. " Tell me why you ask? " He suddenly demanded softly just when I thought he would let the matter go. He wanted an answer, and I felt it was only right for him to know the truth. " I just wanna know, " I whispered and I waited for him to speak, but he didn't, so I continued, rather upset at his calmness. " I was so jealous. I do not know what comes over me " I expected him to react differently to my outburst, but instead, I heard him laughing. The sound so tantalizing to my ears. " Malva, come on. This isn't funny, " I suddenly protest as I pull up to sit. My mouth pouted. " I couldn't sleep that night. I was ... I can't explain what comes over me " All my words fell on deaf ears. He only continues to laugh. His display of perfect dentists effortlessly makes him more attractive than I have ever imagined. In a pretense of anger, I made to punch him as though to force him back to order, but he caught my wrist before it'd make its mark, and then he pulled me down to himself with a single movement. Malva kisses me again, this time so intensely and possessively. " It's against my rule to make love to Those ladies. That Rose only pours me a drink, " He whispers. At last, I nod. " Thanks " Silence fell between us just as our gaze spoke only the words. " Should I teach you how? " He suddenly asked as he moved back a bit after two seconds. " How what? " " How to kiss. You are Smart, and you pick up fast, but you're lacking because it's your first time, " He explained to me in the very best way, with the expression on his face so sincere and understanding. I would have felt embarrassed if he had spoken the words in a condescending tone, but Malva's patience and kindness put me at ease. He was willing to guide me through my struggles, and I appreciated his gentle approach. Without a word, he drew me in again, and this time I didn't resist for any seconds. I let him cover my lips with his and waited for the soft, gentle brush of his mouth against mine. The movement was slow and emotional, filled with a tender intensity that left me breathless. When he pulled back his eyes were dark. " Again," He whispered against my lips, and then I went down this time. My lips working. He had taught me how to make use of it. How to bring pleasure with it and I made myself an expert with him. Malva and I were lost in one another's arms for a long time. We only lay there, kissing one another so passionately. I am so full of lust and I have gone wet already. It took many minutes, and at long last, he pulled back to lay me down, my head resting back on his chest. " Good night " He whispers to me. It almost feels as though we are a wedded couple. The way he held me closer and the way he kissed me. He is so romantic. A man who knows all the ways possible to please a woman. I obeyed him that moment and decided to call it a night. I closed my eyes, and in no time, I drifted off to sleep.
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