10 • Mary •

1065 Words
The time seems to stop for a second. Everyone's eyes were on me, including Malva's. He seemed to know the gravity of what I had just done, and it broke my heart to know I had caused yet another problem. I am unaware of what to do but adrenaline made me go down on my knees immediately, begging for forgiveness and shivering. The intense hatred from The godmother could be felt and then I wonder what would become of me. " Oh, Mother, " Nero, who has kept silent, suddenly says as though concerned. " Mother your skin. Bullshit! What the f**k are you thinking you slut! " " I'm... I'm sorry," I mutter helplessly as I look up, begging with my eyes, but then the godfather slammed his fist on the table, jolting me in a way I never expected. I could have passed out for a second there. I remain numb with fear. " What would you say to this situation, Malva? " The godfather suddenly asked his illegitimate son. " The Rose you have in your territory had broken one of the peculiar rules. Can you pay the price? " Silence fell. Heart-wrenching silence that speaks volumes. I look up at Malva, and our eyes lock for some seconds. This time, he is calmer and collected, which amazes me. What is he thinking? I wondered. To answer my inward questions, I saw him turn towards Martina. His eyes are on the lady who controls all His Roses. They both seemed to share silent words with their gaze and when I was trying to understand the connection between them, Martina distracted me by going down at once on her knees, too. " I am the one at fault, godfather. Please punish me. I should have explained more about the rules and regulations in the fort but ... I apologize " Oh no. What is going on? " That wench is the one I wanted to punish, Martina. You are not the one who purposely pours the warm water to scald my skin, are you? " Viola asked now, and at this point, I didn't keep quiet. " Never. I didn't do that on purpose. I was only... " I was speaking when Martina's hand came clutching my hand as though to tell me to stay still. I look up at Malva to see he also has the same expression. I should keep quiet and let them do all the work. " godmother, she is still inexperienced. She only joined the Rose Garden yesterday, and it's only natural if she is flawed. Surely you won't take it to heart and punish her just like you did two years ago, " Martina questioned the godmother as they locked gaze, and for a swift moment, I saw the godmother look away in somewhat fright. Hmm. The two shared a secret and it's deadly. I can tell. " Fine. Let's do it this way, " The godmother finally spoke up. " Lock the wench up in the underground cell. If Malva returns from his trip she will be released and if he doesn't she will face any punishment, any hardship I subjected her to " At this point, my heart fell. Cold sweat immediately broke out of my forehead and I took no time before shivering. " No. No, please don't do this. Please don't send him out there alone. It's a trap. It's... " I was pleading, screaming at the top of my voice, but no one granted me an audience till the guards came to force him down the dark hall and right into the underground cell. The very one I just escaped from the day before. The men left after locking the gate and I stood still, wondering how bad things have gone now. What is going to happen next remains a mystery. Frantically, I began to pace about; I began to panic. I couldn't stay still and then the approaching footsteps came through. At once, I stop to look ahead, to the door and steep stairs that lead out of the underground cell. The door opens all of a sudden and Martina emerges with Emily and Chiara behind her. Quickly the three made their way to me and stood right outside. I held my breath as I waited for Martina's words, but she was taking too long. " Please... Tell me what is going to happen. Tell him he won't go out there alone. It's dangerous. It's a trap. The godmother and Geoffrey must have set a trap for him and ... " " You think the boss is so dumb that he didn't know this? " Martina questioned me, and immediately, I froze. " As much as I try to like you I don't think I can. Mary, you are something else. You seem to have made Boss a ticking time bomb that would explode any moment you are in danger or distress. Who are you? How come you made him that way in the space of a few hours? How? " Tears clouded my eyes and I went out of breath. I couldn't defend myself, nor could I answer her question. " Boss will surely go out " Emily's breaking voice came through. She is already weeping, just like Chiara, who stays silent and pale. " If anything bad happens to him we all won't survive and you know it " " It's fine, Roses," Martina assured. " You all know how Boss is. He will surely survive and come back healthy " " How can you tell? " I asked this time. " It would be safer if he didn't step out at all. He can find another way out of this. He can as well say no to the godfather and ... " " Saying no to the godfather means death! " Martina snapped at me. Her eyes rounded with frustration. At that moment, I realized she also is only holding onto the thin thread of hope. " You're new here, so it's pointless to explain now. But know this. Saying no to the godfather is a death sentence. Our boss is well aware of the risks and consequences, so let's have faith in his decision. For once, Mary remains still and silent. Don't make a move, or you'll seal our fate and bring destruction upon us all "
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