11 • Malva •

1580 Words
The hallway was dark and silent when I made my way into the underground cell. I opened the door and took my step carefully down the steep stairs, my eyes on the lady who was behind bars. Mary. I saw as she whirled around the moment she heard the sound of my footsteps approaching, and again, I saw how she gazed at me with that same expression that I could never ignore. As much as I tried I just couldn't. Those eyes that speak more about the emotion I thought were foreign. She has caused trouble by not staying still, but since I am aware of the reason why she couldn't stay still in the first place, I couldn't blame her. Carefully, I stood still, before her, fully dressed and ready to venture out per my father's order. I saw Mary's eyes trace me down from my hair to my toes and back to my face. " You can't go. I beg you " Her voice came through, barely above a whisper. She seems to have lost the strength to fight back. The reality seems to have crushed her hard, making her sight more pitiful for me. I decided not to say any words to her. Instead, I did exactly what I was there for. I unlocked the padlock that was used to caged her and I replaced it with that of my own. The key, the only single key that would open the gate of the cell, was down in my pocket. Mary watched, dumbfounded at my actions, and when I was done, I finally looked up to her. Her breath is heavy now. " Stay here. I will be back in no time ", I assure him, but she will have none of it. " Please... I beg you. Do not go " Instead of a response I ignored her and headed towards the exit. " Malva " She suddenly called my name, forcing me to an abrupt stop. " Mal...Malva please, don't go. I beg you. I am not concerned about myself. It's you I am worried about. What will become of you or the people in your territory if you can't come back? What will become of you all? " " That's why you should have stayed still, " I replied to her, retracing my step back to her. " You should have kept calm and let me handle the situation this morning. Why did you have to bring this upon yourself? " " I wasn't talking about myself, Malva. I am talking about you " " Do not. Why should you worry about me when I am also the villain here? " My statement must have hit a nerve because she suddenly busted out weeping quietly. She suddenly appears depressed. " You are not the villain, Malva. You might be a cold-blooded killer for a good reason, but you are certainly not the villain, " She whispers, but I suddenly take pity on her. How foolish. I wonder if she would have the same thought when she heard the truth about who exactly had abducted her from the parish. Will she think of me or look at me the same way she is doing right now? This question suddenly appeared in my mind, and I swallowed hard at once. I felt a strange emotion enveloping me. Is it fear? Or guilt? Or both? Staring at her made me feel weird, and I hated it as much as I loved it. At once, I turn, ready to flee this time, when she suddenly says. " Fine, Malva. You should go but please, take this with you " She is addressing me with my name and nothing feels more peaceful than that. The name I have loathed for many years now sounds like a sweet song to my ears. Slowly, I turn to see she is holding out a rosary, the very one she has always around her neck. " Take this with you. It will keep you safe " I nearly scoff at her. My eyes drop from her face to her palm, and I mutter in reply. " I don't believe in things like this " " I know " She weeped. " I know you don't. It's obvious but please... Just today, accept it. Not for my sake but for the sake of all the people who work for you, whose lives depend on you. I beg you " At this point, I can only sigh. What more can a heart as Sturdy as mine, now shattered by the sight of a single tear falling from her eyes do? I can only reach out to take the rosary from her open palm and walk out quickly from her sight. She embodies beauty and serenity. Her gentle gaze seems to pierce my soul, questioning my very feelings. I emerge out of the underground and into the dark hall. Marco, who was already waiting for me, dashes towards me at once. " Boss we can do this. How about I arrange some men to protect you on your way to ... " He was saying but had to stop when I halted too. " Do not do anything. You all should stay still. I can handle this, " I told him curtly and then continued on my way into the parking lot. But then I stop when I get there. Beside my car was Nero, who crossed legs and watched me intensely with a smirk on his face. " Bold and handsome. Do you think you will escape this time, huh, dear brother? " He taunted, but I walked away from him and accepted the car key from Marco. " You won't be able to come back, Malva but do not worry too much. I will make sure that slut is safe in my bed... " He was still speaking when I reversed the car all of a sudden, startling him in an instant. He lost his balance, and he frantically tried to reach out to Marco to balance, but my man took a step back, allowing Nero to fall flat on the hard floor. Serve him right. I thought to myself before driving out of the fort. I didn't look at the rear mirror because I knew so well I'd find Marco still standing there. Nor do I look up to the building that belongs to my Roses because I know they'd be peering out, watching me drive away. All I have to do is stay alive. I'd visited Geoffrey and returned home. It's simple. As I drive still, my eyes catch the sight of the rosary which is now wrapped around my fingers. At the sight, I nearly laughed. How pathetic this is. That a mere necklace would save me from calamity if possibly there is any. Gently, I dip it into the pocket of my leather shearling jacket, and I continue to drive. At long last, I pulled into the hospital, which was built in my father's name. He owns it and donated it to the poor after a pandemic struck. I stopped the car and alighted at last. " Oh, Boss. You are here. " A doctor who knows me well enough immediately dashes towards me the moment I step into the receptionist. I didn't bother to glance his way. Instead, I ask. " Where is he? " " Please follow me, " He stated, and I went along without complaint, but I was on the alert. Living all these years in good health has come with great discipline. The doctor finally stopped at a VIP ward and opened the door for me to walk in. On the bed was Geoffrey lying down; his neck where the fork had pierced him was plastered. He looks up at me in excitement and then grins rather happily. " You can leave now. Doctor, I will make the surgery," He said, surprising me. It wasn't what I expected. I have expected his taunt or men around to come attack me but no. It was as though my walking out of the Fort alone was exactly what he had hoped for. I gulped down hard as I set my jaw. At once, I took to the exit, knowing fully well there was a trick up Geoffrey's sleeve he'd play. I walked out of the hospital and got into my car in no time, but immediately I wanted to pull out, I realized the rosary Mary had given me wasn't in my shearling jacket pocket. I couldn't leave without it, so I alighted once again to see it lying down at the entrance of the hospital. I must have dropped it. Hastily, I took my long stride towards it, and the moment I bent down, my car came blasting off, dissolving into flames with a loud bang. My knees went weak as my eyes flew wide open in awe. A bomb in my car. Who would have thought about that? I asked myself in amazement just as The security guards in the hospital swiftly rushed to the car while some tried to put out the fire. However, I, on the other hand, couldn't lift a finger. Why? Why can't I? My gaze was transfixed on the rosary lying on the floor, a seemingly insignificant object that, against all odds, proved to be my salvation. It's almost laughable, yet undeniably true. Mary, through her sacred beads, saved me.
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