12 • Mary •

1226 Words
All my life, I have never had a reason to wait or be worried about anyone. My mother, who is supposed to occupy all the space in my heart, is dead, and my father and his other family weren't nice people I should bother worrying about, but at this moment, in the underground cell, I realized I got someone now, that worth my time. Someone I have to worry about. Malva. I couldn't keep track of the time in the dark cell I was in, but I could tell hours had passed. I had stood up for a very long time, and my knees had started to grow weak, but yet I couldn't give myself the Luxurious thought about sitting. I know I do not deserve that. I understand Malva is out there because of me so why should I sit still and rest? Why when I don't deserve it at all? My thoughts were all over the place, and, at last, my eyes stopped on the new padlock he had used to seal away the gate. Even at his last moment in here, all he could think about was me. Why? Why should he do that? As though to answer my questions, the gate of the underground cell suddenly opened wide, and the silhouette came descending the steep stairs. I was in doubt at first about who the person was, but as he drew closer, I could make out his face. Nero. My heart involuntarily skipped a beat at his sight. Without thinking twice I know something has happened. How come Nero will dare come this closer to me without fearing Malva's wrath? " Oh, there you are. I must have disappointed you, didn't I? " He began to say, taunting. His voice cut through the air like a bitter chill, its harsh tone grating on my ears. He walked for some seconds further and at last stopped before me with a smile on his face. His green eyes stared back at me in such a way I had always found irritating. Lustfully. " I have always wanted to lay with you the moment I set eyes on you but Malva! That bastard has made it so impossible for me. However, now there is nothing like that anymore. Now... You belong to me " His sudden words struck me like a blow, sending my heart into my throat. I flinched, my skin turning a ghostly pale, as my hands trembled with a life of their own. The burning sensation of tears surged through me, a wildfire that ravaged my composure, leaving me shaken and exposed. " What are you ... talking about? " I stuttered stupidly before him, and he scoffed at me in response. " Malva is dead. The news said his car went up in flames with him in it on his way back to the fort. Now that he can't come back I own you. My mother said I can do whatever I dim fit with you " Swiftly I take my step back, my heart now thudding so crazily that I felt it might burst. From where I stood, I watched as Nero laughed out in excitement. He is loving it all. " Those eyes of yours. Ahh, I can't wait to get you in my bed. The more you resist the more it would excite me. The more my dear " Quickly, he provided a key and then tried opening the gate, but the padlock wouldn't budge. Malva, who seemed to have known his stepbrother in and out, had beaten him in this game as well. The only key that can open the padlock lies with Malva. Frustratedly Nero grunted out loud, slamming his fists on the gate. " What happened to the padlock? Why won't it budge? Why! " He screams at me, and I go on my knees at the end of the confined cell, crying in fear. " Oh, that sly bastard must have done this. Do not think I won't be able to get in there. I can also dismantle the gate altogether to get to you. You Hear me! " His loud voice was enough to make me have a panic attack, but I just kneeled there, my palm covering my ears to block away his annoying voice; then, all of a sudden, the door to the underground cell opened again. The newcomer slowly descended the steep stairs. Now, I am not aware of the fact that he might be the one, but the familiar scent reached my nostrils first before the sight of Malvagio Sal Conti. The sweet smell of rose flowers. I look up straight at him. He is healthy, he is alive and very much ... No. Something is gravely wrong. He isn't himself. Wait a second. I turn to see him staring at his stepbrother and then back at me. In an Instant, he unleashed his fury, as I had come to expect. But this time, his wrath was directed at his brother, all because of me. Malva's rage was a sight to behold as he pounced on Nero, slamming him right into the wall with a fierce grip on his neck, choking the very life out of him. I stood frozen in shock for what felt like an eternity, until adrenaline kicked in, propelling me forward. " Malva! " I shouted, my voice laced with desperation. " Please, let him go! I'm fine, I swear! I promise! Let him go, Malva! " I screamed his name repeatedly, until finally, he released his grip. His eyes, flashing with deadly fury, gradually returned to their usual calm, collected mask. Upon release, Without wasting any seconds, Nero swiftly rushes out of the underground cell, scared totally out of his wit. Silence fell after his departure, and at last, Malva turned back to me. At that moment a sob welled up inside me, but I stifled it, fearing his reaction. Martina's words echoed in my mind. I have made him a ticking time bomb that Whenever I showed weakness or fear, he erupted, his emotions explosive and uncontainable. The thought of his intense response to my sorrow held me back, and I swallowed my tears, suppressing the urge to break down. Slowly he made his way to me, his hands working to open up the cell while my breath caught up in my throat. At last, he opens the gate wide, and I step out, biting my lower lip. " You... Okay? " I asked him, my voice barely above a whisper, but he didn't reply. Instead, he continued to gaze at me. The dam finally broke, and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I surrendered to my emotions, reaching out to explore his body for any sign of injury. Once I'd assured myself he was unharmed, I gave in to my desire, melting into his arms like a lost lass and he stood firm, an unyielding pillar of strength, as I wrapped my arms around him. The warmth of his breath caressed my hair, and I felt the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat against my cheek. At that moment, I remembered he was human, too dominant, Handsome, and capable of love. And I knew, in the depths of my soul, I could love him even though I dare not. Yes, I could.
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