8 • Mary •

1170 Words
" Pray nothing bad happens to our Boss because of you. If it does, trust me I will never forgive you " The moment I stepped into the Roses Garden, a lady blurted out at me. The anger in her voice was evident as well as the fear in her eyes. I couldn't fight back because right then, I had lost all the strength. The other ladies soon crowd up around us, probably awaiting my response but I choose not to say any words. I would hate to anger this lady before me the more. " What are you doing, Emily? Move away from her. She is not at fault, " Martina's voice came through from behind as she approached us. Her eyes shifted from me to Emily who had given me the warning. At last, Martina let out a sigh and ordered. " Everyone go in and take a rest. You have all done well tonight " Emily took her time before she obeyed. With a cold glare at me, she walks off. Great! It seems I have made a new enemy in the fort. Quietly, I turn towards the apartment Chiara had taken me into earlier that day. I went into the bedroom to see her already making the bed. She stopped when she saw me emerge. " Emily and the others are talking badly about you, Mary. They wanted you gone " Chiara told me. " I know. I think I deserve to be gone, too, " I whisper on my way to the window, staring out helplessly. " You shouldn't think negatively. What happened tonight wasn't your fault " " It is. I shouldn't have... I don't even know " " It wasn't your fault. I know Boss. He would have intervened if it was any other lady. He would have " I gulped down at Chiara's words, trying to believe her words. " Do you know what will become of him? Will the godfather punish him? " " Well, I can't say. Tomorrow morning at the breakfast table the godfather will give his verdict " Upon hearing this a sigh fell from my lips. I couldn't breathe for some seconds. I am worried about him. Why should I when he had made it clear I shouldn't? While these thoughts were going on, I saw the massive gate of the fort suddenly open wide. A luxurious car Cruises in and stops at the parking lot. I waited to check who'd alight, and it turned out to be him. Malva. Hastily, I rushed away from the window and went to pick up the crew neck sweatshirt Malva had given me the previous night. I have washed it in the laundry room earlier today and dried it. " I have to go, " I quickly told Chiara, who caught my wrist, to raise an eyebrow in question. " Uh... I wanted to return Boss's sweatshirt to him. He owns it " Without waiting for her response, I rush out of the apartment and out of the Roses Garden. Luckily I arrived just in time to see Malva heading towards the Jaws. The sound of my running footsteps attracted his attention because he stopped to take a look in my direction. His blue eyes gazed at me, and I went breathless immediately. What if he says other words? What if he ... " This is your sweatshirt. I ... I wanted to give it back, " I quickly informed him before he spoke up. " It's yours. I clean it up already " Malva hasn't said any words when Martina rushes out of the Roses Garden. Her face was laced with apologetic expression. " Boss I apologize. I will ask her to go in at once. " She then turns to me with a glare. " What in the hell are you doing? " " I am ... " I was trying to explain when Malva turned gently and headed towards The Jaws. Now I know better than anyone he won't step out of there until the next day. Swiftly, I made to walk ahead, but Martina caught my wrist in an instant. " Come into the Roses Garden. You are not allowed to take a step forward to the boss. Didn't Chiara inform you about that rule? " Martina's voice was so harsh and cold that I felt helpless. I began to withdraw back to my shell when Malva's voice came through. " Let her be " Martina, as well as Marco was stunned at the Boss's order. He stops to glance at me. The one stare that almost steers my heart. " Come " That one word, that one syllable echoes in my head, steering me nearer to tears. I didn't hesitate. I pulled away from Martina's clutch and rushed to him, my breath heavy. His blue sea eyes run around me for a while, and then he turns gently towards Martina. " Bring a lady to me tonight, " He ordered, and I suddenly flinched at this order. The burning sensation of tears immediately stung my eyes, rendering me breathless and helpless. What did he just say? But... But Chiara said he had stopped calling upon Roses to pour drinks for him at night after his mother died. Was she wrong? My inner question was answered when Martina left and reemerged with Emily, the very lady who had Vow not to forgive me if evil befell Malva. Under my watchful gaze, I watch her approach Him. Her face was laced with undeniable excitement and victory. When she finally arrived before him, she bowed, but Malva reached out with his thumb and forefinger on her chin. With this, he exerted enough pressure to force eye contact. At this point, I couldn't tell the real emotions that overwhelmed me. Was it jealousy? Sadness ? or both? " The Sweatshirt " Malva's voice suddenly came through, cutting through my thoughts like a dull knife. I looked up to see he was already before me. So close that his breath almost fan my cheek. That moment I saw the contrast between us. We will never be compatible. Why should I even harbor this thought? I reached out to give him the sweatshirt, and he took it from me with his fingers carefully brushing over mine in a smooth seconds. At once, I looked up into his eyes, wondering if he felt the spark, too, but then again, he seemed to be an expert at shielding his reactions and emotions. " Thank you for everything, " I whispered. But instead of a gentle response, he growled an order, his voice low and husky, dripping with masculine intensity. " Don't look at me like that." " H... How..." I stuttered and He cut me off, his words sending shivers down my spine. " Like you'd consume me whole, body and soul if I surrender to your craving. Like you'd ravish my heart, forever and always, if I whisper just one word... yes."
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