15 • Mary •

1548 Words
I thought being excited didn't feel that good until tonight. I will be spending a night with a man for the first time in my life. I was supposed to feel scared but no. Instead, I am eager. I was supposed to develop cold feet but this night I am willing. Spending the night with Malva means something else to the Roses. They all believe I'd be there only to pour him a drink and to watch him sleep while I sleep in a separate bed, but no. My real intention with Malva that night is to spend a passionate night with him. As Chiara beautifully styled my hair, Martina walked in. This time, she didn't have a glare on her face, which surprised me. " You are full of wonder, Mary. The boss doesn't usually demand a Rose to stay with him overnight unless he is depressed, but this night, I have a feeling he isn't asking for you to be with him because He is depressed. " These words came from Emily, who stepped in after Martina and the latter cast a warning glance her way. " Keep your lips shut, Emily, unless you wish to face the Boss's wrath, then, " Martina cajoled her. " We should be thankful he returns unharmed " To Martina's words, Emily bows gently in apologies. " You are right, Ma'am but I'm still surprised he'd choose... " " Time to go, Mary ." This time, it was Chiara who said loudly and, in the process, interrupted Emily's words. We all know she did that on purpose but we kept quiet. Gently, I made it to my feet to stare again at myself before turning to bow in respect to Martina. She waited for a while before returning the smile. " No mistake, Mary. Make sure he feels better," She said to me, and I nodded in response. At last, I head out towards the exit of the Rose Garden. It was a victory on my side and Chiara is happy for me. She waved at me till I finally left the Rose Garden and emerged in the small hall that faced the Tenty Guys and the Jaws as well. Carefully I strained my neck to see the light isn't on in the Jaws or the room beside it. That tells me Malva hasn't returned yet. With a gentle smile, I decided to wait for him, my heart tingling with new joy. While waiting for him, the time seemed to crawl rather slowly, and when I finally overheard the approaching footsteps, I was excited. At once I adjusted my dress and waited. At last, he emerges, but this time, he seems different. I thought I wouldn't be antsy when I met him, but I was wrong. Each step Malva took forward made my heart race. He was having a conversation with Marco, who walked beside him, unaware of the fact that I was standing before the Rose Garden, but then he casually looked up, and our eyes locked. Malva stopped in his tracks immediately, and I watched with a racing heartbeat as his eyes trailed down my head to my toes, then back to my face. What occurred next was heart-wrenching for me. Malva's face dissolves gradually into surprise, and he walks forward to me. " Why ... Why are you wearing a dress like this? " He shot that question at me quietly, and so stupidly, I also looked down to see the dress I put in. It's a see-through dress that reveals more of my body than necessary. " Uh... Chiara said it'd... turn you on and ... " I was trying to explain when his expression immediately changed from surprise to what I couldn't read. Whatever it is, I know he's not pleased with me. " Don't try to change for me. You already turn me on the simple way you are, " He suddenly spoke. Those words he said to me so casually, unaware that they can be interpreted to so many meanings. Even Marco was surprised to hear his remark. As for the Tenty guys who were peeping from the slit of their doors, they were quick to rush in and shut the doors up immediately Malva half turned towards their direction. At that point, I smiled brightly. I couldn't help it. MalDom is a very lovely and lively place. A territory filled with Love, respect, unity, and understanding. I didn't know much about them, but I have begun to fall in love with everyone and everywhere in MalDom. Especially the boss of the place. One glance from him is enough to have me swooning in thought. He looked at me for a while, and at last, he headed towards his room. I followed him at once, leaving behind Marco, who was still surprised at Malva's actions and words. Behind him, I thought Malva would lead the way into the room beside The Jaws, but I had it all wrong. Malva retraced his step and headed straight to the very bedroom which Chiara had told me no one dares to venture. At once, I stopped walking as I held onto my breath, questioning myself inwardly. Why is he taking me there? What does this mean? Will he... What is going on? My question wasn't answered, but my thoughts were interrupted. When Malva noticed I had stopped walking, he turned briefly to stare at me. He could see how stunned I was in his direction, and he didn't speak. Instead, he continues walking, knowing fully well I'd tag along as well. After all, I am the one who has begged him for a favor. The men who were guarding the Jaws were surprised to see me, but that night, they didn't stop me as they did the previous day. No. Instead, they parted ways for me to pass by. I am over the moon. I stepped right into The Jaws after Malva, and the lights in the apartment went on immediately as though sensing our presence. Now I stood still to feed my eyes on the Jaw-dropping living room when Malva's vice came through. " Take a seat. I will be back after my bath " He walked off while leaving me alone in his gorgeous living room. It's almost like a garden, but then it isn't because there is a roof over it and a couple of couches. My eyes caught the bar counter and the hundreds of packets of cigarettes stored up there. I slowly turned to settle my eyes on the roses at the farther end of the living room. Those scents fill the spaces soothingly, revealing to me the reason why Malva possesses the scent of Roses. He practically lives with the wonderful flowers. As I planned to conclude my survey of the living room, I took a step further into the room only to have my attention captured by a picture frame on the wall. I moved closer, my footsteps quiet, and as I drew nearer, the image became clearer. It is a Backlit Frame picture that displays A woman's smiling face, her eyes sparkling with happiness. I stood frozen, my green eyes locked on the photo. I nearly gasp in greatest awe. Chiara had mentioned to me on my first day as a Rose that Malva had a mother he adored. A woman with the purest heart, but Clueless Chiara didn't inform me she possessed the brightest smile, too. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I made my way to it and reached out to touch it. With this movement, I made a slight mistake by moving my finger and the picture swiped away to reveal another picture. This new one is of a lady, who looks a bit older than Malva. Upon setting eyes on the picture, I hurried to swipe again to see another framed picture, and this time, it contained Malva, his mother, and the lady. They are all standing in a garden filled with Rose flowers. Hurriedly, I studied the faces, and the moment I was about to get an idea, The light in the Frame suddenly was put off, sinking my heart. I was totally scared when I turned to see Malva in his grace. He had finished taking his bath, and now he is dripping wet with only his long trousers on. " I should have known you wouldn't sit still, " He said, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine. Then, he commanded, " Come here." His words froze me in place, my heart racing with a mix of fear and anticipation. I had foolishly begged him to take my innocence, to introduce me to the world of pleasure and pain, but now the fear of the unknown gripped me. I had naively thought that getting involved with the son of an Italian Mafia godfather wouldn't be intimidating, but oh, how wrong I was. It was terrifying. " What? " he asked, his voice dripping with seduction and his eyes gleaming with a taunting spark. " Cold feet, Mary? Not ready to surrender to me yet? " Before I could think of a response, He took a step closer, causing me to stand transfixed with a racing heart.
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