14 • Malva •

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I stop before the Rose Garden, waiting. Mary, however, walked forward to me, still hesitant and unsure of what was going on in my head. I have left the room without any replies, and she has followed me out, dejected and extremely disheartened. " Can I have an answer to ... " She began but quickly stopped the moment I lace my eyes on her. I saw her swallow hard. Her big round eyes, however, made me smile. " I'm waiting for Martina," I told her. " Really? I should go in to call upon her," She said and then made to dash off, but I was quick to catch her by the arm and pull her back to me. That will be the first time I have laid hands on her deliberately, without any reason. She knew, too, and at once, she flinched; I felt her body freeze up as I pulled her back to stand before me. Our eyes locked for a while, my breath fanning her cheek as I looked down at her. " There's a camera there, " I told her as I pointed it out to her. " It shows the activity outside this hall so she'd see me standing and then come out " No sooner had I finished my words than Martina walked out, her face brightening at the sight of me. " Boss. You are here " " Hmm," I responded as I turned towards Mary, seeing her hold her breath at my next words. " Mary will serve me tonight. Prepare her " Upon hearing this her face suddenly lighten up. Again, she was taken aback. At once, her lips parted, but I didn't wait long enough to hear either Martina's words or her own. With a gentle smile, I headed at once to my father's study. On my way, I am aware of the fact that I am happy and peaceful for the first time in a long time. Why do I feel as though a lot of workload has been pulled away from my heart today? " The godfather is waiting, Boss, " Marco, who is already waiting for me in the hall, quickly says when I join him. I nodded in response and continued walking but I caught him stealing a glance at me. " Out with it " " Just... You seem a bit cheerful tonight. No one will believe you just escaped death, " My Man said to me, but I shrugged. I decided not to respond. Well, I don't have the answer to that. " What is this information Dad got for me? You don't know, Marco? " " It's better if you hear it from him directly. Tenty men are the ones who uncovered the truth " I creased up my eyebrows in curiosity at this point. I wanted to ask other questions but we arrived at my father's territory. The men who were guarding his study parted ways and opened the door for me while Marco stayed out as usual. I headed in to see my father behind the desk. He is busy with some paperwork, but immediately he notices my presence, he looks up to sigh in somewhat relief. " We have a problem, Malva " He began in no time. " Tenty men reported about Ivan in Italy. He arrived this morning " " What?! " I did nothing but exclaim quietly. I mean, this is so unexpected. I know perfectly well Ivan, Mary's stepbrother, is coming for her, but I never expected him to arrive so soon. " We have to do something fast before he causes trouble for us in Italy " " How did he know Mary is in Italy? " " Grey Ross's letter arrived this morning right after breakfast. He said Ivan found his copy of the contract we signed. That's how Ivan knows that his sister is in Italy " " He wouldn't be able to find the fort, Dad. I don't think we have much to worry about. I can take care of it " At my words, my Dad suddenly stopped to cast me a stare. " You are not thinking about killing him to shut him up forever, are you? " I nearly scoff at my father's face. I can't do that. I won't even have it in me to hurt a hair on Ivan's hair. Wait a second. Why am I so sure of it? Was it because he shares half of Mary's blood? " No, father, " I finally replied. " I ... I am thinking about... How about we persuade him? " " And how can we possibly do that? At this point, I am not even worried about the cops. We can buy them all off, but those Superfans are so dangerous. They'd do anything for their beloved popstar " I took some time to understand the situation, and I saw my father was worried for the first time in so many years. I hate to see him that way. Why should he when he has me? Right? At that moment, I thought about a possible way out, but then this solution opened another door of realization to him, and I felt my heart sink to my stomach. What are those feelings? Why do I feel depressed at the thought of her gone? " How about we use Mary, his sister to persuade him? " I suddenly drop the idea. " If Mary said she didn't want to leave, Ivan wouldn't have any reason to go public about the situation. What do you think father? " " Bullshit! " My stepmother's voice came through from behind as she approached, her eyes glaring at me. " That lady is our prisoner. What if she is allowed to walk out of this fort and she refuses to return? What if you fail to bring her back? " Smart. I mutter to myself inwardly but the truth as well is so bitter. I have decided to use this opportunity as a way to free Mary myself. I can take the fall and survive the consequences of not bringing her back. " Malva is the one who abducted her from her Parish, Viola. I am sure he would also bring her back after she successfully persuades Ivan, " My father mutters to his legal wife just as he takes my side, but the confession he has just made causes my stepmother to turn her head towards me, her eyes widening in utter disbelief. " So unbelievable. I wonder what that wench would think of you if she gets to know about the real Truth," She said to me, and at that moment, my heart involuntarily skipped a beat as a foreign emotion immediately enveloped me. Silence fell as I bothered not to reply. The excitement I felt a while ago now seems to fade into thin air and then be replaced by the normal darkness that has been my companion ever since my mother died. " You can go, Malva. Tomorrow, make sure you persuade Ivan and settle this once and for all. " My father finally ordered, and I bowed in response. " Also, make sure you ... You bring her back. It's compulsory " This time, I nodded and then took a step back before turning towards the exit. " Malva? " My father called again, stopping me at the doorway. " Yes " " You alright? I saw the news about your car blast " For a fleeting moment there, I tried to convince myself that his concern was genuine, that he was only worried about my well-being. But the harsh reality soon slapped me back into reality. The godfather's motivations were starkly clear. I was his most capable ally, a crucial asset to be exploited for his benefit. He didn't give a heck about me years ago when I was just working professionally outside the Mafia Organization. " I'm fine, Father, " I finally responded as my eyes slowly made it to my stepmother's face. " I luckily survived the Blast "
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