TWELVE: Wedding night!

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**Wedding night** I sat on the bed which had been adorned in pink rose petals. I was scared. I had changed into my dress of comfort, just like how his aunt's had instructed me. " I our family, we value our culture and our customs. Since you're now the wife of Amir Alnilam, you have to abide by everything he says withought question. You must do everything to please him and not give him any reason to complain. So tonight you shall wait for him to come to you and you and don't play any of your funny tricks on him." They threated so I waited. I was agitated. What was he going to say or do. He would probably do what he did i to me the last time since we were now married. The lights were orange dim. The room had been prepared for a romantic couple. I then heard the door being opened and I looked to see Amir enter in an angry but sad state. He walked past me and went to the bathroom. He had taken a shower and came back to change in front of me. I clopsed my eyes shut in order not to witness his nakedness. He then looked in my direction and at that very moment, I was scared for life. What was he going to do? He walked towards me slowly and then he grabbed one of his towels from the bed and before I knew it I was being struck. He dint even say anything or deliver a warning that he was going to hit me. He hit me with his towel so hard I whimpered in pain falling off his bed. "Get off you wretched woman. How dare you get on my bed!" He said. "Did you really think I was going to sleep with you! Get off!" I lay there on his floor with tears streaming down my face. He grabbed a spare blanket from his large wardrobe which lay engraved in the wall. And he came and tossed it to me. He then grabbed one of his pillow and gave it to me. "You sleep on the couch right over there!" He pointed to one of his couches where I would spend my night shivering from the cold. I missed my old room. I wanted my privacy. "Wont you be quiet! Why do you always have to cry!" He shouted. I was crying because I was still overwhelmed by everything that had happened to me. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. "We all have problems you silly girl! Now shut up , yourself the only one in the world going through stuff!" He was so cold and mean. I was hurt beyond words. I then froze when I heard him wake up and come towards me. I was shaking. I felt hands engulf me above my blanket. I felt his heave breathing. I woke up pushing him away. I wasn't going to let him do this to me again. "What are you doing? " I shouted. "Comforting you!"He said surprised at my reaction. He sat next to me and said. "Nancy we have all been in love even you have the love of your life. Sometimes we do things that hurt other because of our love for someone and I'm truly sorry for everything i did to you. I love Dylan so much that I'll do anything for him." I bust out crying even louder and he embraced me. I cried on his shoulder, I hit his chest and he just let me do it. I don't know when but I fell asleep. When i woke the next morning. He was different. He had gone back to his usual mean old self. Life went on in my sadness and desolation. Amir sat me on the bed the one night, a few weeks after our tragic wedding. "I have to lay out the rules of our union at is very moment. I know you have been avoiding me ever since we married. But I would like to make you understand! " He paced about, shirtless with a towel around his waist. His muscles were tanned. He had just come out of the shower. "Rule number one!" He began. " You can't expect much of me in terms of...." He shook his head. "What I mean is we can't have s*x because you know i dont like women that way." I was happy he said that because I did'nt love him either. " Rule number two: I won't be able to treat you like a wife, you know with all that lovely dovey and stuff, because we are just acquintances! Nothing more!" " Rule number three: Don't touch my stuff, I hate it when people do that!" "Rule number four: we aren't friends either, so don't get too close to me, don't pretend we are in love and don't you dare fall in love with me! " He looked me serious, in the eyes. "Rule number five: Don't snoop in my business. You won't ask about me or about my whereabouts, or what I did! My business is my business-" "Rule number six: Dont talk to me unless I talk to you!" I was hurt when he layed out those rules. It had become clear that this man really did not want anything to do with me. So yes, Malacca had really instigated him into molesting me the other time. Malacca had been chased out of the mansion by Cain and then she was brought back by his mother. Who had then discharged from the hospital. She was healing from her heart surgery. Cain seemed distant from everyone ever since the incident. Mariah was my only moral support. And a few of Cain' s relatives like his grand mother, sister and cousins. Amir was shunned by every one. No one spoke to him or wanted to know about his business. It's not like he wanted to talk to anybody either. He kept to him self. I was the tragedy that plagued his young life, he did every thing to avoid me as well. I lived by his rules. My life was like that of a prisoner.
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