THIRTEEN: Understanding

1220 Words
Evening's yellow sun dawned in on the afternoon clouds dispersing then into nothingness. It had been drizzling. I sat waiting downstairs for my husband Amir to come. His mother impatiently pace about the sitting room in a frenzy. It had only been three weeks after her heart surgery and her life had gone back to normal. She was her old self. Stern and cold. She worked her self all day and came home to the cold and distant shell of what she called family. They neither talked nor laughed after the wedding incident. " Where is my son?" She demanded. "He'll be down soon ma'am! "I responded in a sombre tone. "What's taking him so long!" I didn't answer, I didn't know what Amir was up to but I knew he had liked it when I wasn't around. He got time to him self. It's as if I was a burden to him. If I entered his room and found him on his computer or reading, he would just make a pstk** sound with his mouth and just stop what ever he was engrossed in. Do get me wrong, the feeling was mutual. Amir was cold and not to my liking. He was an okay man in the eyes of others, a hero in his mother's eyes, a villain to his younger sisters and cousins, a bad son to his father and the black sheep to in his grandmother. This was because Amir was a party animal, from the mouth of Mariah who was someone I would entrust my dear l life; had come out truths about him and his ways. Amir was evil, vile and deceitful, but after the wedding, I began to see him with more prestige than Malacca. Amir came down stairs. "Son!" his father started. "I know you're displeased by what you think is our inability to understand you, but believe me, we are trying our best. That's why we also have suggested that you also give us and your leaf a chance. I've schedules you to meet with a therapist." "He is also a physcologist and he will be able to help you get through this confusion you're going through!" His mother joined in. "I'm not usually the one to be so clpseminded towards these specific issues but I agree with mom and dad." Cain said. Everybody noded. " Confusion? So that what all this is to you? He asked annoyed to the core of his inner self. I felt sorry for him. Trying to be understood by his own loved ones yet they thought of his s****l preference as nothing but an mere embarassing phase of confusion he was going to get over just by paying a visit to a phycologist. He then walked out on everyone and dint come back that night. I was deeply worried about him. I don't know why but he had started warming up to me. "Nancy,!" Mariah had said as she held my hand. "Promise you won't hurt Amir using black magic. I know he wronged you and i know you don't love him, let alone liking him for that matter but he is still Cain's brother. Somewhere deep down in that stone cold dark heart: a potion of goodness might be lurking." I had looked aside as if I dint here her. I agreed at last. "Yes I promise I won't do anything to her. What do you think of me Mariah, do you think I'm that bad? That I would harm him? I wouldn't stoop as low as them.! " I Said looking the other way. "Them? Who's them?" She asked concerned. I could not tell Mariah how bad Malacca was. That she had been the one to take her sister's life. After the wedding, I was looking for a way to avenge my misfortunes, jail time for Malacca sounded good. I was going to brew her fate for her. I had the confession of the video from the killer but I needed more proof that she did it. I wanted her to get caught in the act of her sins so that I did not appear to be the villain by accusing her. Of course the video was proof enough but I wanted hef to be humiliated for her deeds. To feel the pain I felt when that man layed his filthy hands on me. "Mariah in life, there are those who love us with all their hearts, those what we can call family. And then there are those who pretend to like us but loath us to the core of their beating hearts. You'll soon learn who those people are in this family so I'm not going to tell you who." "Nancy, I don't understand why you're going on with these deep sayings what are you trying to say" "Forget it!" I said. We ended our talk there because Cain approached us. I had hopes of going way to persue my dreams but now I had ties with this family. Amir was the only thing standing between me and my dreams. I was ashamed to admit it but I was looking for ways to get rid of him. Not in a bad way, but I was thinking divorce or running away. I would get a passport, money and leave the country and start somewhere else because a truth had caught up with me. A truth I did not want to fathom or believed. The night after my wedding one of Cain's male friends had come to me. "Congrats miss Nancy!" He had said. We had a lovely chat in the gardens while we waited for Cain to join us. It had become a routine that me and him; Cain met there in the evening to chat, alone. It was pleasant as it flattered my little heart. Since I had bound my whole heart to him. I loved Cain. Amir was his spitting image but I only loved Cain though I had vainly chosen that this prey of mine, a potential mate would belong only to Mariah. Cain was forbidden to me and I wouldn't intercept between this blooming love. His friend continued till it came to talking about my marriage. "Sorry about what happened the other day, must be hard!" He said empathetically. "It's okay, I'm coping." I said trying to avoid the subject. "What did you have in mind, in regards to your relationship with your husband?" He paused, he seemed to regret that question the moment he uttered it. "I mean since he's gay and all!" "I'll get a divorce!" I said with confidence. He then laughed hysterically. "What's wrong?" I asked. He continued to laugh. "Divorce? Let me let you in on a little secret. You're a goner!" "What do you mean I'm a goner?" I asked confused. He looked around to see if anyone was coming or listening. "What I mean is, this family is not what you think it is. Once you become a part of them, then there's no going back. If you want to get divorced then they'll simply get rid of you and make it look like an accident. Because you have lived with them, you know their secrets and stuff." He said gazing me in face. Cain then approached and we had to end our secret conversation there.
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