ELEVEN: Married anyway **(Episode rewrite)**

1067 Words
"It's not Nancy but its me." Do you want to know why I don't want to marry her? It's because I love men! There I said it fam. I'm into men. I'm not attracted to women at all! " His words rang in my head over and over again . I guess it came as shock to every body but mostly me. I'm my culture, such a thing as homosexuality was frowned upon , forbidden. Even in my past life people had lost thief life this form of love which was deemed as a forbidden sin. Cain's mother collapsed on the floor. An ambulance was summoned for her. "What do you me a you love men my son?!" His father asked shocked. "I mean what I said father. I'm not sexually attracted to women in general. It's better for you to know me for who I am and reject me now than to hide my true self and be loved by you!" He said with a lot of emotion. Gasps of shock even louder than the first, rang through out the venue. Some sat in a bid to support them selves some gossiped. As usual my felidae ears heard the secret chatter. "Oh my, what unlucky parents. Such a young and bright boy yet he had to be this way and go down that path. He must be into drugs too." "What in the world is this?!! What an insult to be invited to the wedding of such a man!" He's joking around, he''ll come too and tell us all this was a prank," some said. "Brother?!!!" Cain was devastated the most. "Yes Cain, I'm not dead and its not a deadly disease I have. I'm just bisexual, that's all. Is that a shock to you too. Out of all people I thought you'd be the most understanding because of how open minded you are. So what happened to you now!" "But you r***d Nancy! How then did you have it in you to undress a woman and sexually assault her then claim to not be into women!" Cain demanded to know. He father had went quiet and sat on his seat in resolution. He was in despair. He eyes had lost touch with the recent reality of events. His mouth still stood open. "Yes I r***d her but I didn't do it willingly!" He screamed. He had to bring me shame ever time he mentioned that word r**e in from of every one. Now maybe the whole world knew Nancy Agrivah had been forced to marry the same man who molested her as all cameras stood capturing this very intense heated moment. "You see brother Cain, your so called fiancee Malacca isn't as good as you perceive her to be. She is nothing less than a snake!" Malacca dropped her wine glass as all eyes of the relatives shifted to her. junk "Ohh, I regret that, because that's an insult to snakes. In fact she is worse than that. Nothing is comparable to her evilness. She forced me to f*** your friend. Do you know how hard it was for me to break into that room and undress another person and force my self onto a help less woman." He said with a serious look on his face. Many gasps rang through the venue. "Son! Mind your language!" The priest said in shock upon hearing him swear. "Wait, wait! What do you mean by she forced you?" Cain asked. "The thing is Cain, I'm in love with Dylan. And you know him right?" He pinted to a young and attractive man. "He is Malacca's younger step sibling! Your fiance told me I would never see the love of my life again if i didn't do as she wanted. She wanted me to r**e Nancy, to dishonour her, to make her lose her integrity and confidence because then your friend would willingly leave the mansion and your fiance would have her way and marry you Cain." He then gazed at Malacca. "There! I confessed!" This brought warm tears to my eyes. How could Malacca have any courage to do this to someone. But then again she had committed a deadlier sin; murder, and she was willing to go through with it again if it meant him having Cain all to herself. I was no longer able to fight back tears. I collapsed on the ground and wept, sitting. "Malacca you?!!"Cain questioned her like he had many times internally but now it was external. "Baby it's a lie. I don't know why your brother is saying this but its not true!" "Enough Malacca! You I can no longer be your pawn in this game be cause I love Amir too. Our parent gave already heard the truth and so there's no need to hide it. Sometime we are forced to choose between love and family but I choose love." He said and walked over to Cain and he engulfed him in a long French kiss!. Many guest were bewildered. Guests started to leave. Paramedics attended to Mrs Alnilam. She was rushed to hospital. Then all of a sudden. A voice rang through out the venue from the loud speaker. Stop! The wedding isn't over, the bride and groom are still going to marry, so please don't leave. The groom is just a litte nervous thats why he has lost his senses for a bit!" It was Mr Alnilam. The guests came back to witness what they had come to see. "You are going to marry that girl, even it it means me shooting you and forcing your dead body back upon that altar!" Mr Alnilam voiced in a heavily angered and threatening whisper to his son. Amir was dragged back to the altar . All process Jones were done in haste because of the disturbance that had occurred. I was lawfully wedded to Amir. I was his wife in holy matrimony. A wife that would never be loved nor love in return. The after party was cancelled. The venue was cleared after we left. Turns out Mrs Alnilam had a minor heart attack when she head her son confess of his true nature and she needed syrgery to heal. The whole family went to the hospital after the wedding. Amir was remorseful so was his lover. He appologized to hismother a few day later for causing her a heart attack.
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