TWENTY-TWO: The mail

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Deep within the hollows of my dream ; I saw my own death. There is no such feeling like the one where one sees themselves as nothing but a lifeless corpse in a casket. I was bewildered. I woke up startled. Fate had something planned for me and I was deeply afraid so much that this dream would bothe me through out the day. I was not my self. I then decided, as I usually did that i would brush it off and offer prayers to the goddess of the sun for protection as it wasn't my first time having these kind of dreams. The previous day's events had really scared me. I gazed to my left, Amir was sleeping soundly, he was shirtless and the blanket covered half his body from your waist down bellow. I had never noticed but he had a tattoo across his chest. It was a tattoo of an ancient deity or something from folklore. I assumed he must gave gotten it in his teenage years. His biceps were firm, he had a six pack and his muscles glowed a golden colour. He asaas so handsome. I did not feel anything for him specifically but he was the spitting image of my lover Cain whom I still snuck to meet when no one knew. He was his twin after all. I found my self yearning for my love while gazing at the sleeping Amir. I lowered my face towards his and placed a warm kiss on his lips. At that very moment he woke up. He had a look of utter disgust on his face. "Nancy what are you doing?" He shoved me away. I was washed over by embarrassment over the fact that I had been caught. He shoved me violently in an angry manner and I fell off the bed. "I thought i explained this to you when we got married. What happened now?" He asked me as he woke up groaning and yawning. I ignored him. I got up and got ready before him, which made him more angry as usually He was the one to get ready before me. I looked for my smartphone and found it. I gazed at it to see the last thing on it was the picture in my gallery. The photo of the man with the bored. I noticed the photo was cut from the neck going above. I looked at the address. What did the entity want me to do with its the address. Why was it pointing to the mail box? I got my self downstairs and after having cereal, i found my self making my way to the so called address. I went alone. On tho way, i passed by the way we had returned he previous day , there was really a mailbox at the spot were I had spotte the dead man had been standing. I gazed at the adress it wasnt the same. I spent about two hours driving, getting lost and eventually finding my destination. There it was. Qatil drive 24 Bonham Fischzt surbub. The villa was gigantic. The family must be very wealthy. I thought to my self. I got out and rang the intercom. No one answered. I found my self wresting with their mail box in a bid not to get caught. I was browsing through their mail. I took out all the mail sat in their car and opened then to see if there was anything important the entity wanted me to know about. The letters consisted of a set of bills, a letter. Coupons. The daily paper. Etc etc. I stole one letter that looked less important but significant. I wanted to be sure it was really malacca's house. I then went and inserted the rest of their main in the mail slot, the one which was encarved into their wall. "Hey thief!" What? I turned around to see one of ther neighbours waving at me whilst walking in my direction. "STOP you mail thief, I've been watching you for some time now. Who are you looking for and what do you want? Why are you stealing the mail?" I dropped the rest of the load and paced for the car. I got in and drove away leaving her behind picking up the rest of the mail off the ground. I went home. At home I found my self going through the letter. It was some letter from some village near to where my hometown was. It was Malacca's aunt inquiring about the death of Dylan and Malacca and the family's well being. I didn't notice that there was someone standing behind me. I turned around to see Amir. He was asstill with an expressionless face. My heart started to race. He had read the letter too? He now knew I stole somebody else's mail? He knew it was about the death of his love. "Nancy, is that a letter?" He asked. I didn't know what to say in reply to his question. "Omg Nancy who still writes letters in this era were we have phones and the internet!" He shook his head and laughed it off. "Was that from one of you relatives from your village? " he asked. "Yes!" I lied. "Can we get them a phone to make it easier for you to talk to them?" He inquired but he had a mocking expression on his face. He seemed shocked that such a thing as a letter still existed in this era of morden technology. "Thats not nice. The letter is from my aunt. I will get her a phone." I said. "That's okay, " he said absent mindedly and went on about his day. I sealed the letter and remailed it to the Samid family at the post office. I would not stop to investigate the death of Dylan Samid. I decided to push off the idea of his death away for once even if the entity came back to haunt me. I figured Dylan was angry at his untimely death. That's what he wanted me to know. He was haunting me maybe because of my felidae ness. It is said animals have a sixth sense and can sense and see spirits. I guess since me being a felidae enabled me to see his spirit. Meanwhile. I came to a deep understanding of the misunderstandings that had begun to occur between Mariah and Cain. I started to feel guilty because I felt partly responsible for this because I was the other woman whose deeds were destroying their union. I listened in on them arguing the whole time. It looked like the spell cast on Amir was beginning to wear off bit by bit because I was having intimate relations with him despite him being a married man. His love was now decided, between the two of us. I and Mariah. Cain was no longer hers only. He was mine too. Malacca was also desperate to separate them. Now that they had been in love, and were show in it explicitly, she had become very uncomfortable. She was starting to even doubt that Cain was going to marry her since he was now in love. The divorce which had been planned six months prior to my arrival was in the footsteps of failing. There was one more month to go. If it Mariah failed to get divorced from Cain then Malacca would have no reason to stay at the mansion. She would be kicked out and I knew she would never leave withought a fight. I decided form then on I would do the right thing. I would stop sleeping with Cain and I would try to fix everything going on around me. It was on that day same day I had stolen mail that I got mail my self. There it was on the bed, in our room. Was it Amir? Was it Cain. Why would Cain leave this gift were Amir could easily find it and come to know that I was not the pious woman I deemed my self to be. That I was woman who had extra marital affairs with married men. I was deeply ashamed. Even though Amir and I weren't in love, i did not want him to perceive me in that manner. I wanted him to see me as chaste. I had gotten out of my usual way. My manner. I was being selfish to my self by doing things I would usually never do. "What is this?" It was wrapped in brown wrapping paper.It looked like a box of some sort. I opened it and there was a large ancient book. I backed away in fear for the cover looked really mystic and scary and there was a note that read. 'To you sorceress. I hope this book of the god Baal and its demonic summoning spells will help you in your evil endeavor!' I was dumb struck! Someone knew of my doings? Was it Amir, who found out I used to do back magic on him.? Was it Mariah who now knew my secret? Of course, how could I have forgotten? It was probably Malacca. She had seen me perform in the spells before I went to the hospital the previous week. But then Malacca wouldn't do theism she had just lost her brother and she was still grieving. It could also have been Mariah. She was starting to suspect me and Cain having an amorous relationship behind her back. I was torn in doubt. I didn't know who was doing this to me but ijaf to admit. It hurt. I tossed it on the bed and sat next to it and held my head in my hand and shook it. So much had happened in such a short space of time. The next few days were okay. Time went by quick and and the people at the mation were living as usual. I had manage to make Amir like me effortlessly so much that he started to move on. One day he came home and stood right in front of me in our room and asked me to remove his shirt. "What?" I asked him surprised."You want me to remove your shirt? Why is that amir? Did you say you never want me to toucb touch you in any sort of manner?" "Just do it." He insisted whilst smiling at me. I slowly unbuttoned His shirt to quickly reveal a tattoo of me on the side of his chest. I was shocked. Had he started to fall for me? "Nancy, you also know that I didn't like you at all but over the turn of events and after you coming to this house I have to say that you've turned out to be a great friend! That's why I got this tattoo of you with your name on it. It's my gift to you so that you know how much I cherish you." He said. "Thanks!" I replied. "you've been a great friend too." We hugged. I fell asleep that night contemplating if he had started developing felling for me. Over the onconmming days, i recieved multiple gifts from my secret watcher /admirer. The second gift after the book was lemons and garlic tied on a red string because those were the things used to get rid of witches spirits and ghosts in the culture. The next gift I got was a set of lingerie and bras which shocked me and came with the note "bloody w***e! Man stealer!" It was Mariah. Who else would know about me and Cain, to know enough to call me those things like 'man stealer.' I was shocked. How would I come to face her knowing thay she knew what I had done with her husband.When did actually talk to her, she seemed to not have a clue nor hint out that she knew anything, in fact, nothing had changed. She spoke to me the same way she always did. She still confided in me. Next I got a mini doll house. Now, you would think, why would someone get me, a grown woman something of that sort. Well it had to do with the note that came with it. 'Home wrecker.' Then next I got a bag of store purchased course salt with a nasty note imprinted in black ink; ' I hope you melt witch! This holy salt was purchased specifically for you!' My hands burned as soon as I lay my fingers on the bag. I did not know why. I had been eating salt all my life but this kind was different, it looked like large white crystal stones. The touch to it was like touching a hot coal taken out of fire. I took my scarf and tossed the bag off my balcony and I watched it fall into the garden. I was scared. Had this person bewitched me? Why had the salt burned my hands? I went to the kitchen confused and tried to pour salt on my hands. Nothing happened. In fact, i was okay. Why had that salt burned me? I was deeply startled and bothered.
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