TWENTY-ONE: Voices from beyond

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"Me? Please, take anything else but leave me. I begged but he wouldn't let me go. I panicked and printed away from him. He chased after me till we were off the bridge. He dove at me and landed on me crashing me on the tarred road. I fought to get him off. He ripped my blouse open but I fought him with all my might. "Help! Please help me!" I screamed. No one was around. No one could hear me. If only there was someone who would pass by and save me from the rage and thirst of this drunk loon. I thought to my self in that desperate moment. "Shh, shut up!" He snapped at me. His breath was foul, the smell of cigerrates, alcohol and something rotten. "Please! You can't do this to me, I'm married." I said. He ignored. I felt violated as he was literally on top of me. He attempted to shut me up with his hand over my mouth. I then dug my teeth into it making him flinch with a startled and pained scream. He held me by the throat and started to choke me. "Bishh. How dare you bite me! You should have just corporated with me to save your own life." The drunk shouted at me. Today was a bad day. From being almost strangled to death by Amir, to now being attacked by this drunk was something I did not expect to happen to me. I was fading. I was done for this time. Then I remembered I was felidae after all. I had not gotten a second chance just to let it slip away from me just like that. He freaked out as my neck expanded around his hands. My bones contorted and he dropped me to the ground and was about to run away. I wanted him to stick around till my transformation, to scare him so that he will never dare do something similar to another humam being but i stopped mid transformation and so did he. "Wait! Help me!" A voice rung in the plain artmosphere as if mimicking me. I was shocked. "What was that?" The drunk asked as he staggered around almost falling. I was also startled. I was happy to know that I wasnt the only one hearing these voices. I was probably being followed by an entity and now, it had saved me from the claws of an evil man. "You want help? Are you my wife, the one who passed away ten years ago. Is that you Tamara? Sweet Tamara? Show your self Tami." The drunk continued to mumble into nothingness while gazing at nothing. The blade he had used to threaten me lay on the ground. I thought of sprinting, to run away, i was looking for a good opportunity to take my leave. "Aye," the voice repeated with a hollow effect. "hahahaha!" The voice launched and the drunk loony laughed along too. I rolled my eyes and then was struck in disbelief at what was happening to me. That such a thing could ever happen. I wanted to faint from shock. "DEATH to you too!" the entity hollowed in a deep dark voice. The drunk froze and then dropped to his knees and started begging whiles waving his hands in the air not knowing where to point or who to address physically. "Please, i don't wanna die, i have kids. I have family. I have so much to live for. Show self ghost!" "Run!" It said. The loony got up and staggered running away. I was scared too so I started to run. I didn't know where I was going. Now that it was confirmed that I wasnt the only one being haunted by this spirit, and that everyone else could here it made me very afraid. I sprinted. I didn't care about the car or were I had left it. It was too far away. Usually mmy magic tended to fail me when i was scared or nervous and what if I failed to drive this time? I ran as far as I could till I ended up in the streets and then I was stopped midway when I was almost bumbed by a car. Darn it! I had almost got hit by a car for the second time in my second life. I looked ahead and saw that it was Amir's car. He had gotten out and he ran towards me. I was happy. I chanted prayers of glee and relief, and for protection. "Amir! Where were you? I was worried about you. You don't know what I had to go thought today looking for you. " I said as I embraced him in a warm hug which surprised him very much. He hugged me back. "Nancy, what are you doing here!" I thought you were home. I needed some fresh air that's why I left. Why did you look for me?" "I was worried about you!" I said. He had calmed down. He was now speaking to me. Previously He was just ignoring me as if I didn't exist. "Lets go home!" He said as he pulled me into the car. "Wait, Cain's car,..." I began to explain my ordeal to him. "What about his car."He asked me absent mindedly. "I left it by the bridge because well, some drunk tried to kidnap and r**e me but I escaped. " He looked down in shame at the mention of the word r**e. He was embarrassed for what he did to me ages back .I looked away too because that memory made me unable to look him in the eyes as I felt unsettled, embarrassed, to be in his presence. "Okay okay, I will send the drivers to come get it. Let's go home." He said in a hurried tone. We drove home. As we drove home. We kept on passing a man who was always standing facing the other way at the side of the roads of the streets. The figure would always be wearing the same clothes, in the same pose. I knew from that patten of things that this was not a natural occurrence. Then as we passed a milestone in the outskirts of the city to arrive in our surbub, the same figure was ahead of us. He was facing the road this time, standing next to a mail box. Pointing at it then the board. This was strange. My heart let up in my chest. What did he want from me? He stood carrying a board which had something scribbled on it but we were too far away to see it yet and it was dark, almost eight thirty. As we drew closer, i could make out the inscription. It had the words written on it. 'Help, me!' and an adress scribbled at the bottom. "Amir do you see that beggar with the board.?" I asked wondering if he too could spot him. If the drunk had heard the entity, then Amir could surely hear him too if he spoke and see him as well. "Where?" He asked as he tried to focus on driving. "There," i pointed at it. He laughed as he gazed at me."Nancy, there's nothing there, perhaps you skipped dinner and lunch and now you're seeing things?" He joked. My face dropped. Only I was seeing him. I took out my phone and snapped a photo while we passed him. His face had become visible. I looked up to him slowly because i was deathly afraid of seeing what he looked like. Who he was. At least at home I could always look at the picture rather than having to look into the eyes of this evil entity that was following me. I don't know why but I continued to gaze it and there before our passing car, stood the essence of Dylan. , it was Amir's boyfriend. He had a bullet hole in his head. I shrieked back in horror and Amir lost control of the car upon seeing me scared. It skid almost off the road and then all of a sudden. It stopped. "Oh my, what just happened ?What happened Nancy?" He asked. as he heaved and panted. I ignored him and looked at the image I had just captured. My mouth stood open wide. Now I knew Dylan was trying to pass a message from the realm of the non living; the after life. I couldn't show Amir the photo of his beloved. He would have lost his mind at knowing something of that sort. "Something hit the brakes of our car!" He said in disbelief . "It wasn't me Nancy." "What?" I asked startled. We drove home the rest of the journey scared. And careful. I went to bed withought dinner. I was happy I had found him. I had been emotionally drained by the day's events. I tossed my phone away from me, were not even Amir would find it or have a chance to look at it because of that photo and slept soundly.
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