SEVENTEEN: My love is gone!

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"Divorce?" She gazed at the divorce papers like she had seen an atrocious thing. "Divorce Amir?" She screamed at him. " Who gave you the right or permission to divorce her?" His mother raged in utter disbelief next morning. "Son you're divorcing Nancy?" His father inquried in a state of shock. "But she is a good girl and you don't have any problems with her!" The father continued. "Father, you knew this was bound to happen. I mean it had to happen some day! We have spoke about this and I'm not willing to start over again. Dylan is the only man in my life. I will never love another as much as I do him and for you mother if it ever came to chosing whom, I would gladly choose Dylan over any of you. I will lay down my life for him." He said with a serious look on his face. He looked like someone who had gone through a lot and wasn't willing to to endure anymore so he used anger, rage and avoidance of anything that caused him any form of emotional stress to avoid pain. His mother gazed at him once for a really long moment then she dropped the papers on the floor and left. It would be at that evening's dinner that I would find my self making preparations to flee the mansion. Because at very dinner. Amir walked in on us with stains of blood on his clothes. He looked horrific. Everybody rushed to him to see if he was injured in some form or anyway but he had no scars wounds or scratches so the blood belonged to someone else. "My dearest nephew, what has happened to you Amir." His aunt inquired in a state of panic. "You're not hurt are you?" She scanned him from head to toe for any injuries. He did not reply, he just raged in his form of silence then he collapsed on the floor on his knees, he held his face with both hands and began to cry loudly. "What happened Amir, have you hurt someone?" His grand mother asked him. Although Amir was mother in law's favourite son, he wasn't his grand mother's favourite. She despised him and chose Cain over him. But at this moment, she was extremely concerned about him. "He's dead granny, he's dead aunt. I couldn't save him." He cried. "Who is dead Amir?" His grand mother asked. There was dead silence in the loving room. No one uttered anything. Everyone was in a sort of panic. "It wasn't even for long. One moment, we were sitting having our coffee and talking about our future and the next he was on the floor with blood dripping from his head and chest. His head!" He exclaimed. "Who are you talking about Amir!" I didn't even hear the sound of the gun! It was silent. It could have been someone who tried to assassinate me because my father is a billionaire but i guess He could have missed. Now I have I'm forever!" He cried. "These hands of mine covered in blood at this moment held him till his last breath. I owe him my life!" He continued while he held up his hands to his blood covered face. "I'm as much guilty for his death as that assassin because I did not protect him in anyway. My love is gone!" " Amir, are you talking about, Dylan?" I asked him while kneeling next to him. Once again, fate had played a cruel joke on him. I felt sorry for him. He had gone out of his way to free me form this marriage yet, he had now lost the love of his life. "I tried Nancy, I tried to save him but i couldn't, he took his last breath in mine arms. Do you know what he said before he took his last breath?" He asked me. He was in shock, failing to comprehend what had occurred to him. Meanwhile Malacca was staring in fear and in dilbelief. She had her eyes wife open. Her hands were trembling. "He said I'm sorry for thinking of leaving you. Even though he was about to lose his life because of me, he was still ls meeting over the fact that he thought of leaving the country. Abandoning what we have. Thais relationship that was blossoming on rocky planes! Now he has gone away forever. And you Nancy.." he looked at me placing his bloody hands on my shoulders. I cringed back in horror and disgust but mostly in fear of what he was going to say to me next. I thought he would blame me for everything since i was married to him. Right now he was not in the right mind. He was like a wounded animal. He was in one of his most vulnerable states. "Someone has assassinated Dylan?" His grandmother uttered. " No he isn't dead! Nothing has happened to him. My brother cannot die! " Malacca uttered as she heaved in disbelief. She was a bag of nerves. She was shivering wildly. I frowned at the site of her. She then ran and collapsed I front of Amir. She grabbed him by his collar with both hands and looked her in the eyes. That day, I saw another side to Malacca. The vulnerable girl who had emotion. "Tell me it's not true! Tell me you are lying!" She screamed. "Tell me he's okay!" Amir continued to cry. His father held his own face with his hand. Everybody looked bleak. The artmosphere was gloomy. "Grandma, tell him to stop joking about Dylan like that! I don't like it Amir. I don't like it. I don't like It one bit. Are you taking revenge on me for black mailing you to assult Nancy using him? if that is then I'm sorry, you can tell me thrtruth now. Amir. Where is my brother. Is he okay? Is he fine? Plea se your quietness is killing me!" Malacca said as she stood up. She was in a state of denial. She was failing to comprehend the notion that her very own brother had breathed his last. He had left this life. Amir gazed at his mother who continued munching on her dinner. She did not seem to care about what was transporting before her very eyes. His son was bloody and distraught. I looked at her as well and she looked at him but continued to eat. At that moment, I got very scared. Just as she was talking, her phone rang. "Hello," she answered. She listened in on what the other person on the end was saying for about threw to four minutes then she dropped the phone form her ear and collapsed on the floor unconscious. It was her mother delivering the news of her brother's death. It turns out, while Amir and Dylan were out having lunch and discussing their stuff, two stray bullets had hit Dylan and killed him on the spot. No body knows where they were fired from. All the people fleed the area, leaving Amir holding the love of his life in his arms. I had never witnessed so much pain in someone's eyes as much I saw in that boy's. Amir was distraught while he relayed what happened to us. "What happened, has happened for the better!" his mother said as she cleared her plate without emotion. Amir lokked hurt at her remark. His father stared at her in disbelief. "How can you say something like that when something so tragic has occurred." His father said to her. "Fate did us all a favour, that boy was corrupting our son. Imagine what would have become of Amir. She said as she stood up. Her heel tips echoed on the tiled floor as she walked towards her husband. Her pen suit embraced her slim body making her look serious, glamourous and dark. "What did you expect? .Did you want to witness our son walking down the aisle to marry another man? Is that what you wanted? Ha? Tell me husband." She said with a serious look on her face. "Are you in any way related to what happened to Dylan?" Her husband asked her with a questioning tone. Any body could tell how much doubt he bore for his wife in his mind. I even started to th I that way too. Amir's mother clearly did not Like Dylan. She wasn't pleased by the fact that Amir was in love with a man. She was that sort of mother; to do anything to take away her son's happiness if it meant abiding by her philosophies and her way of life. "Ohh dear husband. tks! " she cursed lightly in a mocking tone. "If I wanted to do it I would have done it a long time ago. what makes you think I would wait this long? I do not deny the fact that I'm bad but I did not do this either. That's all I can assure you of! " She said to him in a mocking and devious tone. She was always the one to mock even a serious situation. To her, if a situation did not involve business or money, It wasn't important. "Come here my son!" She stretched out her eyes to Amir, but he was too scared to embrace Her. He was crying his eyes out, like a child again. "Come here Amir. See I told you fate will a ways find was to correct everything wrong in our lives. Soon you will find that your relationship with that boy was not appropriate at all!" " Only you can do something this horrible," the father said to his wife. "What kind of mother are you. Is there no humanity left in you. Have you no heart in you to feel for others?" He thundered at his wife who knjust stood there smiling but with her mouth closed. "What if it had been one of your son's? Would you have related like this? What if it was Amir." His father asked her. Her look became serious and a he was enraged to the point that she would have eaten him alive. She dint move or do anything but her look said it all . I imagined she was thinking how dare her husband say such a thing like that to her!
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