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Morning dawned in before I was awake. I woke up feeling worse than the previous day. I lay in bed contemplating the reason for my sickness. I llooked next to me to notice that Amir was already gone. I struggled to get up but failed. I was starting to get scared so much because I feared it was because of my felidaeness. What if I failed to control my secret power and transformed in front of everyone. I got out of bed with so much pain. I got ready and went downstairs. There was no one yet, only Malacca who sat at the table sipping coffe from a green mug. "How are you today dear Nancy?" She asked but i could tell form the looks of her that she didnt really care. She wore a devious smile on her face. "Tell me how are you feeling today, perhaps still sick to your guts?" What kind of person was she to make fun at a sick p eroson. To be so insensitive and impolite, she had helped me the other day, why was she being mean now. "Tell me what you have to say, sorcerer." She looked at me from the corner of her eyes. " I guess since you seem to want to do harm to others using black magic, fate has chosen to punish you for your deeds by granting you sickness!" She cursed at me. I was shocked at her behaviour. She had stooped very low to the point of insulting me, pointing fingures at me, she her self was no saint considering She had murdered someone and I had recorded her confession. I was so caught up with not liking Amir and lamenting over my baseless relationship that I had forgotten my aim to get Malacca punished for her heinous crime. How long would it take for her to start her process of ruining Mariah's life. Even though she knew that Cain now loved Mariah, she student leave or let them live in peace. She constantly gave Cain a reason to complain about Mariah. One time when Mariah had prepared food for Cain, Malacca took it upon her slef to ruine his lunch Mariah was tblamed for it. She had personally added more spice to the dishes that they were inedible and Cain thought Mariah was taking revenge and still had not forgiven her for what he did to her. The other time he when Mariah did his laundry, Malacca added more washing powbpder and fabric lightened, she added paint and this ruined the clothes entirely. Cain wapissed ed off as he had to buy new clothes. Those were just a few instances. She was the true defination of evil. A snake. Amir had called exactly What she was on my wedding day. A vile creature worse than a snake! "Did that seem to hurt you a little bit?" She teased smiling. "What hurt?" I asked confused to what she was referring to. "The fact that I called you a sorcerer! I mean you your self know what I mean Nancy." She paused waiting for me to utter something else. I said nothing. "Dont worry, I have in invited a priest of our religion to come and pray for you. So that you get well soon!" She said sipping more coffe from her mug. Her hair was worn in ginger curls. Her eyes glowed a nice green. Her black and short dress complemented her high heels. She had many other similar outfits which she wore frequently. She was the one to seek Cain's fortune to spend it on her personal luxeries. She care more about fashion than other people. "Thanks for your deep concern Malacca , but I'm a little better today," I lied. I do not need anybody to pray for me to get well. " As soon as I uttered those words. A man in a white gown and silver bells stood by the entrance ring hi ng them in tune. He had two other monk who accompanied him. "Come in priest, your arrival was awaited" Malacca beamed. The priest was welcomed. He seemed more like a traditional healer than a priest. A traditional healer is more like a person who performs magic and uses herbs and roots, spirit mediums to cure people, sometime even to hurt others. He rang his bells whiles dispersing holy essence in the atmosphere. He walked walked thorugh out the living room while st chanting something, then he stopped and gazed at us, the servants had gathered to witness this scene. "Which one of you here summoned me to this unholy place!" The priest demanded. "I did!" Malacca obediently replied. "I summoned you here guru. Did you receive my message?" "Yes I saw and read everything you wrote child, and I'm going to help you with this issue because I have come across similar cases in the past!" He said proudly. "Okay!" The priest continued whiles gazing around the living room and nodding at the amount of wealth Cain's family posses judging by the antiques he laid his eyes on. . At that moment Mariah came into the living room and she was also as shocked as I was at Malacca and her priest. "So where is this witch you spoke of?" He asked looking at her directly. I froze in bewilderment and fear. So Malacca had seen me. She had amen it upon her self to get back at me by inviting a priest for an exorcism? " How are you sir!" The shy Mariah began. "I would like to assure you that there is no witch in this place." We are all a nice family here and we do no such lowy deeds such as black magic." I have never believed in the dark powers of a traditional priest. In fact most people in the nation followed Islam or Christianity. There were a few Hindus and Buddhist as well. But I have always followed my own felidae traditional beliefs even though I rarely thought about worship. My life was always entered on making my ambitions a reality, living, being happy, fulfilling my happiness!" "I sense there is some dark presence around us!" He said as he looked at me then winked at Malacca. He then ran towards me with so much force and he sent me down tumbling on the floor and this crazed man started chanting in a we red language while slapping my body. I was shocked and bewildered Mariah rushed to help me but she was stopped midway. "Stay back child! She is a devil in disguise." He uttered withought much thought. He then sprinkled something like red ashes, it found have been vermilion. I did not know which pagan religion this traditional priest was from but it was deemed unholy and evil. Even though being a witch, I sensed its black aura. I fe.t the red ash burn into my skin. I wailed in pain as I attempted to remove it off of my body. He then took cut lemons and started squishing the juice on me. I was enraged. I couldn't bear this anymore. He obviously was a fake and sought to bring me pain and humiliate me immensely. I was about to defend my slef form his attacks when a voice thundered above his! "Nancy! Are you okay?" Cain shouted as he ran down the stairs. "What is happening here?" Cain inquired as he helped me up. I was crying. Crying tears of pain. Tears of shock and confusion. His family all got downstairs to find him still arguing with the priests and Malacca! " " Thank you for your concern for her Malacca but we don't need you to call your evil priests here to cure her. She will be just fine with the medicine form the hospital. If Nancy needs healing, she will go to a temple to worship not follow through with your silly and sly ideas. " Cain angrily said. "Omg,Nancy look at your skin!" Cain's cousin said in a bewildered voice. I gazed at my self to see dark red blister starting to form on my arms and legs. The red powder had caused me to have an allergic reaction. I quickly ran upstairs to my room in anger and Malacca ran behind me. I was sick but at that moment, I felt the urge to tea form into my beast. Mariah entered the room behind me beggi ng me to calm down. I was out raged. I was angry, not to mention my allergies which were spreading all over my body. She quickly shut the door behind us. "Nancy what's wrong, are you okay, sister in law? " She asked me. By this time my felidae instickt were kicking in. The blood in my veins was rushing to my heart plumbing it faster and faster. I felt its immense pressure as it thundered within me like a bungo drum. I felt like I was going to explode with rage. I felt th we once similar sharp pains shoot through my body ony thorough this time. Mariah was horried as I crashed on the floor twitching as if I had had a stroke. "Ahhh, Nancy, what's wrong Nancy!" She cried as she rushed to my aid. I push her her away but she was adamant on helping me. I didn't want hher to see my face, I had completely covered it with my long hair. I must have looked like something from a horror movie because Mariah brushed my hair from my face and she screamed in horror upon seeing it. "Nancy, your allergies are getting worse!" She backed off in fear and cowered in the corner of the closed door. All her strength had left her as she attempted to say a prayer, crossing her hands and kissing the ground Iin an attempt to appease the most high so that he may bestow misfortune upon the beast that was transforming before her very fear filled wide open eyes. That's whent dawned in on me. I was transforming right in front of Mariah. She would see me in my most vulnerable state and she would witness my true valliant form. What if I hurt her when I turned into what ever animal I was about to change into. "Get out!" Shouted at her with depth in my voice. She stared at me but did nothing. I crawled neare to a full body length mirror and saw my true formation. The veins on my face looked like they were about to pop. My eyes were a glowing yellow, my teeth were now canine like. I had grown sharp fangs on the sides of my inner jaws. I said get out Mariah!" I panted as I struggled to control my pain as my bones contorted in we red shapes while I transformed into my wolf form. I screamed in pain. I held my mouth with my hands. I bit my lips but the pain was too much. "Leave! " I demanded. "I can not leave you like this, no Nancy!" She said. "But I could hurt you after I... if you don't leave you will die." I said. " No you will not hurt me Nancy, I know you won't do such a thing no matter the circumstances!" She said while I shook my head at her stubbonness. "Please don't tell anybody about This, I sad as my vision faded into blurry images of colour. I couldn't make out anything any more. This curse was too much to bear. Imagine having to transform every full moon. Having to bear this unimaginable pain as your bones broke themselves to bits to acormodate the form you transform into. The pain its self was worse than death, no wonder it was deemed a curse. Many would have prefere death over this. It was like having to die everyfull moon of the month. Provoked transformations were less painful. They were triggered by negative ambiencies within the body. Anger, and rage. Whilst lunar transformations where the worst to bear. Today, was a full moon. I was transforming before the night because I had provoked my anger. This would be only one transformation. Once I do, I'm done with. I can't transform multiple times per day. Mariah stood and ran out the door and locked it behind me then yelled. "Dont worry Nancy, youre going to be fine, I am not going anywhere untill youre okay sister!" She said, her voice shook with fear and intimidation. I d not know when but i came to laying on the floor. Mariah, Cain and his dad were standing before me discussing something. "If this continues we are going to have to take her to go see a few specialists." He dad said, there was so much apprehension in his voice. Never had I ever experienced so much love, as much I felt in his heart for me. He loved me like a true daughter even though I was just bound in marriage to his son. No blood relation linked us , yet this man loved me more than my own father did. He adored me. I felt it. Felidaes have this instinct. "I guess if you say so father then i don't object!" Cain added. "You said the doctor said there was nothing wrong after they too the blood tests?" He asked. "Yes father, the doctor said that. I am very worried about her. If she keeps on fainting like this I do not know what will happen next!" Cain said with concern. "Mariah you said you just found her laying on the floor?" His father inquried. "Yes father. She was just there on the floor not moving one bit! When I called out to her she didn't respond. " she said. Okay help her up and I will take her to a private clinic when she wakes up, she will go to see one of the best specialists in the city." His father said. " I' am okay father in law." I said as I got up. I was weak form the transformation but my sickness had vanished. I had cured my self. I always fell sick a few days before the full moon. Before the trasformations. My body needed to adjust to the changes fore felt. I stood up and sat on the bed whilst Cain helped me. Everyone made sure i was okay before they left me. Except for Cain because I held his hand. He felt uncomfortable talking to me. I could see the sweet under his brow. His Pam's were sweaty as he struggled to hide them. "Ummm Nancy don't worry!" I did not take what you said to me to heart. I know you were not well. I know you did not mean to say you loved me? I know you're a virtuous girl with self respect so don't worry, I don't perceive you any less than that!" He said. "It's okay" , I said, " I'm sorry." I said to him. "It's okay! It's fine Nancy!" He said. " I'm sorry that I managed to fall in love with you?" I said with tears in my eyes. "What!?"He exclaimed with a smile on his face thinking I was joking. "Nancy what joke is this?" "This is no joke Cain, i love you just as much as Mariah loves you. Maybe even more. When i said those things yesterday , I really meant them!" I said looking him in the eyes. I stood up and walked up to him slowly. "I love you Cain. I love with all my heart." I held up my hand to his face and caressed his cheek softly. "Every bit of me desires you immensely. My love." I said as he pushed away my hand. Yes iam was that bad. If I was not going to have Cain formally, I was going to have him another way. I would not dare break up his and Mariah's marriage, anyways, their religion allowed a man to marry up to four wives. I wouldn't have minded being the second. Though morden families who were wealthy often opted for one wife. "Nancy you can't say stuff like that! You know I love Mariah with all my heart. I already have a wife. What's wrong with you girls. I noticed before you always tried to get close to me. You would touch me and make other physical contact with me. So first there is Malaccca, now there is you! What do I do with you girls. Why do Ii say to make you understand that its impossible for us to be together now!" He said. "You compare me to Malacca?" I asked him offended. How could he? How dare he. I was wrong for coming on to him but there is no wrong or right in love. "Right now you are comcoming to me. so.. She always does that but i didn't expect this form you Nancy!" He said looking sdisappointed. "But why, Why can't I be yours Cain. Why can't I be the love of your life. I know you love me. Say it Cain." I took his hand and placed I it on my heard. "Swear on me that you don't love me!" I demanded. He looked about for a bit in emotional distress. He tried to hide it be put I could well as well feel it. His expression was vivid. "Nancy i don't swear! " He said. "What is this nonsense you ask of me?" "Cain, do you love me?" I asked him. I probably sounded like a crazed lover but i was desperately in love with him. I was not going to await any longer for the chickens to hatch. I was going to get my prey and he was it. He just had to realise it. I was losing my way. I thought since I couldn't leavd the family without losing my life, he would marry me, I would be his second wife and Mariah wouldn't have to lose him. Some times in love, you gotta play unfair to have what you desire. I had done a spell to make Amir seek his true love and divorce me. I was goin g to get rid of Malacca and everything would be okay. That's what I had in mind but i was no genie. I wasn't going to go around granting wishes for everyone through my black magic without getting anything out of it. He stalled for a bit then he replied. "NO!" He replied. "No?" I asked failing to comprehend what he had just uttered infornt of me. "No, Nancy, we are just friends okay? You're my sister in law." "I will be divorced soon, the we can be together!" I uttered without thought. "Divorced? " Okay I know you don't love Amir but if you give this relationship a chance it could actually blossom into something!" He said adamantly. "Cain we have already been through this. Amir already has a lover wether you accept it or not. He loves Dylan and ipeven if I give our relationship a chance he will never love me. Do you know what its like to be in a relationship with someone you know will never love you?" I asked him. "So why are you adamant about becoming a girlfriend or wife of mine when you know I don't feel the same way? He asked me this wuestion that drew blades into my beating and fragile heart. I wanted to cry like a child but i didn't. "Because i know its not true, I know you love me so why do you deny it?" You can't just force me to be in love with you. What happened to you Nancy? My Nancy." He said. "You call me yours yet you yp say you don't love ,me." I said to him. "Nancy don't be like this, youre putting me in a tough situation." "Well then i guess if you don't love me, then there is no reason for me to keep living. " i saiI as I walked towards the balcony. The afternoon sun was shining very brightly. I was going to test Cain. He walked behind me and as I got to the balcony, I jumped. I had done it before. I was knew he was going to catch me. Just in time he caught me by the hand. "Let go Cain, let me perish. At least I will die and be in peace than live knowing you will never love me. I said as I tried to get his hand off my wrist. "What are you saying Nancy?" He said as he struggled to pull me up. He did and I toppled over back on the balcony sweating from my stunt. I could have died, but I was willing to do it to see wether Cain loved me. " You saved me!" I said as he grabbed my face and engulfed it in a warm and long kiss. "Nancy, for a moment there, I thought I lost you! Don't do that!" He was heaving with anxiety. "Don't ever do that to me again!" He said. He pulled me back in the room and and started to talk seriously. "Okay, I love you Nancy and I mean it. It's just that I don't want to be the unfaithful husband and I thought you didn't love me." He said. He sat on the floor leaning against the wall with his hands on his head. He was still failing to fully fathom what had happened. "This isn't healthy at all. You need a bedroom downstairs so that You don't ever think of doing what you just did. I can't forgive you for this. What was I going to do without You? " "But I didn't die." I said "But you could have!" He said. I sat next to him and leaned in on his shoulder. We sat for like fifteen minutes without saying anything to each other. He then kissed me on the lips again. "Okay but you won't say anything to Mariah. We have to be discrete about our relationship because I don't want us to get into trouble." He said lowering his voice. " I promise not to tell!" I said and smiled at him. He then stood up and left me smiling to him self. I had done it. I had enticed a man and now he truly loved me. I dreamt about us, about our kids and all the things we would do in future. I wanted all of Cain. I wasn't going to let him go now that he had sweetly landed in my hands. Now that this was my second chance at life, I wasn't willing to let anything not go in my favour. That push over Nancy from my past life was dead and now she was reborn anew and thriving with a lot of ambition. I went downstairs after having a long and hot shower. I was happy to the point that I was singing to my self. I could imagine Cain smiling by himself at the thought of me. Now he would be bestowed with luck to love two people immensely and I was one of these people. I went into the kitchen to get my self a snack and that's when I felt them. The invisible eyes at the back of my head were gazing at her. Like the time i had back when we weng to the museum. I looked behind me to see Mariah looking at me. She had tears in her eyes! "Nancy, what was that, You... you..." " Please don't tell anybody about that!" I shouted in a lowered voice. "You were in so much pain. You became a dog, wolf? I still can not believe what I saw with my eyes. Don't worry I locked you in the room and waited for you to be fine again then i called everybody!" "You did good, Mariah. I'm thankful and greatful to you for not exposing my dark secret." I said. I dragged her outside were we sat in the garden and I told her everything about my life. My curse and my past life weehich asher nbelieved because at this point she had seen enough to believe anything. During the evening i was walking back my room and Amir had gone out. I felt someone was following me. I turned back ony to see Cain. He then dragged me in the room and kissed me. That's the scene i had hallucinated when I was sick the previous day, was coming true. He left but then he came back and locked the door behind us. He walked towards me and rippled his shirt open. He then smiled at me. While flexing his biceps. "Cain what are you doing, Amir might come back any moment. Someone might see us." I said as I was scared. "Don't worry," he said as he layed me on the bed. "If someone comes I'll just climb down the balcony." He drew closer to me and kissed me upon my lips. " I've waited a long time to be able to do this." He said. He kissed me while he undressed me. We then spent quality time together and he left after two hours of fun. We had a magical time talking and telling each other how we felt. I loved him and he did love me too nothing could ever surpass that. He then left. Malacca was reprimanded for bringing the priest home that day. When eight ocklock dawned, just as I wanted; Amir walked in and threw a bunch of parers at me and smiled. He was happy, the most happier than I have seen him be. "What is this?" I asked him "Divorce papers!" He said. " We are getting divorced Nancy!" He smiled.
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