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The grave yard was massive and quiet. There was open space between the tombstones and the grass was moist and fresh. The was nothing but silence that dominated the somber artmosphere. Only dead silence as the priest too few chunks of dry soil from the ground and crushed them in his hand and then he threw them in the freshly dug grave on the brown coffin which was adorned with golden handles. "From dust to dust you shall return. Child of the creator, sleep in peace, in harmony, you shall be granted eternal peace. Young one." He spoke. I looked down. Dyylan's parents were weeping their wits out while embracing each other, saying goodbye to their son. Not many people came to Dylan's funeral given the circumstances of his nature regarding his s****l preferences but there weren't few people either. Cain noticed I was distressed and he held my hand. Amir, my husband stood there as if he were a zombie. He was unfeeling, bleak and devastated to the point that he went mute and hadn't drank or eaten anything in the past few days. He looked bold yet gloomy in his neat and beautiful black suit. He stood holding white yellow and redand to lay on his lover's coffin as a gesture of his undeniably undying love. Every moment a tear dropped down from his green eyes. Malacca lay on the ground crying her heart out. Never in my life had i ever seen her this way. I was touched, moved by what mine eyes witnesssed at that very sad moment. I felt sorry for her seeing her in that condition. Every now and then she would grab dust from the ground and look at it crying. "Why, why, what do you mean priest? From dust to dust?" She stood up and paced to him. Everyone knew she was this way because of the trauma of her very own brother passing away at such a young age. He was only in his twenties. Young and ambitious. "You mean to say he will turn to dust priest? What are you saying priest?" She wept with disbelief in her eyes. "He won't ever come back to us? My Dlylan is gone forever. He will turn to soil. Soil! He has left this world! I cannot let him go. I can't, I can't!" She rushed to the side of the grave and dove in landing on the coffin with both feet and she shoved to the side and opened it revealing the pale white face of Dylan. He had his head covered in a bandage to prevent bleeding. He was very pale. Amir seeing the scene burst into tears and ran away to the car. Cain went after him. Gasps of shock rang in the atmosphere. There where about fifty five people present for the burial. Malacca held her deceased brother by the shoulders and shook him. "Wake up! Wake up brother. I will not let you turn to dust, you shall not become soil! I can't believe you will cease to exist no more! hahahahaha!!! Why did this have to happen to you out of all people. It should have been me." She wept as she hugged him. "Shut up you silly child! It should have been you? You really want to die?" Her uncle snapped shaking his head in disbelief at her statement. Some sought to restrain her and pull her out. "Let go miss!" They calmly called. She wouldn't. She had a tight grip on him that all four men failed to get her out. " Leave her. Let her mourn her deceased brother. Let her hold him for the last time.!" Her aunt said and they gave her a few moments to cry while she held on to him. "Dont worry. You'll be attain eternal peace my brother." She took off her rings on her fingers and lasted them on his chest. She kissed him on the cheek and and then she let the men drag her out while most people gazed at her frowning in shock , sadness and disgust. She stood by the side as the priest continued. There was a moment of silence were everyone stood quiet and the deceased was honoured. Then Malacca began to talk. There was a lot of pain in her eyes. " I remember when he was just a baby and I was like just four years old, mom would let me carry him in my arms. I would hold him lovingly and i loved him very much." She paused to sob. "And the times we used to fight growing uponly to think that he has left us with nothing else behind except those memories of him and us..." She bust out into more tears. Suddenly, I had the edge to leave and go be with Amir because I felt he was in great distress. I slowly walked thorugh the standing crowd discretely because I did not want to be seen leaving. That would have been rude. I walked on the wet grass on my way to the parking lot. I was in a hurry. Suddenly my chest was heaving continuously. I was very tense and I didnt know why. " I have to get out of here at all costs!" I said to my self. I was very very scared. The sound of twigs breaking was something that slightly dominated the place that I was walking across. I gazed into the bhuhyshes and trees across the grave yard but there was no one to be seen. I continued to walk but the sound kept on coming, like someone was creeping on me and he was about to jump out of the bushes. I walked towards the trees and looked on the dirty and grassy ground were dry twigs lay fallen but i a could not see anyone. I went back. I halfway in my walk towards the parking lot when I head it. "Hey!" A whisper echoed in my left ear and tore my heart apart. In a bid to calm my self, I told my self I had just hallucinated it. But the voice kept on calling. Then there was a slight strong wind, an unusual wind, an energy that waved by me. It made me flinch in horror. The artmosphere was suddenly cold. "Who is there?" I shouted in apprehension. I was not a believer of human faiths considering I followed my own felidae religion but I found my self reciting a prayer. I was scared witless. I started running, my heels digging into the grass's wet mud. I head the sound of footsteps get louder behind me as if someone was chasing me. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I was heaving madly. I got to the car feeling nauseous maybe out of fear or some unknown reason. I wanted to throw up. " Nancy, are you okay?" Cain ran up to me in total apprehension. He had g even sitting talking Amir in the car. "I'm fine! " I said. "What happened?" He asked. "I just want to get out of here!" I said. My eyes could tell it all; watery, filled with fear and panic. "Calm down." he said. " I want to leave Cain." I begged. "Now, please!" Amir did not want to stay there either so we the threes of us left.
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