NINETEEN: Who did it?

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Arriving home, Amir was mess. He was unwilling to engage in any conversation with anyone. The news of dylan's death had been hard on him. He was a walking shell of someone he once was. He stood by the door unwilling to move on further into the mansion. "Whats wrong Amir?" I aske d him as I held his hand. I did not love him but at that moment I had to be there for him. "Nothing, I just need to go out and get some air!" He said looking down in an attempt to break free from my soft grip. "All by your self?" I asked him. " I need some air Nancy, and you mea n nothing to me don't try to get any closer to me than you really are. You're just a friend. We aren't even that close e nought to be friends!" He raged in an uneven tone. His eyes were wide open. He walked out and I continued in to where everyone had been sitting in the dinning room. I was deeply worried about him. So was his family. He then walked back in, walked towards me and then grabbed me by the throat. "I see, you want to know where I'm going? You're pe extending to be remourseful or have you really developed feelings for me that are now not afraid to show it in front of me?" He paused in a state of rage. "Let her go Amir!" Cain insisted as he walked towards were me and Amir were standing. "I see, so you killed Dylan, because you wanted me all to your self. Other wise who could it be? It was you Nancy. Am I right?" He screamed. "You have betrayed me Nancy!" I kept quiet. I was afraid of his rage, my eyes were wide open with fear, I could smell my own fear and my arms were trembling. This man who had once before radishes me had the power to do anything to me if he wanted to. I mean if he had the guts to sneak into my room before I knew him and do horrible deeds to me what would stop him from harming me now? "Let me go Amir!" I found my self uttering these very words. "Is that a way to talk to your wife Amir!" His mother asked with an anger in her words. Her voice was always as calm as an ocean during the summer seasons. "Did I upset you mother?!!" He asked in a devious tone. "Perhaps you don't like it when I hurt your little daughter in law?" He said as he delivered a painful pinch on my cheek making me flinch in terror. He gripped his hand tighter on my neck. Gasps of fear and shock rang thorugh out the sitting room. "So you killed Dylan since you wanted me to be 'normal' mother?!" He raged. "Is that so mother dearest?" "Only you are devious enough around here to do such a thing! Even I know you. I know how cunning you're. I know how evil you are. Even your own so called ideal future daughter in law cannot be as cunning." He paused.Then he turned arou d to address weverybody wiyb his massive hand still around my neck. I felt as if my neck bones were about to break. "Unless, you were all in on it.You all were not pleased by the fact that I was gay so you all devised a plan to get rid of my love. Didn't you?" He asked. They all went silent with shock ."Didn't you do it family? I'm asking you, tell me now so that I don't have to live in oblivion, so that I know what you truly feel for me and how much you're willing to do to have your way fam!" He said. "Son, how could you think so lowly of us?" His father asked. "You think we would do something like that to another human being just because we have money. You think we do not love you? That boy was Malaccca's sister! He was as good as family! He was almost your age. He was like a son to us so why would we do something like that? " His father was very concerned, nearly angry at this point. "Shut up father. He was like a son to you?" He asked failing to seep in the words his father hand uttered. Would you kill your son?" "What?!" His father asked shocked. "What kind of question is that son?" "I asked father, would you kill your own son? since you said you considered him your own son!" "You're listening to what we are trying to tell you son.." He was cut short by my screamed before he could finish his sentence. Amir had lifted me by my neck and i was choking. My feet were dangling in the air. I was not only scared at this point but horrified. If I really wanted, I could get him off me. I could transform in front of him and that would probably scare him to death, enough to stop him from ever coming on to me like that. I would probably have to get rid of him after that. But at this moment the whole family was watching. I knew he loved Dylan. He was gripped in the hallows of rage its self over tbe death of his lover. He was wounded in the heart and the fact of him knowing someone deliberately pulled a trigger to take the love of his life from him made him feel more betrayed and the more betrayed He was the more he felt like seeking vengeance on the one who had done it. And this thirst for vengeance made him not trust anyone . Not knowing who did it destroyed him to the core of his heart. I had not spoken about this with him but I knew he was bound to feel this way and act in this manner. . I would too if someone had done this to Cain since I loved him. Amir struggled to control his emotions. He was struggling to come to his true senses and let. me go, he didn't know who to believe; his inner conscience that seemed to seed doubt about us in his young self or us, his very family that was telling him that we had not committed any sin against him. "Okay, who ever did it has to be one of you, and for me to feel content and get even I have to kill one of you and it will be this very woman I'm choking right here right now!" He looked at me and beamed at me in the most evil way. 'Have you lost your mind!??!!' I thought to my self. "Heard that Nancy? . You right now are a very unlucky woman because you will not bear the gift of witnessing such a thing as the light of another day ever after today, because I am not going to let you walk out of this mansion alive." Gasps of shock rang through about the living room as everyone seemed as if they would just to rescure me and then shudder back in fear. "Stay back or I will really end her!" He said in a serious and cold tone. "A little bit more pressure on her neck and it will snap." He continued. "Someone please call the police!" Natalia screamed. "Amir let her go please!" Cain begged. "You don't have to do this? Remember we aren't the only ones who despised your relationship with Dylan. We are your family and don't have the heart or the will to commit such a deed. Someone evil must have done this to him! " Cain continued. "Hahaha! Such a gift called life! One moment you're awake, you're happy, you're living and you bear the conscious fact of your existence and the next, you're nothing but a corpse, livid and non living. You're buried forever to merge with the dust of our desert sands, never to resurface again, never to be seen again except that you perish and turn to nothingness. Nothing left except memories painted in the minds of those we leave behind and the spirit its self if its spared the wrath of judgement may live on." He said in a philosophical way. "We are your family Amir, we understand you. We know you and that boy were in love and even if we didn't approve of your relationship with him our feelings towards him were mutual to yours. We wanted him out of that phase too. We wante d the best for him. " His father pleaded. "You will never understand this until you have children of your own. When you do, you will never be able to have the heart to harem anyone else's child because you think of your own kids" He said in a serious and clam tone. His hands were raised to his sides as if someone we're pointing a gun at him. This sent Amir in a fit of doubt. He struggled to let go of me. To believe his own kin. To do the right thing, but deep within him I felt his thirst to seek revenge. He let go of me at last. I was almost taking my last breath. All I remember was tumbling on the floor with as the grip around my numb neck loosened. Everybody's hazy images crowded around me calling out to me; I was fading. The last thing I remembered was Amir walking out of the grand mansion door before I passed out completely. I would wake up around evening surrounded by his family while lying on the couch with my neck neatly bandaged. What had happened to me? I remembered but i failed to explain why I had attained such an injury around my neck from the hands of my very own husband who was merely a human. I had bled profusely. I was going to find out who had assassinated Dylan. Since I had been placed victim in this dangerous game of love and murder, it wa s my duty to find out who had taken the life of a man who almost got mine taken by his depraved lover. "Lay back Nancy, the doctor said you shouldn't go any were or do any work as of now!" Mariah said. I did as asked. I closed my eyes as Mariah pressed a hot cloth on my forehead I had come down with a fever over my near death experience, this things happen to some I heard. But since leaving that funeral, I had felt the taste of a certain cold around me. The aura of winter seemed to be lingering on my presence. Cold as ice only near and around me. The smell of salt and death. "Nancy why do i feel like I am very cold when I am around you or is it me?" She said as she shivered in chills. "Ohh, is this one of your felidae superpower acting up like that day?" She said to me in a whisper. I faintly smiled to her. "It's not how things work Mariah!" I said. Faintly. She then left to get my medicines. That's when I noticed it. A shadow by the corner of my eye. This seemed to be more of a person than a shadow. I turned my neck, and caught his full form with my vision but i could not make out his face at that moment because iflinced in pain as my neck turned in that direction. It had sprain from that ordeal. I wondered we're Amir would get such strength to almost kill me in an instant. I lay back, I then head a voice whisper in my ears. "Aye aye, hey! In a soft and calm voice. I felt slow, almost lifeless breathing in my ear. I jumped. At that moment, I forgot my pain. I forgot I had a fever and a headache. I forgot about my neck injury. I got up startled to turn and see Natalia standing in front of me with moist eyes. Her phone was on the floor. "What is it Natalia?" I asked her. "Nancy, I saw...I ... I saw somebody standing near you by the couch then they bent down to the level of your head!" She said in a scared voice. So I hadn't imagined it. I was deeply disturbed. I had also seen the figure of a man. I was so afraid of going up to my room but after taking the medicine I took a nap. When I woke up for dinner, my fever had gone. Tomorrow was going to be a new day, a new quest to find out who killed Dylan. If I was successful in my endeavourthen I would make sure the guilty were punished. I looked at the time. Seven oclock. Exactly at that moment I decide to nap for a few more twenty minutes because dinner was usually served at eight; when every body was around. When all had gotten back from work or wherever they had left for. Today was Saturday. As soon as I lay my head back on the pillow. I was startled out of my hazy half sleepiness by a slight laughter. I woke up. "Who...who is there. " I could feel this entity sensed my apprehension. "Why are you following me?" I asked. I wanted to know why entity followed me all the way from the grave tears .What did it want from me? That day had been bad enough. From attending a funeral; something I disliked to the core of my beating heart to almost being choked to death by my own husband, to getting a fever a it really was a horrible day.
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