TWENTY-FOUR : Mother in Law

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"Stop son. Please, stay for the sake of your father. I will not be able to live with my self if you're treated in this unjust manner. Please stay my boy." He said looking at Cain in a pleading way. "Stay with your wife!" He continued. "No father. Mother will have to learn. She can't always have her way, I won't divorce Maraih." He paced towards the coffe table and withdrew The divorce papers that had been placed on it. He took them and thore them in from of everyone. "Youre no longer welcome here, nor my son!" His mother said in a low voice. "What!!? What are you saying to him Ekina. Cain is one of our only sons. How can you disown him for something as petty as this?" He said in a shocked voice. She then paced out and left without saying a word to anyone else. Malacca still kept on sitting on the floor and weeping. ' Please Cain how can you leave me like this? I love you so much.!" His cousin and sisters went to help her up and console her but Cain did not. It was in that moment I realised how fragile Cain and Mariah's relationship was. His mother hated her. She would do anything to have them separated and divorced. She would even go as far as harming Mariah if it meant getting her out of Cain's life for good and who knows, rumours had been circulating that she ocastrated the assassinationof Dylan. I sort of did not believe it. I knew she was bad but I did not think she would go as far murdering him. I found my self in our room making a voodoo doll to control my mother in law. If I was going to save Cain and Mariah's marriage, I had to get rid of the ultimate obstacle and that was his mother's ego. I took the knitted little doll with wooden legs and put it in the center of my drawn craft circle. I chanted my spell and anointed the pigs oil on the doll. I had found a way to get a strand of her hair, I had confided my inner secrets to her and had managed to grab a strand of her hair when she hugged me. "It's okay my child. You're my Amir's wife, you're always welcome to talk to when ever you have a problem. " She has said. I had walked out of her office that previous week smiling while st gazing at the s grand of her hair. I had been planning this for ages. I inserted pins into the doll for control. That would mean each pin represented each emotion. I would be able to control her mind and what ever she was feeling. All her senses would be under my control. I told the voddo doll and hid it in my drawer below my clothes were Amir wouldn't dare look . My mother in law would abide by what ever I told the voodoo doll. If I told the doll to go somewhere and do something, my mother in law would do that. If I told the doll to sleep, my mother in law would sleep. If I hit the doll, she would feel the pain. I would later find out. I went downstairs in a bid to go visit Malacca's home, i had been planning that as well. I wanted to fulfill the wished of the spirit of Dylan. To get him justice. I wanted to find out who would have had the motive of assassinating him. I found everyone surrounding Cain's mothers. She was groaning in pain. "Oh, my back, my chest, my leg!" She was pointing to every part of the body similar to the parts that I had inserted pins into the doll. I opened my mouth in shock and disbelief. So the voodoo magic worked! I had no intention of hurting my mother in law, i just wanted her to abide by everything positive. I wanted to save Mariah. So that she did not have to leave the mansion. Mariah would have no one to go to. No family because their parents had died in a gruesome accident years back. She was the only member of her family left. She and Anita had remained opharns and now even her dearest sister had met her untimely end. This was her only family left. I feared how she was going to take it if by any chance, Cain had actually divorce her. The was sun showing in the sky at midday as I walked towards Malacca's front door. I rang the door bell and it took about ten to fifteen minutes for them to answer. I was wondering if they were actually at home. "Hi!" The woman at the door greeted me with a smile. She was the spitting image of Malacca, only older. "How may i help you?" She asked. "You must be his mom!" I sad with a smile on my face. "He told me about you, a couple of times!" She paused then gazed at me and a tear dropped from her eye. "Excuse me, who did you say you were?" "Haran, my name is Haran Tan." I lied. I did not want her to know my actual name in case my plan did not go well. " You son Dylan was my boyfriend. He wanted to marry me but he was taken away before our dream could come true!" I said as I pretended to cry. I hoped I had convinced her. I thought it would be okay to lie if I was doin g it for a good cause. In the end, she would get to know about her son's killer. He would get justice and the family would get closure. She walked towards me and welcomed me with an embrace. She kissed my fore head and patted my cheek. "My amir's girlfriend. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She said and she welcomed me in.
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