TWENTY-FIVE: The letter

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It was in that moment when I was at Malacca's home that I started to suspect that something was amiss. I was sitting in front of Malacca's mother and her younger daughter Isim. "Care for some tea young lady?" She asked as she served me some. I did not even get a chance to reply to her because she had a ready served me some.. "So you say you are my Dylan's girlfriend? But I thought he was gay and liked some guy...what's his name..??!!" She continued absent mindedly. From her look and personality, i could tell that she was a superficial person. I could see who Malacca took after. Her mother looked plain evil and superficial. My mother had always taught me that such people possessed the inability to change even though she possesed similar qualities. As a felidae, I had been cursed with the gift to read people. So I analized this very woman in front of me. Her think red lips embraced the cup in a warm sip and then she paused to look at me. Her mouth went open. "Oh I'm so sorry, i guess you didn't know my son was gay and in love with someone else?!! Im so sorry it came as a shock to you!" She said in a sad tone. She was feigning it. She always had this sarcastic way of speaking. She would say things in the nicest tone possible but her words were offensive. "It's weird though that he would go for a girl like you!" She laughed as if it were funny. I brushed it off and smiled back at her. She reminded me of someone else. My mother in law but at least my mother in law wasn't exactly like her. "It's okay, I knew Dylan was gay before I met him. I met him in therapy and we fell in love." I said. "Oh yes, Dylan was getting therapy, I remember, his father specifically urged him to go there to cure his illness." She continued as she took a bite from the delicious chocolate biscuits she had served with the tea. I didn't know Dylan was getting therapy, I had merely lied but my lie had been spot on. I wished I had done some witchcraft to find out more about his pare ts before I came to his home. His you gets sister Isim kept on smiling at me and having some juice. She would constantly and shyly wave at me. She looked to be about twelve. She had long silky hair and huge and found black eyes. Her lips were plum like her mother's and she was a bit tan. "So you too plan next get married,?" "Yes we spoke about marriage a few time before he.. " I paused and lokeed away, tears coming to my eyes. "Oh, sweety, I know he's gone, I feel the same way as you so don't cry, he's in a better place now." She said in a comforting voice while putting her mug on the table. I nodded in agreement agree me her. I cringed at her inability to show any emotion. And saying the most cliche things in such situations. Like as if she had forced to say those things. As if she was being forced to feel sorry for her son's death. I knew she was faking it. "Why don't you astray a little longer for lunch." She said after we had talked. "Thanks but i gotta go now, I have a few things I have to complete in town.." I said. "No please, its okay, you can always do this another time. I'm so happy to have you in my company, I mean you remind me of my son. You were a gift to him, because you pulled him from his sadness when his lover got married to a woman." She said. "Come, let me go show you my room and Dylan's!" Malacca' s little sister said. " I'm Isim, by the way. What's your name?" " Haran!" I told her. "Nice to meet you Haran! Will you be my friend?" She asked me. "Of course I will Ismi." I said as I Smiled at her. "I start the preparations for lunch." The mother smiled and she got up and left. Ismi took me to Dylan's room. This had been the place were the sweet young Dylan had had his last nap, his last moment of privacy before leaving to meet Amir only to get killed.This was his haven. The family was wealthy. Dylan's room was large and decorated the traditional way. It had yellow paintings on the wall, a set of couches, a coffee table, a king side bed, a pool table, a mini fridge and a mini side bar. it was basically an apartment inside a villa. I broused thorugh his thongs with my eyes. I was scanning for any clues that would lead to any evidence of his planned death but i failed to find anything. I was about to leave but somethig caught my attention. It was letter by his study table. I opened in only to realize it had been written by Dylan himself. I grabbed when no one was looking and toss it in my hand bag. I felt it would help me in some way. I stayed for lunch and left that afternoon. I opened the letter in the car and what came to my eyes brought shock into young and fragile heart. The letter read:: "To whom it may concern, to whom who cares, to whom who would spare me a thought of compassion in my time of need. To those who will never betray me like my own family did. I have been betrayed immensely. The people I thought were my family turned out to be nothing but beasts and not my family. Devils in sheep's clothing, wolves. They are evil phoney beings. they are fakes. They are horrible people. I'm ashamed and dismayedto say that I found out my family wants to kill me. I overheard my father talking to my mother in thoer room behind closed doors. Malacca was in there too and our aunt was the instigator. She spoke the loudest. they were discussing ways to get rid of me without getting caught. I was scared when I heard their plan. It borught unease to my heart. For what, because i am different? Because I seek my own preferences? Because I dare go against our society and loved whom I wanted to. Because I am gay? I'm ashamed of calling then family. If i die,lease world, know I have died by the very hands that raised me. They have chosen to have my blood on their hands. They are tainted people. Satanic beings who don't deserve the gift of life. I disown them. This letter is my oath. I want the world to know my predicament and that these shameless people are about to carry out my killing in the name of honour. They shall face shame as they walk those prison floors. They shall feel what its like to lose your honour in front of people. I know exactly wer e they plan to carry it out. Last knobmoght I had a premonition. A dream were an aqueintace of mine would find this later and seek justice in the future. To Amir, my love, the love of my life, I love you. To my little sister Isim, I know you don't like our parent land you have a good reason not to, I got two words of advise; Get Out! To Malacca, Why did you let mother get to you. I was your only brother. You betrayed me!" I read the last few words in horror with tears in my eyes. His own family had ended his entire existence. They had destroyed his life. I drop home with my hands shaking, but then i decided to turn in the evidence at the police station . I arrived at the central police station to report a possible murder. Now I had wevidence this family killed their own son. An act of honour killing.

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