At last ...

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{Delko’s P.O.V.}             I was walking through the market square. I did this every day to escape the palace walls and get fresh air. I would take in all of the sights and the sounds. I took a deep breath and it came. A scent that hit me like a ton of bricks. Before I could even react, Lucifer was fighting to get out.             ‘Mate! Mate! She is close!’ He yells from within.             The scent of Astrid flooded my mind and before I could even realize what was going, my member started to bulge in my pants. Women passing by started to snicker and make comments as they walked by. I did not care. I followed the scent of my beloved. Her being here only meant that Amelia had successfully turned. The full moon had past a few days before, and on her birthday. I knew that it was going to spectacular. Only two others have turned on their 21st birthday with a full moon on the same night. The King and Amelia’s namesake, the Queen.             I kept scouring the market searching for my beloved and then it hit me again even more powerful than before. Her scent was close by and I could sense that she too was looking for me. I attempted to open a link to her, but she was blocking me out. She had never done that before. I kept looking around for any sign of her. I knew I was getting close, as her scent intensified. I felt someone brush past me, having slightly touched my hand sending fireworks through my body.             I whipped my head around and there, only a few feet from me was my beloved Astrid with our daughter Amelia. She was at a booth pretending as if she was interested in buying something. She paused for a moment, and then once quick glance made eye contact with me. I smile at her and look at Amelia. I look back at Astrid and she nods confirming that it was indeed my princess She was just as beautiful as Astrid. As I moved my feet to go them, I heard his voice…             “There you are!” called the King. I turn to see him standing behind me. When I turned back, my beloved and my princess were nowhere to be seen.   {Astrid’s P.O.V.}             His scent was so strong. My body felt as if I was going to faint.                “Mother are you okay?” asked Amelia.             “Yes, yes I am,” I said with a smile.             I could not contain myself. I grabbed Amelia’s hand and began to search for Delko. I could sense he too knew I was close.             “Mother, what on earth are you looking for?” Amelia asked as I dragged her about.             “Keep quiet and just follow me,” I said making sure I did not lose her in the crowd.            “Okay…” she said reluctantly and followed.             I pushed a crowd of people, there he stood. He towered half of the townspeople. He was just as handsome as ever. My wolf was howling inside of me as she kept screaming MATE! I had to keep her at bay, which I was sure Delko was doing to the same to Lucifer. If we lost control, our wolves would mate right in the street.             I keep my composure, and I take Amelia’s hand. I walk towards Delko while is back is turned, and carefully brush passed him making sure that my freehand every so slightly touched his hand. That one touch made my body scream as it started to burn. I knew it felt it too. We stopped at a booth as Amelia saw something she wanted. It was only a few feet from where Delko stood. I could feel his eyes on us. Carefully, I looked up and quickly made my contact. I saw a smile on his face as he looked past me and to Amelia who was still looking at the objects on the table.             I nodded my head and smiled. Yes, my love. This is our princess. I could see that he contemplated coming us, but then I saw him coming … Cyrus. He calls out to Delko without using this name, thank God and a crowd walks by blocking our view of them and their view of us. I quickly push Amelia into the crowd to escape.               {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             Mother was starting to irritate me. I still had no idea why we're in London. While in the marketplace, she started to act weird and kept dragging me with her all about the place. Like she is looking for something specific. We stopped for a moment, and then I saw a booth across from where we were that looked promising. Thankfully, my mother pulled me in that direction.             After I was done, she again showed me, and we moved on our way. I was so annoyed at that point with her, but she still would not tell me what we were doing there. Out of nowhere, horns and trumpets started blaring.             “MAKE ROOM FOR THE KING!” someone yelled. Wait. King? As in Cyrus? Before I could react, Mother forced me into a low bow and made me keep my head down. I saw feet passing by. He was in luxury brand shoes and a suit. Although the marketplace we were in looked like something from the 1800s, most people were dressed modern. I took a quick glance and see his face. He was actually good looking, but then Aadya chimed in. ‘Ew! He is the enemy remember!?’ I shook it off and put my head back down. Then, another pair of feet stopped in front of me. He was also wearing luxury clothing. I wanted to look up, but before I could, he walked away. His feet her huge, I wonder if his …. ‘Do NOT even go there. Get your head out of the gutter! We will wait for our mate!’ shouted Aadya in the back of my mind. So is this what Mother meant about having arguments with yourself.             Mother forces me to stand up after everyone passes by, and she has a sad look on her face. I could not tell what she was thinking, but something told me she was feeling guilty.             “People of my Kingdom!” Cyrus starts to speak while standing on a stage in the middle of the market. “Today, I will make some of you rich. Today is another day where I purchase unturned and/or unmated females.” My eyes grew wide. What did he just say? I looked back down at my mom and she never looked up. I could see teardrops falling from her face. I did not have a good feeling about this.             “Who will volunteer!? My payment will be most gratifying if you volunteer.” He said with his hands folding across his chest. I look to the person behind him, just slightly to his left. He was very handsome, I looked at his feet and realized it was the man who had stopped in front of me before. I made eye contact with him and she had a sincere smile on his face.                    “My King!” I heard my mother shout. I looked over at her with tears streaming down her face. “Forgive me.” She whispers as she takes my hand and shoves me forward. “I will sell my daughter to you, Your Majesty!” I turned around and am in complete shock. What the f**k was she doing.             “Oh, and why would I want her?” he asks with a condescending tone. “Why do you want to sell her to me?” he asks directing my mother.             “She is vile! She is spoiled rotten! I cannot stand her anymore! She turned a few days ago and has been a pain in my ass ever since. Her wolf is untamed, and she curses at me. She needs to be punished and I feel this is the only way that can happen!” I look at her as she insults me and tears form in my eyes.             “MOTHER WHAT THE f**k ARE YOU DOING!?” I yell.             “Do you see your Majesty? She just cursed me again. What mother would want a daughter like her?” The tears continuing from her eyes. Why was she hurting me like this?             “Very well then!” I heard him say. I looked up, but before he could continue, the man from behind stepped up and whispered something in his ear. He grinned with a cynical face and stepped back into this place. He made eye contact and grinned again. “Young Lady! You belong to him!” Cyrus yells out while pointing to the man behind him.             My eyes filled with tears. My mother just sold me the King. Without any warning, she was throwing me away like garbage. I knew I was a pain in the ass, but I did not deserve this. I closed my eyes as men put their arms on me to drag me away. I tried to fight back, and I called for Aadya, but she did not respond.             “DO NOT HARM HER!” came a roar. The men stopped pulling me and looked up at the man who just purchased me. My new master. “Men, I cannot have you bruising her. That is my job.” He said while giving off an evil laugh. I look back at my Mother who cannot lift her head.             “MOTHER! WHY!?” I yell. She avoids eye contact. “ANSWER ME!!!” I keep crying and fighting them. But then I hear her, ‘trust her…’ Whispers Aadya. I give up the will to fight and tell the guards I will go willingly. I turned around and face my Mother again. “I hate you,” I tell her with anger in my voice. She closes her eyes and drops to her knees. I knew what I said just broke her heart, but could she blame me? The b***h just sold me to a man to be his plaything.             One thing was for sure, I was not going to down without a fight. Want to touch me mother fucker? Just go ahead and try.               I found myself being led through the main palace doors. I mean, this was a f*****g castle. It had to have been 10 stories tall, staircases in every which direction you looked. It had a very renaissance feel to it but still modern. The gates were controlled by a security office by the front door, there were multiple elevators in view. A movie theater size television in the living room. On the couches, you could see guys playing video games. On the table’s men were playing cards or playing on their phones. I see some women walk by with guys attached to their hips. I cringed when I saw one guy's hand fondling this girl’s ass as they walked by. I shuttered at what I saw. Then, I heard a young girl's voice…             “Miss, your master awaits your arrival.” I look over, and a girl that looked to be about my age does a half bow. “If you would follow me please.” She turns to lead me, but then there he was standing by the stairs.             “Madeline, that will not be necessary. I will take her myself.” He says with a deep tone.             “Yes sir.” She does a full bow and backs away and leaves.             He walks towards me and puts out his hand. I hesitate to take it. But before I could think, he grabs my hand and throws me over his shoulders. I hit him and start screaming. But it was all for nothing. He carries me seven or eight flights of stairs, and from stairs, I could hear men howling and cheering him on. One of them even yelled…             “f**k her good!”             “Let’s hear her scream!” shouted another.             “Alright, he’s finally getting some!”           “She’s prettier than Natalia that’s for sure!”             This guy seemed completely unscathed by the remarks made. I fell limp as I stopped fighting. He was so big if he did decide to f**k me, he was going to probably end up killing me. I mean, this guy was humungous. We reached the door. He opens and then slams it shut. I thought he was going to throw me on the bed, but instead, he gently puts me down, making sure my feet hit the floor before letting go.             “I’m sorry for …” he tried to say but I slapped him. I see his cheek already turning red and he turns to look at me. But instead of being angry at what I did, his eyes were almost sad. “Please do not do that again.” He says with authority.             “GET AWAY FROM ME!” I yell and run to the other side of his room and try to cower in the corner. I know I said I was going to fight, but I could not win. This guy was the size of a building.             “I am not going to hurt you. I promise.” He says gently as he walks towards me.             “YOU PURCHASED ME LIKE I WAS SOME KIND OF OBJECT! YOU TOOK ME FROM MY MOTHER YOU SICK SON OF A b***h! YOU ALREADY HURT ME!” I scream as tears form in my eyes. This could not be happening. I was in disbelief at what my life had become. After turning for the time, I felt so alive, but now I felt worthless. I was going to be turned into some kind of s*x toy or slave.             “I did it to keep you away from other people.” He responds.           “Why? So, you can have me all to yourself?” I scoffed while crossing my arms and tears roll my cheeks. As the tears fall, I feel his thumb wipe away my tears.             “Please do not cry, Amelia.”  My eyes grow wide and I slap away his hand.             “How do you know my name! I never said it!” He smiles and looks down. He gets on both his knees and just keeps smiling. “What is so funny?” I could not tell what this guy was thinking. “Fine, you want me. Then take me! I don’t give a f**k anymore!” I shout. I stand up and take off my shirt revealing myself in a bra. He looks up, eyes wide in shock, and does something I did not expect.             “PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!!” he roars and turns around turning his back to me. He lowers his head and sees my shirt next to him. He picks it up and tries to hand it to me without looking. I think his eyes were closed. I was confused at that point. I took my shirt and put it back on and sat back down.             “Okay, you can look now,” I say shyly.             “Please do not ever do that again!” He says very sternly. He takes a deep breath trying to gather his composure. He looks me up and down and just smiles. This was so f*****g weird. He opened his mouth to say something, and then his door flew open.             “SIR DELKO! I AM READY FOR MY … OH, s**t!” There stood this guy at the door. He looked to be about 5’10 to 5’11, he had a nice build to him, and he had a cute face. He made eye contact with me, and then I felt a sudden sensation throughout my body. I heard Aadya start to howl. Mate! Mate! Mate! She screamed. What!?             Before I could blink, the bigger guy screamed at the top of his lungs “NOT NOW!!!!” His roar was so loud, it shook the walls of his room. Hell, it probably shook the entire castle. The guy, nearly s**t himself as he slammed the door leaving. I wanted to laugh, but something hit me…Did he just say “Delko?”             The man locked the door and turned to look at me. I stood up and looked him over. He was over 6 feet tall, he was covered in tattoos, had ashy blonde hair, his face was chiseled, and he had grey eyes. He looked just like Mother had described. I slowly walked towards him as tears started to stream down my face. My heart was racing.             “Amelia …” He said with tears in his eyes when he realized I knew something.             “D…Da..Dad…Daddy?”             He opened his arms and my feet just carried me to him. Before I knew it, I was in the arms of my father. It all made sense; Mother was not trying to get rid of me. She was trying to bring me to him. I started bawling into his chest as a little girl would cry to her father.             “Daddy! Oh my god, Daddy!” I could feel his own tears fall onto my face.             “Shhh… My princess, I am here. You are safe. Shhhh...” he said cooing me to calm down.
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