Official Rivalry

3400 Words
{Delko’s P.O.V.}             Amelia cried herself to sleep. She must have not gotten much rest during her travels here. I finally was able to connect Astrid. I let her know I knew of her plan the moment she offered to give up our daughter. Seeing my love that close to me, but unable to hold her killed me inside. But our feelings would have to be put on hold. Amelia was our top priority. I hated the feeling I had knowing that I would have to assist her in finding her mate. That is the last thing I wanted as a Father.             “Mmmmm….” I look up from my armchair as she moved in her sleep on my bed. Watching over her, I felt a warmth come from her. Warmth only a father could feel from his daughter. ‘She is beautiful.’ Says Lucifer. ‘May I see our princess up close please?’ I nod and allow him to take over. I could feel his eyes shine bright as we walk over to our little girl. He looks her up and down I could feel his fatherly grin. ‘I cannot wait to meet her wolf.’ He says as he gives me back control.             Amelia starts to turn in her sleep, and then her eyes open suddenly. She sits up and starts to shout…             “Where? Where am I!?” she shouts as I grab her shoulders.             “Hey hey hey, you’re okay. It’s Daddy.” I say looking at her eyes. Then I saw them, they were lavender and not hazel. “Who are you?” I asked. I could feel that this was not Amelia. ‘Lucifer come back!’ We switched places again. ‘My friend, this is your daughter.’ I say to him with a smile.             “What is your name?” I hear Lucifer ask.             “My name is Aadya.” She responds. I knew it.             “My name is Lucifer.” I could see from his eyes that she was surprised, but then it turned into happiness. She hugged us with all her might. “My, you are strong my pup.” She did not let go. “Daughter, you are suffocating me.” Her arms let go.             “I am sorry. I was just so happy to meet you.” Her voice was bubbly and cute. She had a lot of energy. Very different from Amelia. Then suddenly, her eyes shifted back to their normal color.             Before I could switch back to myself, Amelia looked into our eyes.             “You are not my dad….” She said lifting an eyebrow. Smart girl.             “No, I am not. I am Lucifer, his wolf.” I could feel Lucifer bow.             “Oh … Hi!” She gives him a pleasant greeting.             “It is a pleasure, Amelia, let me bring him back.” Lucifer gives me back control.             “What just happened?” she asks seeing that I was back. “Aadya just told me that she is afraid to come out.”             “She should be,” I responded.             “Why? You should be able to fully see her. Mother said that she is beautiful.”             “And I do not doubt that my princess, but it is dangerous for her.” I sigh and take her hands in mine. “Amelia, did your mother tell you about who you are? Who you are destined to be?”             “Yes.”            “Good. Whatever happens from here on out. I need you to trust me and only me. Do you understand?”             “Yes, daddy,” she responded. My heart fluttered at the word ‘daddy.’ I had waited for 21 years for this day. I could not be happier.             “We need to find your mate. I hate saying it, but we must find him soon. I am going to take you around the castle every other day to different areas, he is here somewhere. I will be holding you in very compromising positions when it is necessary.”             “What?” Her eyes grew wide.             “Amelia no can know that you are my daughter. We need to keep up appearances. When we are in this room alone, we are father and daughter, but when we are in public, I am your master and you are my submissive. You will address me as such. If I grab your waist, you will grab mine. If I lick my lips, you will hide your face into my chest. I will not let any harm come to you, my Princess.” I stand up from the bed and hold out my hand. “Are you ready to put on a show?” I wink.             “You do realize that I will probably hurl at some point, right?” she says while taking my hand.             “Trust me, I hurled when you took off your shirt.”             “Oh my god …” she appeared she had forgotten what she had done earlier. I smiled as she covered her face in her hands. I adjusted my shirt and put my hands behind her back. She flinched and looked at me with disgust. I just winked her. I knew she could do it, but neither of us wanted to.  We exited my room, and I let her wait as I locked the door. I turned around and put my arms around her waist signaling her to do the same. She refused as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. She was so defiant. She reminded me of Astrid.             “Well well well…” that voice pierced my eardrums like claws on a chalkboard.             “What do you want Natalia?” I turn around and address her.             “So, this is the street rat you chose over me. She looks like trailer trash.” Lucifer growled from within as she insulted our daughter. Before I could speak, Amelia stepped in.                   “I seriously hope you’re not talking about me?” addressing Natalia and leaving my side. I tried to grab her, but I was too late.             “Well, I am talking to you tramp.” She said taking a step forward to my princess. Lucifer grew even angrier. I had to keep him at bay. We could not blow our cover. ‘Let me slit her throat. How dare she insult my princess?!’ he growled from within. ‘Let her figure it out.’ I tell him pushing him back in. Something told me Amelia was just as feisty as her mother, but that was not a good thing.               {Amelia’s P.O.V}             Hearing his plan made me want to vomit in my mouth, but I knew he was right. I knew that if what the prophecy said about me was true, I needed to find my mate and fast. But how do I tell him that I think already had? That guy from earlier, I mean Aadya screamed the word and I swear she was about to jump out of me and mount him right then and there. This is what Mother must feel for Father. I wanted to vomit again at that thought.             He put his hand out to take mine, and I looked at him and glared.             “You do realize that I will probably hurl at some point, right?” I say while giving him my hand.             “Trust me, I hurled when you took off your shirt.” He said while turning to face the door.             “Oh my god …” I had totally forgotten that I did that. I showed my own dad my bare abdomen and my boobs. I mean, I was wearing a bra, but it was see-through. I was disgusted. I buried my face in my hands and tried to erase what I had done out of my mind. I heard him chuckle as he put his hand behind me. I looked up and gave him a dirty look. He led me out of the room and had me wait to the side as he locked the door. He put his arm around my waist, and I knew what I was supposed to do, but f**k that! I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him. I knew I was annoying him. Sorry pops, but I ain’t playing your game just yet.             “Well well well…” came a girl’s voice. She sounded like a rat. Father and I turn around together and see a girl around my age looking at us up and down.             “What do you want Natalia?” he said to her. Did he know this chick?             “So, this is the street rat you chose over me. She looks like trailer trash.” This b***h better not be talking about me. Before Father could say anything, I stepped away and walked towards her.             “I seriously hope you’re not talking about me?” I said with attitude and directly addressing her. I felt Father tried to pull me back, but he failed.             “Well, I am talking to you tramp.” She said taking a step forward to face me.             “What did you say your name was again?” I asked her. I think this was the girl's mother told me about. If it was, I was not about to let her anywhere near him. I know I said that I hated my mother, but that was before Father told me her plan. I wish she would have said something, but he said that had I knew, I may not have acted the way I did in the marketplace. My freaking out was what was needed to really sell this whole thing.             “It’s Natalia.” Came her squeaky rat voice again. So, it was the bimbo. Well, I was about to have some serious fun now. I turned around and winked at Father. His face just screamed ‘Oh no…’             “Oh, he told me about you. He told me about this skanky sorry excuse of a she-wolf that tried to claim him as her mate. He also told me about how your sorry attempts to seduce him completely turned him off.” I smirked as her face turned bright red. “He also told me how looking at you made him so sick to his stomach, that his d**k was limper than an overcooked noodle.” By this time, people who were walking by were stopping to get a view of the action.             “Why you little b***h!” I felt a sudden sharp pain on my cheek. This skank just slapped me. I heard a growl come from Father. I put out my hand to let him that I got it handled.             “Did you hear that? The General growled at you. You made him angry.” I told her with a smug look. She looked past me, and her eyes filled with fear. Awww, my Daddy loves me I thought to myself before continuing my charade. I walked over him and put one arm around his waist, and the other up towards his chest. I could feel him freeze in fear. I got up on my tippy toes and move my lips to his ear. I had to force him to bend down to meet me halfway. f**k he was so tall.             ‘Play along Daddy…’ he took a deep breath and just smiled.             “What do you think you are doing!?” she screeched. I could sense her jealousy.             ‘I’m sorry Daddy but get it up. Think about mom naked and sucking you dry if you have to but get it up!’ I felt him growl, but this time at me. I was so going to be grounded after my charade.             “Young lady, you and I are going to have a serious talk after this.” He said through his teeth.             'Are the walls soundproofed? Because I get the feeling I am in a lot of trouble.’             “Yes, they are, and yes, you are.” He gritted. Uh oh.             I turned around and looked back at Natalia. I smiled. I looked back at him, and sure enough, there it was. Eh, I felt like I was going to hurl at that moment. You are welcome mom and dad.             “Awwww, well look at that,” I said to her while pointing down at my dad’s pants trying not to throw up. “All I had to do was touch him and whisper in his ear and look at him getting super hard.” Natalia was fuming by that point. Her eyes turned black at her wolf began to take over. She walked over to me ready to slap me again, but before she could I grabbed her hand and bitched slapped her with my other.             She fell to the floor from the impact. I bent over and lifted her chin to see her eye to eye. I could tell she was pissed. I was having so much fun f*****g with her.             “Stay. Away. From. Him. The General is off-limits.” I said while grinding my teeth and showing my canines. I stood up and saw an audience. I figured this was a better time than any. “All you bitches, hoes, skanks and whores! Take this as a lesson!” I say while pointing down at Natalia. “THE GENERAL IS OFF LIMITS!!!” I felt my anger surge over me and then out of nowhere Father pulled me close. I put my face into his chest, and I started to heave from the anger.             “Everyone is dismissed.” He said in a deep voice and open the door back to his room. As I was walking into the room, I felt it, a sudden burst of euphoria all over my body. I looked up and back into the dispersing crowd, but I could not see him. I knew he close by because Aadya was going insane. I left it alone and shut the door, locking it.             “Do you mind telling me what that was all about young lady!?” I heard his voice. He was not happy. My eyes grew wide and I turned around and gave an innocent smile. He so was not buying it. I could tell that daddy fuming.             “You told me to act…” I said.             “I told you to follow my lead! What came over you!?” he shouted. Damn, I met him only a few hours ago and he was already in ‘daddy mode.’             “Oh! Come On!” I threw my hands in the air. “The b***h tried to seduce you a few weeks ago! Mom told me she heard the whole thing!” I shouted back putting my hands on my hips.             “That does not give you an excu…”             “Yes, it does!” I yelled back             “Amelia Wells!” He yelled.             “I am not going to let some two-time trailer trash skank sorry excuse of werewolf insult me and eye-f**k you in front of me!!” I was heaving again from being so pissed. I was not even mad at him. I was mad at Natalia. “Get this straight Daddy dearest! If anyone, wolf, human, witch, wizard, and hell they can be a f*****g tree for all I care, even thinks about looking at you with fantasy eyes, I will rip their hearts out and make them eat it!” He just stared at me and started to smile.             “What is so funny dad?” I asked lifting an eyebrow at him             “You sound just like your mother.” He said shaking his head and rubbing his fingers through his hair. “She said the same thing once.” He started to laugh out loud.             “What did she say?”             “That, ripping their hearts out and making them eat it.” He just kept laughing.             “Dad? Has this happened before? Like women hitting on you after you met mom?”             “All the time. Think about how your mom looks and then look at me. You are a little taller than her, but you guys are practically the same size. No one could believe that we were mates. So, women tried, but it did not matter, I loved your mother and only her. But one night not too long after we met, we were out at the club where no one knew us, your mother caught a girl trying to dose me with a sedative and she lost it.”             “What did she do?” I asked with curiosity.             “She grabbed her by the hair, slapped her, and dragged her across the bar.” He said while just kept shaking his head and laughing. I swear, he was going mental. My mom was a total badass. “She beat her senseless but did not kill her. She did hold her by her throat and made an example out of her. She shouted that I was off-limits and that if anyone even looked at me sideways, she would rip their hearts out and make them eat it.”             “What happened after that?” I asked, but instantly regretted it when I heard his answer.             “I brought her home, consummated our marriage for the whole night and I believe at some point in time in those several hours you were conceived.” I started to make yacking noises and could just feel bile collecting in my stomach. He just started to laugh.             “I thought you were mad at me?” I said. He stopped laughing.             “No, honey I am not mad at you.” He said bringing me close again. “I am sad.”             “What? Why?” I asked shocked and looking up at him.             “Because, after 21 years, here you are in my arms. My little princess. I missed out on so much. Your first word, your first walk, you say ‘daddy’ for the first time…” I could see tears forming in his eyes. “I realized that I did not need to protect you out there when I saw that, without hesitation, you stood up to her. My baby girl is grown up and I felt unneeded for a split second.” I could hear his voice crack as he held back his tears.             “Awww … Dad….” I reached up putting my arms around his neck and hugged him. “Daddy, I will always need you,” I said hugging him tighter.             After a few minutes of daddy-daughter hugging, he let me go.             “Go on and take a shower. There already clean towels in there.” He said pushing me towards the bathroom.              “But I don’t have clothes to change into,” I said to him.             “I got you covered my princess. I had already prepared for this day when your mother and I first talked about bringing you here.” He said while pulling out one of the dresser drawers. Inside of it was clothing in my size, undergarments, toiletries, and some makeup.             “Did you buy these yourself?” I said while pulling out a thong.             “No! I would make you wear granny panties if had I gone shopping for you. Madeline, the young lady from earlier, I sent her out shopping telling her what size you were in everything and to buy other female necessities. I know it is not much, but tomorrow we will go shopping.” I smile and shake my head. I take out what I need and head to the bathroom.             After getting cleaned up and getting ready for bed, I came out to see that Daddy was sprawled out on the floor with only a small blanket a single pillow.             “Dad what are you doing on the floor?” I asked confused.             “Trying to sleep.” He mutters. I could tell he super uncomfortable.             “Dad, you have California King size bed, it’s big enough for the both of us,” I say as I kick him in the shin. I already knew why he chose to sleep on the floor. “Daddy don’t be ridiculous. Parents sleep with their kids all the time. Come on!” I say while pulling him onto the bed. “Besides, I like to sleep on the edge anyway, so you have all this room to yourself.”             I took two of the pillows and made myself comfortable on the edge closest to the window. I personally did not like facing the door.             “As you wish…” He says as I feel him plop on the bed and make himself comfortable. I felt him turn over and give me a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, my princess. Sweet dreams.” He said rolled back over to the other side.             “I love you too Daddy. Good night.” I drifted to sleep.             {Natalia’s P.O.V.}             “That b***h is going to pay,” I mutter to myself as I make sure my lip stops bleeding. “She has no idea who she is messing with!” I could not control my anger and punched the mirror shattering it. “I will have the General.”
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