Enter Aadya

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{Amelia’s P.O.V.}             “I CANNOT BELIEVE HER!!!!” I scream while talking to Aadya.             “Believe me, I am just as angry. You realize that if your father Delko is alive, then so is his wolf, my father, Lucifer.”             “And she said that were some kind of prophecy! What the hell is that all about?” I said irritated.             “We are supposed to take over after we kill the King….?”             “Do you hear yourself right now Aadya? How are we supposed to kill the King? He is the King for a reason.” I said sitting down scratching my head.             “According to Mother, Cyrus is not a true King. He cheated his way to the throne.”             “What are you talking about?”             “Remember, he did not earn his place on the throne. He stole it from the true King.  What if… I don’t know, we are the King reincarnated?”             I gave the look of mass confusion as if she had grown three heads. I squinted my eyes at her and just shook my head. “What?”             “Do you think before you speak?” I asked her in a very obnoxious tone. “Us!? A reincarnated King? Does that even make any sense to you?” I gave her the death glare, even though, apart of me believe her.             “It is the only that makes sense. Cyrus is so hell-bent on killing baby girls that are born because he is afraid of OUR existence.” She says while pointing to the two as she says the word ‘our.’ “Look, Amelia, there is not much we can do right now. After we turn, and our human to wolf bond becomes indefinite, we will figure this out. Together with Mother and Father.”             “Father? How can you even address him as such? He abandoned us!” I said heaving.             “…To protect us!” proclaimed Aadya.             “You actually believe that?” I asked with tears forming in my eyes. I felt so hurt knowing that Mother lied all these years and that my Father, was still alive. And what was worse, he was serving as the King’s right-hand man. The King’s Beta.             “I will believe our Mother until the end of time. You cannot sense it yet, but I can. Mother saying that she lied to us to protect us is sincere. She truly believed what she was doing was for the best.” She said with tears in her own eyes.             “I didn’t know wolves can cry…”             “I am crying because you are. We are one in the same. Remember?”             I laid back on my bed as tears started to drip down the side of my face. “One more thing, Mother has said that talking to you out in the open like this can be dangerous. I should refrain from making contact until after our birthday. So, you will not hear from me until the night of the full moon after our 21st birthday.” I nodded my head in response. I was honestly just too tired to even care at the point.             I closed my eyes and my mind wandered. I wondered what Father looked like. Mother said as wolf his fur was light grey, almost silverfish, and that he had emerald green eyes and his pupils were like black pearls. I tried to imagine his human form.             “He is rather handsome, your Father. He is 6’2, 220 pounds of solid muscle. He is a great Warrior, serving as the King’s Beta, his righthand man, and General of an army of Werewolves. His hair is ashy blonde; he has multiple tattoos covering his body. Most of which cover old battle scars from training and fighting. His facial features are almost completely symmetrical on each side. His eyes are a natural grey, and his lips are rosy colored. His jawline and cheekbones are very structured and strong. In my eyes, Delko is the perfect man created by the gods.”             Thinking back on Mother’s description, I could tell that he was handsome. The way she spoke of him, it was almost as if she was channeling him. I could hear mother shouting to herself from her room, it made me wonder who she was talking to. Father? Or Anastasia? I felt so lost and confused. What was I going to do? If was I really am a miracle child, a prophecy, how was I going to beat the King? Let alone kill him?             I turned over and screamed into my pillows to muffle the sound. Aadya was right, we would just have to wait until we turn for the first time. Luckily, that day was not too far away.   ------------------------------------             {Astrid’s P.O.V.}             “Today is the day Anastasia. Amelia is 21, and soon she will turn with the full moon.” I say to my wolf we prepare for Amelia’s birthday. I got no response, which is odd. “Ana?” I called out to here. “Where are you?” I asked wondering why she was unresponsive.             “Anastas…”             “Sorry,” she cut me off finally responding.             “Where were you?”             “We have a problem,” she says with concern in her voice.             “What?” I asked.             “Have you looked at the calendar?” she asked as if she was trying to hint something to me.             “Other than today is her birthday, no I have not.”             “Oh my god, Astrid you are so dense.”             “Excuse me!? How dare y...”             “TODAY IS THE FULL MOON YOU i***t!” she growls into my head. With her words, I drop what I am doing and run to the calendar on the wall by the front door. There was no way today was the full moon.             “How is this even possible? This has never happened.” I say to her with shock.             “You realize that there are only two wolves throughout all of the time that ever changed on a full moon, that landed on their 21st birthday?”             “Horatio and Amelia,” we say in unison. All other wolves never had a full moon on their 21st birthday. It was always the day before, or after. Some wolves had to wait weeks before they could turn after turning 21. Yet, somehow by the grace of the gods, Amelia’s 21st birthday landed on the night of a full moon. I looked outside and saw that sundown had begun. I had to take Amelia deep into the woods away from people. If I am right, her transformation would be extravagant, and I needed to keep her hidden.             “Amelia!” I say running to her room.             “What is it?” she called from behind the door as she got ready for her birthday dinner.             “We need to go!” I yell as I bang on her door.             “What are you talking about?” she says while opening the door with an annoyed look on her face. “Tonight is the full moon my Princess,” I say grabbing her arm.           “I do not understand, what does that mean?” She says while following me with any other choice.             “Do you trust me?” I grab her shoulders.             “Yes, Mother.” She says with sincerity.             “We need to get out of the city, and we to head for London,” I tell her urgency.             “London? But you said….”             “I KNOW WHAT I SAID!” I say turning back to her, my eyes turning black. The full moons aura was taking effect on me as well. It was very powerful, more powerful than normal. “Listen to me Amelia, you will turn tonight, and it cannot be stopped. We need to find the thickest part of the forests, and once you change, I will change with you. Anastasia will you guide you. We will leave for London as soon as your transformation is complete. It will be very painful, and you will scream in complete agony during the change. Do not fight it. Let Aadya take over. She will heal you and comfort you. Then the bond between you and your wolf will be complete.” I looked outside the window and saw that the sun was almost completely gone.             We began to run as fast as our legs could take us. I could see the light of the moon peeking over the horizon. Once we were far enough out of sight of other people, I turned to Amelia, my eyes black and ready to turn.             “Do you trust me?” I ask her as my canines being to emerge. She nods without any fear. “The moment I turn, jump on my back and I will get you out of here as fast I can.” With that, I felt Anastasia take over, my bones crushing from the inside, and my muscles maneuvering into the different positions in my body. My hands and feet turning into paws and my bottom growing a tail. Soon, Anastasia was in Amelia’s presence, and I could see that she was in awe of Anastasia’s beauty. She had not seen her since that fateful she first found out what we were.   {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             I looked at her, she was so beautiful.             “Anastasia,” I say and unknowingly bow my head to her. She bows in return and crouches down so I can climb on her back             ‘Hold on tight!’ She roars as she takes off into the forest. Her speed was impressive. I could feel trees rushing past us as she jumps over any obstacles such as boulders, logs, and holes in the ground with ease. The way she ran was so agile and felt as if we were gliding rather than running. Before long, we were miles from society, so deep into the trees that the city lights were no longer visible on the horizon. The speed of a wolf was incredible. Anastasia finds a small pond, sets me down, and takes a drink.               {Anastasia’s P.O.V.}             I set her down and begin to take a drink. My throat was dry from how fast I ran. My legs ached and my paws were hurting. The pain did not matter, getting her out of the city was the most important thing. I was drinking water from the pond, I heard it ….             “AHH!” shouts Amelia.             “What’s wrong?” I say as I run to her. Then I saw it, her eyes turning black. I look to the left at the horizon, and the moon was beginning to rise. But it was ginormous. The moon was larger as it was entering in low sky. This was also very rare. I look back at Amelia who is struggling to keep her balance from the changes taking place in the body.             “WHY DOES IT BURN!?!?” She screams and growls at once.             ‘Do not fight it! Let Aadya come through!’ I tell her. I look back at the moon, and it is halfway up without a cloud in the Sky. I look back at Amelia who has ripped off her clothes. Her claws were out, fur was starting to take over her body. But something was different, it was almost as if her fur was invisible. She keeps struggling and falling over her own feet. She lets out another scream from the agony as her body began to grow. Her skin was fading as more and more fur came through. Her ears began to point, and claws were coming through as she scratched her body. Aadya was already healing her self-inflicted wounds. She dropped onto all four of her paws and fell to the side from exhaustion. I could hear her heart beating rapidly. I lie down and wait for her.             A few moments passed and I could see that she was starting to stand. She stood up on all four legs and my eye grew wide. I could feel Astrid’s shock as well.             Aadya was pure white. Whiter than snow. She had no markings on her body. Not a single strand of fur was a different color. She stood right where the moonlight could hit her. Her fur shined like she was covered in diamonds. A gust of wind came through and her fur looked like silk in the wind. My daughter was the most beautiful wolf I had ever laid my eyes upon. She opened her eyes and looked at me for the first time, and then I saw her eyes. Red, with golden irises just like the King.             ‘Aadya?’             ‘Yes, Mother?’             ‘How do you feel?’             ‘Like every bone in my body was broken and rearranged.” She responded as she shakes her body. ‘Is it normal to be hungry?’ Aadya asks. I chuckle at her.             ‘Yes, we will hunt, feed and then we will make the journey to London.”   {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             “Mother that was so electrifying!” I jumped with joy after experiencing my first turn. My senses were so heightened it felt like I was high on ecstasy. After we turned back, I felt different. I felt perfect. The mother explained my body was adjusting to the change. Any potential health problems that were lingering were disappearing as my wolf healed my entire body.             “Yes, my Princess that first time always feels like that.” She says smiling at me as we make our journey to London.             “Mother, why are we going to London anyway?” I ask her still not knowing what was going on.             “You will see when we get there.” She replied. I shrugged and we went on our way.               {Astrid’s P.O.V.}             I hated that I was lying to her again. But for my plan to work, I needed to have a private conversation with Aadya that night.             -Flashback-             “Anastasia, let me speak with her,” I say to my wolf asking for control. She gives me to, and I change back. Aadya stayed where she was. Anastasia’s vision did Aadya no justice. Describing her beauty was almost impossible. The gods had blessed us.             “Aadya?” I spoke out. She turned around and I could see eyes smile. Her stare was intense with her red eyes glowing. “I need you to block out Amelia, we need to talk in private.” Aadya looked at me in confusion at my request. “Do it!” I commanded.             ‘What is it? Why did you make me do that? She is terrified.’ Says Aadya after blocking Amelia from her thoughts.             “I know, but this very important. I need you to listen to every word I am about to say, no questions asked. Do you understand?” I say to her as pet her. Aadya bows her head. “When we get to London, I am going to sell Amelia to the King.” Her eyes grow wide as she growls feeling betrayed. “It is not what you think. I have a plan, and my actions will be justified. For this to work, you cannot intervene. I need to get her to Delko.” I explain. Aadya looks at me, her eyes shifting from red to lavender. “But she needs to be sold to the King because Delko is in the palace and she will be safe with him. Nod if you understand.” Aadya bows her head.   -End Flashback-             In a matter of days, we crossed the borders into London, and we slowly made our way to the Kingdom of Werewolves. There, I would set my plan in motion, I had faith that Delko would know what to do without my having to tell him. I could not risk contacting him now.             As we made our way into the market square just outside of the palace walls, my senses became heightened and my stomach was in knots. My heart started to beat and warmth covered my entire body. I knew this scent, a scent that I had missed so dearly. A scent that I could never forget for as long as I lived. Delko.
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