Stephen + Madeline

3392 Words
            {Unknown Party’s P.O.V.}             ‘Can you feel that?’             “Feel what?”             ‘I can sense a special presence here.’             “Come on man, stop sniffing out p***y and let’s go get the General for our one-on-one.”             ‘Dude you don’t get it! I am not sniffing any p***y; I mean I am sensing something better than that!’             “Cyclone shut the f**k up already!”             ‘How can you not sense it, man!? God, what is this amazing smell?’             I walk out of the elevator on the 8th floor and make my way to the General’s room. Rumor had it that he purchased a girl at the marketplace as his new plaything. Good for him, he needed to get laid. Women swooned over him, but I do not think I ever saw him with anyone. He left his room alone and went in alone. Then that chick Natalia showed up. The King gave her special permission to f**k the General. She tells everyone that they are destined mates, but the whole Kingdom found out in no time he rejected her. I mean, she was a looker, but you could smell the amount d***s that have rammed her. She was a good for nothing street w***e. General deserved better than that.             I reached the door and opened it up without knocking … Big mistake.             “SIR DELKO! I AM READY FOR MY … OH, s**t!” There I saw general on his knees facing his submissive. Her shirt as slightly unbuttoned and you could see her cleavage. I look up at her and our eyes meet. Suddenly, I felt a flame light inside of me. ‘MATE!!’ Cyclone screamed from within. This girl was breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was mid-length just passed her shoulders that had a natural curl and auburn reddish color, her skin was light with peach undertones, her cheeks rosy pink, her lips were plump but not too much, she was petite, but her body was better than a Victoria Secret’s model. Before I even muster a word, I heard his scream…             “NOT NOW!!!!” His roar was so loud, it shook the walls of his room. I nearly s**t myself and run out of the room slamming the door behind me. I heard him lock it.             “Cyclone, was that?”             ‘Dude! She is our mate! WHOO HOOO we finally found her! See, I told you I smelled something different.’             “She belongs to the General man.” I suddenly felt my heart break into a million pieces.             ‘Tell him! Tell him she is our mate! Maybe he will let us have her. He is an understanding guy.”             “You know the rules man.”             ‘Yeah, but she is our mate, the rules do not apply. Even the King agreed to that.’ Cyclone kept on persisting.             I walked back to my room, thankfully it was on the same floor and just around the corner, so I did not have far to go. I could not get this girl out of my mind. I know she felt it too. I closed the door, locked it, and made my way to my bed. I laid down letting my feet hang off the side. I closed my eyes and images of her suddenly flooded my mind.             I could feel her presence within me. I could see myself holding her, kissing her, massaging her amazing breasts while I pump my hard d**k in and out of her. I could feel myself getting hard, I pulled it out of pants and start stroking myself. I grab it and pull on it, imagining her bouncing up and down on top of me. Her t**s bouncing perfectly in sync with every thrust I make into her wet p***y. I want her to scream my name but then I realized something. Too bad she never said anything. I really want to know what she sounds like. I could feel myself getting aroused again just thinking about her. Damn, this girl got me good already. I let go of my d**k and let it fall limp. It would not be the same if I could not hear her voice saying my name and begging for more. I fell into a deep slumber. A few hours later, commotion from in the hall woke me up.             I got up and walked out to see what was going, and there she was, my mate, face to face with Natalia. Then out of nowhere, I saw Natalia slap her. I heard a growl come from Cyclone. I walked closer to see what was going. Then, I saw her putting her arms around the General, she whispered in his ear, and then suddenly, you could see his massive bulge in his pants. I instantly felt my heart-shattering.             Then I heard it, her voice.             “Awwww, well look at that,” I see her pointing down at his pants making direct eye contact with Natalia. “All I had to do was touch him and whisper in his ear and look at him getting super hard.” Natalia tried to slap her again, but her hand was caught, and then out of nowhere, the General’s mistress bitched slapped, Natalia. Cyclone howled and cheered for our mate. She bent over and lifted Natalia’s chin to look her in her eyes. I could tell she said something to Natalia but could not hear it. Then, she spoke up, “All you bitches, hoes, skanks and whores! Take this as a lesson!” she said pointing down at a humiliated Natalia. “THE GENERAL IS OFF LIMITS!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. The General took her in his arms and then dismissed everyone.             I literally felt my d**k jump out of my pants. She was a total badass. And since I finally heard what she sounded like, I could just hear her screaming my name as I f****d her to pure bliss. I saw them go back into his room, but she stopped and turned around. Before she could see me, I turned behind the corner. I could tell she was looking for something … ‘or someone….’ Cyclone chimed in.             Could she feel me nearby? I prayed to the gods she did. She closed the door and that was the last I saw of her that day. She and the General stayed in his room and never came out. I felt like my world was being twisted and turned upside down. My mate, my true love in the arms of the General. The walls are all soundproofed so I could only imagine what he was doing to her. Instead of it turning me on, it was killing me inside. I wanted to be the one to pleasure her. It was my job as her destined mate.             f**k, why did it have to be her? I mean, the General’s mistress out of all women. I slammed my head against my pillow. I would have to settle for dreaming about her for now.               I woke up the next morning with the sheets completely wet. f**k! I said to myself. I ejaculated on the sheets in my sleep. I must have m*********d while dreaming about the girl. I pulled them off and threw them down the laundry chute. I feel bad for whoever must wash them. Lately, the laundry workers have been complaining about the constant c*m stained sheets they have to clean. All these new girls the King has been bringing in from outside the Kingdom are driving some of the unmated men to go crazy. The problem is that most of the guys just want a good f**k and cannot have one because the girl they want is being given to someone else.             I jump in the shower and let the hot water cover my body. I imagined my mate wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my back. Her fingers slowing running up and down my abs and then one of her hands grabbing my hard member. I could picture myself grabbing hold of her and pushing her against the shower wall. Me taking my tip and rubbing against her clit. Her moans flooding my mind only made me harder. I can feel myself ramming it in her, pumping in and out while she is against the wall. Her screaming for more. Her voice made my body melt. But then, before she climaxed, I opened my eyes realizing the water was cold now.             I got out of the shower and got ready for my day.   {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             I woke up with the sun beaming in. I smiled as it felt so warm against my cheeks. I turn over and see that my dad is gone. I jump up out of the bed.             “Dad?” No response. I go to the bathroom and see that it is empty. I look around and see a note on the nightstand by the door.               Good morning my princess, I hope your first night of sleep went well. Though I wish I could bid you good morning when you awoke, I have some business to attend to this morning. Do not worry though, I did not forget about taking you shopping. I have a lot of making up to do. Madeline will be up around 9:30 to bring you breakfast. I have tasked Madeline with being your personal aid. She is instructed to do whatever you tell her. She is under the impression you are my mistress, so remember to keep up appearances. Do not leave my room until I return. It is for your safety. I will be back by noon.                                                                                     I love you.               I smile as I fold up the letter and tuck it into the drawer. I wanted to keep it, but I had to be careful in case anyone decided to be stupid and snoop around.             “Knock knock…” I heard a voice as the door opened. I turn around and there was Madeline. “Good morning miss, here is your breakfast. The General said that you were a fan of waffles, sausage, and apple juice. So, he had the kitchen prepare this for you.” She says while placing down the tray. How did he… Mother told him.             I look at the food and smile. I remembered that I had not eaten since yesterday morning. Yesterday was so overwhelming, I did not realize I skipped two meals. I gobble up the food and realize that I am still a little hungry.             “Madeline?”             “Yes?” she says with a smile on her face.             “May I have a second helping? I did not eat all day yesterday, so I am a little hungrier than normal.” I ask biting my lip.             “Miss, you do not need to ask for my permission to eat more. You are the General’s mistress. You have just as much authority as he does.” She smiles genuinely while taking the tray.             “May I have water instead of juice? I am a little parched and sugar is not helping.”             “I will bring you a pitcher of ice water and a clean glass with your meal.” She bowed her head as she left the room             I figured that I would be alone for a while, so I opened the balcony door and breathe in the fresh air. Then something caught my scent. I looked around and looked down. There he was, the guy from yesterday. The guy that dad scared half to death. I kept looking at him from above. I mean, he was on the ground level sparring with other men. He was pretty good. I see his body move with ease, but powerful and swift at the same time. He was completely shirtless, and I could see his well-formed abs and the amazing V-line of his pelvis. I could feel my breaths becoming shorter. I felt… Well, I felt horny. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter the more I watched him.             I just kept watching the men spar, it was quite entertaining. Then I heard a familiar voice and instantly I smiled.             “That is enough for the day…” Daddy comes out clapping.             “Men, you are doing well. I am pleased.”             “Thank you, General!” They all reply and bow their heads in unison.             “Stephen!” Daddy addresses the cute guy from yesterday. So, that is his name. I feel myself rubbing my finger across my lips as I bite my fingertip.             “Sir!” he salutes Daddy. He is respectful.             “You have exceeded my expectations. You will make a fine Beta one day.” Daddy puts his hand firmly on Stephen’s shoulders and smiles at him.             ‘We should tell Dad that Stephen is our mate!’ Aadya calls out.             “No, not yet.”             ‘Why not?! That is our whole goal of being here is it not?’             “Yeah, but I want to spend time with Dad first. I mean, you heard him last night, and you saw it in his letter, he has 21 years to make up for. I'm not going to deny him that.”             ‘Fine.’               “Knock knock… I have your second helping miss,” Madeline says with a huge smile on her face.             “Thank you, you can leave it on the nightstand, I will get to it in a second,” I say while turning around to look down at Stephen and Daddy. I saw Daddy take off his shirt and challenge his men. I smiled. I was proud to be a daughter.             “What are you looking at?” Madeline says while peering over the balcony with me. “Oh, I see… The General.”             “Huh? Oh, yes.” I lie straight out of my teeth. No, b***h, I am watching Stephen. f**k he was hot.             “You know, you are the most hated person in this palace right now.” She says. I look at her eyes wide. She did not just say that.             “Why?”             “Why?” she looks back at me with her mouth open. “Oh, you are so naïve. That is so cute.” She smiled and looked back down with me. “You are hated by every unmated female here. And the reason is because of him.” She says while pointing at Daddy.             “I do not understand.” I lift an eyebrow.             “Oh my god, you are so dense.” She giggles after insulting me. “Miss…”             “Please call me Aimee,” I tell her my nickname afraid that telling her my real name would be a bad idea.             “Aimee, women would kill to be you right now. To be the Mistress of General Delko.” She puts her hands under her chin.             “And are you one those people?” I ask her carefully.             “Psh, I have a mate.” She says smiling. “… and he is right there.” She points down one of the guys sparring with father and Stephen. “His name is Danny and he is the one sneaking up behind the General…”             I look down and by the time I do, I see Daddy elbow her mate in the face without even looking             “And apparently failed miserably,” I add to finish her statement. We both start to laugh, super loud, and then feel eyes staring at us. We look down and Daddy, Stephen, Danny, and the other guy are staring at us. I guess we laughed a little too loud.             “Hi, baby!” Madeline yells down and waves to Danny. I look over and Danny is blowing her a kiss. I look over at Stephen and the other guy and smirk. I look over at Daddy and smile big. He brushes us off.             “Aimee, your food is getting cold.”             “Thank you again for bringing me seconds,” I say to her before she walks out.             “Oh, and before I forget, the General has informed me that he will be taking you shopping today and that he expects your room to be completed by the time you return.”             “My room?” I gave her yet another confused expression             “Yes, the spare room right here?” She points to the room that is smack dab in the middle of the hall. I noticed that were only two rooms and I made a weird face. This floor stretched across the palace but were only two rooms. I looked back at Madeline who knew what I was thinking. “There are 12 rooms on this floor, the largest room is right here, the General’s and the second-largest will be yours. That room has never been occupied as the General has never had a mistress. The other 10 rooms are down the corridor in either direction.” She points. “I live with Danny and our room is the first room to the right-wing. Stephen and Draco, the other man we saw outside are to the left. All the other rooms are empty.” I looked at her confused. 12 rooms and only a total of five were occupied, including mine now.             “Why are there so few people on this floor?”             “Because this floor belongs to the General,” she says looking at me. I give her another look of confusion. “Think of it as Castle Real Estate.”             “Ohhhhhh….” I get it.             “The General has very little trust in people, we are here because we have earned it. The only person who lived here is whole life with the General is Stephen. He was just given a room.”             She smiled and walked away. I walked over to my soon-to-be room, but the door was locked. I tried again but to no avail.             “It’s locked until I open it for the cleaning staff.” I heard his voice. I turned around and gave him a cheesy smile.             “Hi!” I said and gave him a hug. “Ew! You stink!” he just shook his head and laughed.             “Well, I just spent three hours sparring, so I think I would stink.” He said. We both felt eyes watching us, so he grabbed my waist and led me back into the room.               “Let me shower and get cleaned up. You get ready.” I smiled and nodded. I could not wait for our daddy-daughter date. As I walked to the nightstand, I could feel a presence outside the bedroom door. The lustful scent turned me on immediately. ‘Stephen’             I shook it off because I wanted to spend time with my Dad. I did not have the time to think about a boy I did not even know. I got ready while Daddy was in the shower. I put on this black halter top that was covered with a light layer of floral lace. In the drawer were some blue jeggings. I realized I had no shoes. I frowned, but then sucked it up because I could just buy some. But then it hit me that the shoes I did have did not match my outfit and I frowned again.             “Why the long face my princess?” he came over and kissed my forehead.             “Dad, my shoes do not match the outfit.” I pouted.             “Oh, that reminds me.” He says while rummaging through his closet. “I was going to give this to you before, but I forgot.” He hands me a bag. I take it and find a box. I take out the box and find a new pair of black and silver YSL heels.             “Did mother give you my shoe size?” I look at him.             “Yes,” he says giving me a short response. “I hate your outfit.” He says after realizing what was I wearing.             “Well too bad. When we leave this room, I am your ‘mistress’,” I say while using finger quotations. He shakes his head and gets dressed.             “Come on. I will buy you whatever you want today. No limit.” I look at him in awe.             “Seriously? No limit?” I ask him to be sure I was not hearing things.             “Only for today.” He smiled. I jump for joy and hug him. 
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