What a Long Day.

3487 Words
            {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             Going around the city with my dad was the most amazing day. He took me shopping at the fancy name brand places, although I did feel bad at some point. I had trouble finding something I wanted that cost less than three figures. Since mom and I did not have much while I was growing up, it was hard to get anything that was really considered a luxury. We had to shop at thrift stores a lot, but I always found a way to make even hand-me-down clothing look stylish.             I am sure you are wondering whatever happened to my law degree, well, I never got it. I dropped out of school because it was not for me. Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed school and I got good grades, but college was a whole different issue in and of itself. So yeah, I never got my degree; therefore, I never got a job and I had no money of my own. Mother of course used what little savings she had to get our flat in Oxford and continued to work as cleaning staff for a hotel.             Father tried to get me to loosen up a bit telling me it was okay to get whatever I wanted, but I felt guilty. I spent the majority of my time in the lower end shops that did not cost a fortune. He did insist that I splurge on shoes and purses. The shoes were mostly for comfort reasons. I had to admit, the YSL heels he gave me were quite comfortable even though they were high. So, I agreed on splurging on the shoes and a purse or two. Maybe three. Oh, alright fine, I got five. I decided I wanted to splurge on a couple of pairs of Christian Louboutin because I heard such great things about them. I also got a couple of training shoes. Even if I did not have to work out, I was still going to. At least once Daddy decided to let me leave his sight.             Mother told him that pizza and pasta were two of my favorite kinds of food, so he took me a little hole in the wall place. The place he took me to did not disappoint either. I always tell him unknown places that are not fancy always taste the best. While we're there, I found that we had ordered enough food to feed three families. I questioned it at first, but we ended up eating all of it. I was quite surprised at the appetite I had, but Father explained it was the wolf inside of us. That we need to consume more calories because the wolf metabolism was ridiculous and burned it off so quickly. No wonder all the men I have seen so far are slim and fit. Some looked like Father ripped without an ounce of fat on them. The few women I had seen were also slim and fit. Some were muscular in the sense that you can tell they worked hard to become toned and not just skinny.             We were on our way to the palace, the car filled with shopping bags. At the moment I was extremely happy with how the day turned out, but the closer we got, the more my mind drifted and I felt my eyes getting heavy.             “How far are we?” I asked him.             “About another 30 minutes. Why?” he responded not taking his eyes off the road.             “Okay, I am going to take a nap.”             “Sleep my princess, I will wake you when we arrive.” I nodded and adjusted my seat so I could lay comfortably. I felt him take a hold of my hand and kiss the back of it. I smiled and let my mind rest.             I found myself walking the halls of the palace. There was no one around and I could my own feet echoing. I was barefoot, as I could feel the cold stained concrete floors send shivers up my spine. I walk up the stairs and head for Daddy’s room, but off in the distance I heard a growl.             “Who’s there?” I say while turning around. I squint my eyes down the corridor and there I saw eyes glowing in the darkness. The eyes were sapphire blue and white pupils. They were magnificent. “Who are you?” I called again. Slowly, the eyes started to move, and a figure stepped out from the darkness. I still could not see their face, but from the height and the build, it was a man. I knew that it was not Father, his eyes did not glow that color, his eyes were emerald green.             “Aimee.” Said the voice. I did not know who it was. “Come to me, my love…”             Excuse me, but did he just call me ‘love!?’             “Aimee, I will not harm you, darling.” I see him place out his hand from the shadows. But instead of running away, I found myself being drawn to it. I walked towards him, whoever he was. The closer I got, the more my body started to tingle, but in a good way. I felt aroused when I heard him growl again. His growl was not threatening, it almost erotic and it enticed me.             “Who are you?” I ask slowly reaching for his hand. But without any response, he quickly grabbed my hand and shoved me against the wall in the darkness holding both of my hands above my head. I could not see his face. I could feel his breath on me, it was warm and made my body feel weak. I could feel his face brush across mine. His lips stop at mine, and I feel him lick my bottom lip. I open my mouth inviting him in, but he moves on. He keeps brushing his face around my face, to the crook my neck, he kisses my décolletage and moves his face to my cleavage and licks the top of my breasts. I let a moan as I quite enjoyed what this man was doing to me.             He moved back to my face and licked my bottom lip again, his time, he kept doing it. I kept my mouth open wanting him to kiss me. He adjusts himself so that he is holding my wrists with only one of his hands still above my head. His free hand explores my body. He caresses my cheek and takes his index finger drawing a straight line between my breasts. He touches my stomach and slides it across until his hand on my back. He puts his hand under my shirt, and I could feel his hand on my bare skin. The feeling of our skin making contact gave me butterflies all over. He pulls us close together and I could feel his hardness just above my belly button.             He let my hands go and use his strong arms to hoist me up and my legs naturally wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck. I could feel his hardness in between my legs and realized then he was shirtless. He thrust his hips closer to me and I could free my wetness smearing across his pants. He grinds against me even harder and I gasp at the sheer pleasure he was giving me.             “I want to taste you Amelia…” he whispers in my ear.             He puts me down and he gets on his knees, carefully lifts my skirt, and removes my underwear. Before I could even register what happened, he pushed his face between my legs and his tongue started to lick me. I gasp, twitch, and convulse, but he uses his arms to keep me in place. I keep moaning from sweet euphoria. I felt a sudden pain and yelp out when I realized that he inserted his finger. I try to get accustomed to the feeling. I let out another moan as the pain turns to pleasure, then I feel it get tighter as he adds a second finger. He moves his fingers in and out of me while he begins to suck on my c******s. I feel my body tighten and my legs are about to give out. I could feel I was close to having an orgasm when suddenly I hear a door.             I open my eyes.               “Wake up princess, we’re home.” I hear my father’s voice.             “Ugh! It was only a dream!” I mutter to myself while slamming my head into the headrest of the car seat.             “What was that?” he asks as he rummages through the back seat to grab our bags.             “Nothing…” I shake my head and get out of the car.             I take the bags from him, so he does not have to carry it all himself. As we make our way to the front door, Father put his hands around me letting me know it was time to put on our show.             As soon as he opens the door, I start to giggle like he said something sweet to me.             “Baby, did you enjoy your day?” He asks me.             “I sure did. Thank you for spoiling me today.” I say giving him a seductive smile while at the same time trying not to hurl in my mouth.             “Anytime…” he says and kisses me on the cheek. Only this time, his answer was sincere, and his kiss was that of a Father. I smiled big. We show some true sincerity in our actions, that is the best way to sell this act of ours. We could feel the eyes just staring at us.             “I am tired now…” I let out a whine. I wanted to kill myself.             “Your room should be ready.” He puts his hands around my waist and takes me to the elevator. I was not about to walk up to eight flights of stairs with 20 bags in my hands. As the elevator doors opened, I was not paying attention and entered without realizing that someone was about to step out. I ran into the person and then I heard an annoying voice yell at me.             “Watch where you are going b***h!” she yells and pushes me out of the way. The sheer force of her push made me hit my back into the wall and drop my bags. There no way she was going to get away with this. In a split-second reaction to her shove, I shouted out in pain.             “Ahh!” I yell out and crouch down holding my back with my hand.             GASP! Everyone around us gasped thinking that Natalia had physically hurt me.             “NATALIA!” I heard a roaring voice. Daddy was angry. She stops walking away and turns around. Father’s eyes were black as night. I see her roll her eyes and turn her back to him. Everyone gasps again and so did I. She literally turned her back to the General. Father gives out a loud growl and starts to stomp towards her, but, before Father could react, I saw him stop and look up and then straighten his body language.             “What is all the ruckus!” I look up from the floor and see Cyrus walking out of the foyer into the open area in the living room. Looks-wise, even the King was handsome. His hair was black with some grey in it, it appears that he has been around a while, he was just a smidge shorter than Father. He was slim and fit, but nowhere near as a ripped as Father.            “My King.” Father bows his head in respect. I looked around and everyone did the same. I bowed my head from the floor as if I were still injured.             “Delko, why all the shouting?” the King asked while looking at him, then at me, and then at Natalia.             “Sire, Natalia had the audacity to put her hands on my mistress. She pushed her into the wall causing her a back injury.” He replies with a deep and serious tone. The tone was so much deeper than what he uses when he speaks to me.             “Is that true Natalia?” the King asks while letting out a growl.             “My King, she ran into me first. So, I thought her a lesson.” She says with a smug look. I glared at her from the floor while still holding my back making it seem like it still hurt.             “Is that so?” asked the King. She nods her and turns back to look at me, but then Cyrus grabs ahold of her neck from behind and lifts her off the ground. “And what pray tell gave you the idea that you have any sort of authority to teach the General’s mistress a lesson?” he asks as his eyes turn black. Natalia’s feet wiggling just a few inches off the ground. Everyone looks in shock and dismay, while I am still on the floor trying to comprehend what was happening in front of me.             “M..My…K..King…” she struggles to let out as he increases the pressure, and his claws starting to dig into her skin.             “Listen to me carefully Natalia, as this will be your only warning. You have no authority in my Kingdom. You are but a mere street w***e, brought here to f**k my men when they choose. Just as I easily brought you here, I can just as easily throw you out. You are of no importance to anyone here. You are hereby forbidden from entering the eighth floor and above. And as additional punishment, you will not eat for three days. Do you understand me?” he says while dropping her to the floor. She nods her while coughing for air.             I look at her with pity as the King steps around her. She was a b***h, but even I thought that was a little extreme. Cyrus walks over to me. He bends over and gives out his hand. I look at it and look back at Father. He nods his head letting me know it was okay. I hesitantly give me and then the King helps me to my feet. I scrunch my face and hold my back again making it seem like it hurt to stand. Even though my actions got her in trouble, I had to keep up my act.             “My child, do you need medical assistance?” Cyrus asks me with sincerity.             “No, Your Majesty, it is nothing that an ice pack and some rest won’t cure,” I say while looking down at the floor.             “Child, you are allowed to look me in the eye.” I bit my lower lip and look up at him. I mean, I had to admit, I know he is an ass, but he was handsome. “There, not so hard now is it.” He smiles and lets go of my hands.             “Sire?” Daddy says while bowing his head again.             “Delko?”             “May I escort her to her room to rest and heal?” he never raises his head.             “Of course, my good man. Where is her aid?” Cyrus asks while looking into the crowd.             “I am here your Majesty,” Madeline responds from behind a tall group of men. Her hand waving in the air.             “Let her pass.”             “Your Majesty,” she responds and bowing her head.             “Go get some ice and pain medication. Tend to the General’s mistress until she is well.” He says and turns around to leave.             “My King, what about her?” she asks referring to Natalia.             “Let her bleed,” He says without even looking. As he leaves, everyone bows. I look over at Natalia, shake my head, and rolled my eyes. After the King is out of sight, Daddy and Madeline rush over to me.             “Are you alright?” asks Madeline. I nod my head to let her know I am fine. She bends down to grab my bags and hands them to Daddy. “Let me go get some ice for you and I will meet you in your room.” I nod my head.             Father hits the elevator button again, the doors open and we both get in. As the door starts to close, I felt a sudden presence looking at me. I look out into the crowd of men and I see him looking at me. Stephen. But before the doors fully closed, Daddy stops them with his hand. I look up at him wondering what he was doing.             “General?” I ask.             “We are waiting for Madeline.” He says. I smile and nod my head.             “Excuse me! Coming through!” She says while pushing past all the men who are still staring at us in the elevator. As she walks by Natalia who finally made it to her feet, she grabs her arm.             “Go get me bandages!” Natalia shouts at her to her face.             “And defy my King? Do you think I am stupid?” She breaks Natalia’s grip on her and runs to the elevator. Natalia left dumbfounded.             “Stephen! Draco! Danny! You three come with us.” Father commanded. In the blink of an eye, the three men entered the elevator with us. They surrounded us like a fortress. Stephen was right in front of me, and instantly I was getting wet. I looked down pretending I was looking at the floor, but I really looking at Stephen’s ass. It was nice.             “Madeline, is her room ready?” Father asked as the elevator made its way up to the eighth floor.             “Yes sir!” she responds joyfully. It did not appear she was afraid.             ‘You’re not afraid of him?’ I whisper in her ear.             ‘No, of course not. As long I do what I am told, he is quite kind and respectful. I have no reason to fear him.’ She whispers back and smiles. I nod my head and hear a *ding*. The elevator doors open and everyone escorts me to my new room.             “Are you ready?!” Madeline asks with glee. I smile and nod. “Danny, baby, will you do the honors?” Danny steps forward and opens the double doors to my new room. I walk in and was in shock. The room was almost as big as Father’s. There was a king-size bed that was covered with red statin curtains. The comforter set was all black with black and white pillows and cushions mixed it. The walls were a pearl white wallpaper and sparked with you looked at it from a different angle. There was a desk in one corner with dual computer monitors, a plasma TV screen mounted on the wall opposite the bed, a makeup vanity in another corner right by the balcony. In another corner, there was a bookshelf with dozens of books and movies. I could not help but smile at my new room. It was bigger than any apartment we had ever lived in.             “Well, what do you think?” Madeline asks a little eagerly.             “I LOVE IT!” I blurted out.             “You should see the closet and the bathroom.” I turn and smile at her. I was getting excited.             “Madeline, after you show her around, tend to her. I have a business to take care of before dinner.”             “Yes sir!” she says while taking me into my room.             “Danny and Draco, you will guard the doors from the outside. Stephen, you will guard it from within. No one is allowed in, and no is allowed out. Only Madeline may come and go as needed.” I heard him order. Geez, could be he any pushier?             “and you,” he says referring to me with a sudden change in tone. “I will be back to escort you to dinner. Have fun and rest.” I nod and smile. He kisses my forehead and leaves. The two D's stake either side of the door in the hall and Stephen comes in closes the door and locks it.             Madeline helps me put my bags onto the bed and I let out a big sigh             WHAT A LONG ASS DAY.
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