Sapphire Blue

3645 Words
            {Stephen’s P.O.V.}             Seeing my mate with the General is killing me. I saw them leave together after training was over. They were walking out hand in hand, almost as if they were going out on a date. The General was smiling, and his lips literally reached from ear to ear. I had never seen him so happy. In a matter of one day, she changed him and me.             “What are you doing?” came a sweet voice.             “What’s up Madeline?” I turned and smile at her.             “You need to stop staring at her,” she says to me.             “Stare at who?” I ask trying to play stupid.             “Do you think I am dense?” she says punching my arm and I smile. “Look, I get it, she is very pretty, even I think so. Hell, even Danny thinks so. He even asked if we could have a threesome with her.” She said to me. I turn to look at her with shock in my eyes.             “What did you say to that?” I chuckled. f*****g Danny.             “Let’s just say he has been very lonely the last 24 hours.”             “HAHAHA!” I let out a laugh. “What do you think of her?” I ask since I know Madeline has spent some time with her.             “She is quite lovely. Not just her looks, but her personality. She is very sweet, and she is easy to talk to. I mean, she is a little dense, but she has a good aura.” I smile and let out a big sigh.             “Can you keep a secret?” I ask her.             “Of course, my friend,” she responds putting her arm around my neck. I look around to make sure no one is in the area. I move close to her and she leans in curious as to what I am about to tell her.             “She’s my mate…” I whisper. She looks at me her eyes wide. She grabs my arm and takes me to her room. She shoves me in the room and slams the door behind us locking it.             “SHE IS YOUR WHAT!?” she screams at the top of her lungs. Thank the gods the walls were soundproofed. There has been a lot of yelling going on since the girl got here. “AIMEE IS YOUR MATE!?” she yells again.             “Her name is Aimee?” I finally learned her name.             “Do not change the subject! Are you saying she is your mate? Like, your destined mate? You are not just trying to f**k her!?”             “Yeah, that is what I am saying,” I said sitting on the bed running my fingers through my hair.            “Wow…” she says and sits down beside me. “Huh, she must be your mate.” She says out of nowhere.             “Why did you say it like that?” I looked at her.             “Your d**k," she responds while pointing down at my shorts. I cover my hardon and she just bursts out laughing. “Oh, Stephen I am sorry.” She kisses me on the cheek and gives me a hug. We sit and talk some more, and she tries to give me advice, but the only thing I want is Aimee. I want her. I need her. Hours past and we decided to go get a snack, as I open the door, we hear screaming from downstairs.             “Watch where you’re going b***h!” came Natalia’s voice. We hear the General roaring with anger and then we hear the King chime into the action. We look at each other and make our way down, but by the time we get downstairs, people have gathered, and our view was blocked. All I could see was Aimee on the floor by the elevator and the King was holding Natalia by the neck.             “What the hell is going on?” I asked one of the spectators.             “Natalia hurt the General’s mistress. She told the King it was to teach her a lesson for running into her. So now the King is teaching her a lesson about authority.”             Madeline and I look at each other, and then we heard Cyrus speak…             “Listen to me carefully Natalia, as this will be your only warning. You have no authority in my Kingdom. You are but a mere street w***e, brought here to f**k my men when they choose. Just as I easily brought you here, I can just as easily throw you out. You are of no importance to anyone here. You are hereby forbidden from entering the eighth floor and above. And as additional punishment, you will not eat for three days. Do you understand me?” I see her drop to the floor.             I watch him walk over to Aimee, but my view is blocked again, and the sounds are muffled by everyone talking amongst themselves. Madeline and I keep looking at one another trying to figure out what exactly happened.               {Madeline’s P.O.V.}             After hearing what was going on, I just shook my head, Natalia has been asking for trouble ever since she got here a few weeks ago.             “…Where is her aid?” I hear the King ask.             “He’s talking about you,” Stephen said while shoving me through the crowd.             “I am here your Majesty,” I quickly respond while waving my hand in the air.             “Let her pass.” I address his Majesty and bow my head.             “Go get some ice and pain medication. Tend to the General’s mistress until she is well.” He tells me. As he turns to leave, I look down at Natalia.             “My King, what about her?”             “Let her bleed.” I rush to Aimee’s side to ensure she is alright. I help gather her shopping bags and hand them to the General. I let her know that I will get some ice. I see Danny looking simply confused as he sees me running around like a chicken with its head cut off.             “Duty calls my love.” I kiss his lips and go get ice for Aimee.             ’Madeline, we will wait for you,’ I hear the General in my thoughts. I quickly gather ice, towels, and some medication.             “Excuse me! Coming through!” as I push past the crowd that had yet to disperse. As I walk by Natalia who was up on her feet, she grabbed my arm. This stupid b***h.             “Go get me bandages!” she shouts in my face. Who does this b***h think she is? Did she not hear Cyrus?             “And defy my King? Do you think I am stupid?” I give her a dirty look and break her grip. You may have a death wish, but I sure as hell do not.             {Stephen’s P.O.V.}             I watch as Madeline makes her into the elevator, and I see the doors start to close. I look at Aimee and I could feel she sensed it. She looked up and made eye contact with me. That literally made fireworks go off in my entire body.             Madeline makes a weird face, and I realize she said something to the General. He looks at her and he stops the doors from closing.             “Stephen! Draco! Danny! You three come with us.” He commands. The three of us jump and run over to get in. We circle them to turn to face the outer part of the elevator as it closed.             ‘You’re welcome, Stephen…’ I hear Madeline.             ‘Maddie, you’re the best.’ I smile as I keep my stance.             ‘By the way, she appears to be checking out your ass…’ she giggles.             I smile and think ‘that’s right baby…’ As I felt a sudden burst of lust take over.  I could feel Cyclone dying inside of me. He wanted our mate and I did too. I hear conversations going on, but I paid no attention. Then the doors opened. We all escorted Aimee to her new room.             “Danny, baby, will you do the honors?” Madeline says.             Danny opened the doors and I could Aimee’s eyes light up and her smile as big as can be. Seeing her happy like that made my heart flutter. I kept staring down at her as she admired her new room. I wanted to caress her cheek and I felt my hand lifting to touch her, but then…             “Danny and Draco, you will guard the doors from the outside. Stephen, you will guard it from within. No one is allowed in, and no is allowed out. Only Madeline may come and go as needed.” I heard him order us. Me? IN her room? YES! YES! YES!             The General leaves and I see the guys take their spots in the hall. I enter her room and close the doors and lock it. I turned around and see her there. She is laughing and playing with Maddie. I smile at them, it has been a while since Maddie any girlfriends, and well, it was nice to see her mingling with someone of the same s*x. They open the shopping bags together as Aimee shows off what the General bought for her.             “Madeline, if I do a fashion show for you, will you tell me which outfit looks good and which one doesn’t? I hear Aimee as she jumps out of the bed.             “Fashion show? Maddie asked confused. “Did you not show the General when trying them on before buying them?             “I did, but he said it all looked good. You know you can never trust a guy’s opinion when it comes to clothes,” they both giggled. “Besides, I know you have good taste. I mean, look at this top you picked out. I love it! And it extenuates my boobs.” My heart stops when she said 'boobs.' I look over at her and she was pressing breasts together. I almost started to drool.             “Aimee, you know we are not alone,” Maddie says as she catches my staring.             “Oh, that is right. Sorry…” she says waving at me.             “No problem,” I respond. I look her in the eyes, and I swore she was eye-f*****g me. Was she teasing me?               {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             I seriously could not stop myself. I mean, he was in my room, standing by door, only a few feet from my bed. Stephen was just so hot. I decided to tease him by pressing my boobs together as if I forgot he was there. I caught him staring. It is no wonder mother always has a lustful look in her eyes when she talked about Father. I mean, I am a virgin, and I still have nothing but dirty thoughts in my mind when I think about him. That dream I had in the car had to be about him.             “Aimee, you know we are not alone,” Madeline says as she too catches Stephen staring.             “Oh, that is right. Sorry…” I wave my fingers and give him a seductive smile. If could not have him physically, I might as well tease him some more. I do my best to eye f**k him while he stood there. He knew it too. I could not take it anymore. I needed some alone time with him.             “Hey, Madeline…”             “You can call me Maddie,” she responds smiling as she unbagged more of my new stuff.             “Um …” I try to figure out an excuse to get her out while I twiddled my finger. ‘Ah screw it!’ I grab her hand and take her into the bathroom with me. I shut the door and lock it.             “Aimee what on earth?” She looked at me confused. I pace back and forth and debate on what to say. “Aimee? Hello! Earth to Aimee!”             “Maddie, can you keep a secret?” I grab her hands in mine and I plead with her. I look her in the eyes and she just smiles and shakes her head. “What?” I look at her as if she grew two heads. “Maddie, I am trying to confide in you and you’re laughing at me?” I was getting embarrassed.             “I am laughing because I already know what you are going to tell me.” She says squeezing my hands. “It is about Stephen,”             “Wait, how did...”             “Aimee, it is not just you that feels the mate bond. He feels it too.” She explains. “The mate bond is not one way, if you are destined mates, you will both feel it immediately after the first meeting.” She smiled the whole time while making sure I understood. “I can tell you are new to this. I mean, he is too, but Stephen and Danny talk about the mate bond all the time. They are best friends and talk about everything. Danny even goes as far as sharing our s*x life with him.” My mouth drops. She looks at me and smiles again while patting the top of my hands, reassuring me that my secret was safe.             “So, he feels this too?” I ask carefully. “The butterflies, the burning inside, and constantly being horny?” I say the last part while gritting my teeth.             “Yes,” she replies.             “I have another secret to tell you.” She looks at me and c***s her head to the side.             “I am … still … a vir...gin.” Her eyes look like they were about to pop out of their socket.             “WHAT!?” She was baffled. “You mean, you and the General have not yet…?” she moves her hands in a motion indicating intercourse. I shake my head ‘no’.             Her face said it all. I have been here 24 hours, and one sentence was information overload. I obviously could not tell her everything, but this was just me being honest.             “Promise me you will keep my secret?” I grabbed her hands again. She pats the back of my hand and then holds out her pinky. I smile and give her my pinky.             “Promise,” she smiles. We get ready to leave the bathroom and then she turns to look at me. “I will buy you time with Stephen, I need to go get things prepared for dinner anyways. I can communicate with him through my thoughts, so if I sense the General, I will warn him. Have fun.” I smile and hug her.             “Thank you so much!” I hugged her again.               We exit the bathroom.             “You two alright?” Stephen asks.             “Just peachy,” Maddie responded. “Well, I need to go get things prepared for dinner. Stephen, be a lad and open the door for me.” Stephen nodded and let her out. She turned and winked at me and Stephen closed the door.                           {Stephen’s P.O.V.}             As I closed the door to let Maddie out, ‘You’re welcome Stephen.’ For what? I looked at her as she left. I shook it off and closed the door locking it again. I turned around and there she stood, her back was against one of the bedposts and he was biting the tip of her finger and her she bit her bottom lip. ‘THANK YOU, MADDIE!!’ I scream in my head and hear her laugh at me.             I looked into Aimee’s eyes and she was blinking fast, breathing heavy and she kept flinching. Was she? Was she turned on and trying to fight it? She bit her top lip next and started to walk towards me with lust in her eyes. My arms were crossed, but as soon she started coming to me, my arms dropped to my side like I had no control of them. She came up to me and barely met my chest. I look down at her and stood completely still.                        “May I ask what you are doing?” I say to her as she reaches her hands out and her fingers trace my arms on either side.             “Can you feel that?” She says while continue to trace my arms up and down. I look at her and she licks her lips. She was! She was starting to tease me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her touch. Then I feel her put one of her hands into mine and interlock our fingers together. She tries to break them apart, but I hold onto her hand. I keep looking down at her, but she never once looks up at me.  Her other hand stops caressing my arm when she gets to the tattoo of my wolf.             “Who’s this?” She asks while tracing over the image.             “My wolf,’ I respond.             “What is his name?”             “Cyclone.”             I look down at her and see her that she is still staring at the tattoo. She looked like she was in a trance.             “Aimee!” I grab her shoulders. She starts to blink and look at me. “Are you okay?” She does not reply but looks back down at my tattoo of Cyclone. She looks at me and steps back. She squints her eyes and looks at me like I grew three heads.             “I want to meet him…” she says looking up at me. I looked at her and contemplated if I should let Cyclone out. I mean, the dude was so horny right now and I was afraid he would jump her as he soon he was out.             ‘You heard the lady, let me out!’             “Shut up! I'm thinking!”             ‘Why are you thinking? Give her what she wants. I promise to behave!’             “Fine, be respectful.”             She would not stop looking into my eyes. She pleaded using only her eyes. Something about her request seemed strange, but who I was I to deny her?             “If I do, you promise not to run away from us?” I asked her.             “I promise,” she responded.               {Cyclone’s P.O.V.}             I switched places with Stephen and looked at Aimee. My God, even for a human she was beautiful. Her eyes never leaving mine.             “Hello, Aimee. My name is Cyclone.” I take her hand and kiss the back of it.             “My, even for a wolf you are a gentleman.” She says with a smile.             “Why did you want to meet me?” Without even answering, I felt her hand touch the tattoo of me on Stephen’s arm.             “Because of this…” she replies. “When I looked at it earlier, I could have sworn I saw the eyes glowing.” She continues to trace my face on Stephen’s arm. “You are a very handsome Cyclone.” She compliments me.             “Thank you. And you, you are very beautiful.” I take her hand and kiss her fingertips.             ‘WHOA THERE!! DOWN BOY! YOU SAID YOU WOULD BEHAVE!’ shouted Stephen.             “I am behaving…” I say while kissing her fingertips again. She lets out a heavy breath and I could hear her heart racing. Was it wrong that as a wolf I want to have her? I let out a small growl knowing that I was aroused by her very nature.             “Down boy…” she says to me with a smirk on her face. “Cyclone?” she says my name. I continue to kiss her hand and fingers tips, nipping at them ever so softly. “Cyclone?” she says again, but I am too preoccupied to reply.             “Cyclone!” she yells taking her hand away.             “Aw…” I let out a whimper.             “I need something from you.” She says as she stares into my eyes. Please tell me you want me. Please tell me you want me. I think to myself while Stephen fights back for control.             “Anything for you,” I respond taking her hand again.             “Show me your eyes.”             “You are looking at them…” I say to her as I start to kiss her hand again.             “No,” she takes her hand away again. “Show me YOUR eyes!” she demands. This time, she is not smiling at me. She was almost angry that I was playing a game with her.             “Why?”             “Please!” she begs as she grabs Stephen’s forearms.             I close my eyes and then open them. My wolf senses come alive and show me everything. The perspiration on her chest, the smell of the wallpaper glue, the sound of her heartbeat, and most importantly her scent. Aimee smelled sweet but refreshing. Like the sweet smell of watermelon on a hot summer day. Wait a minute? Why do I not smell the General on her?             Before I could register what I just realized, she grabbed Stephen’s face and stared deeply into my eyes.             “Oh my god, your eyes are sapphire blue.” She says while never taking her eyes away. Then, she put her arms around Stephen’s neck, and without even hesitating, I grabbed her hips and brought her close. “No! Come on Cyclone, give me back control!’             “Bring back Stephen,” she says.             “Are you sure? I kind of like being with you,” I smirked and bring her even closer.             “Please?”             “Alright, one moment.”               {Stephen’s P.O.V.}             I take back control and feel that I am still holding Aimee. This had to be a dream, I was physically holding her. Her breasts were pressed up against me and her legs intertwined with mine. Our faces were so close together, I could feel her warm breaths across my lips. I brush my lips against hers almost to the point where they did not touch. She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. Then, she opened her eyes and gently licked my bottom lip. I was in shock. She licked my lip. I smiled at her and then she gave me a gentle Eskimo kiss. I smile again and then she did it, she pecked my lips with the softest kiss. That did it, I was about kiss her…             ‘Stop whatever it is you guys are doing because the General is coming!’ Maddie shouted.            “We need to stop!” I say and I put her down. I fixed my shirt and make my way back to the door. The look on her face was priceless. I felt bad, but she would understand in, three, two, and one…             “Open the door Stephen!” came Delko’s voice. I look over at her and she understood why I stopped so abruptly.             Those few moments alone with her made my entire existence. I only hoped she felt the same.
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