Let's Go Out

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{Unknown P.O.V.}             I watched from afar as I see the commotion in the living room. Aimee was kissing Stephen, but just by how passionate it was, I knew that it was a “goodbye kiss.” I waited and I could see how much pain she was in, in a matter of seconds, she rejected him in front of everyone and then ran away, Stephen following her.             Good. I thought to myself, the General’s daughter was obedient, that was a nice quality to have in my future mate.             “Well, I cannot believe she actually did it…” she says while wrapping her arms around me.             “Daphne,”             “What is next my Lord,” she asks while sliding her hand through the opening of my buttoned shirt.             “Let them suffer for now,”   {Madeline’s P.O.V.}             It has been about two months since I discovered what had really happened. I decided to keep it to myself knowing that it was what Amelia would want and given what the letter had said. She has been staying in father’s room while he paid to have her room fixed. Amelia no longer wanted black and white as she said it would make her depressed, I came up with a brilliant idea for a new color scheme. The problem was that it could have two different reactions, I was hoping it would be the better of the two when she sees it.             While the room was being renovated, I would visit her in her Father’s room, and we would have teatime. We no longer watched the boys train because the one time we did, Amelia started to cry. I had some of the staff move some of her belongings into her Father’s room so that she did not have to leave to get anything. If she did need something, I would be sure to get it for her. That was the biggest problem with all of us living on the same floor. She was afraid of running into Stephen. She avoided him like the plague, but I knew deep down she was dying inside. Stephen has been in our room most nights when he felt as if he may do something, he would later regret it. Stephen has changed after that day, he has become angry and impatient, he gets into fights with almost everyone that even looks at him the wrong way. The General has put in him in his place more times in the last couple of months than he has in the last 20 or so years.             We all knew why he was acting this way, and we would try our best to calm him down. The King has also been made aware of the situation; it was only a matter of time before he found out about the chaos going on. The King, although a ruthless asshole who does not deserve to be on the throne, still had a heart. His one absolute law, other than killing baby girls, was that the bond between mates was not be interfered with, and that is exactly what happened. Now, you are probably scared that something may happen to Amelia or Stephen but don't worry. The letter only said that Amelia could not tell anyone except for her Father, which is what she did. She followed the rules.             However, there was nothing in the letter saying that I could not tell the King. Whoever this person was had ruined the life of two of my closest friends. I may just be an aid to the General and Amelia, but I sure as hell do not take s**t from anyone. Anyone that hurts those that are closest to me has no idea who they are messing with. I know how to keep secrets when asked, but that does not mean I will blindly standby as some jealous cowardly son of a b***h destroys my family.   {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             As I sat in Daddy’s room waiting for teatime with Maddie, Daddy came back to his room to change for training with the guys. Lately, I had not done much and would pretty much spend the entire day in his room. I was too afraid of seeing Stephen.             “Good afternoon Daddy,” I say to him as he walks by to check on me.             “Good afternoon Princess,” he kisses me on the forehead. “Maddie has informed me that your room will be complete by the end of the day. So, if you want to, you can go back there starting tonight.”             “Are you trying to get rid of me?” I ask him while giving him a side-eye.             “Of course not, it was only a suggestion. You are always welcome to stay with me.” He kisses me on the forehead once more and heads out.             I contemplated if I wanted to stand on the balcony today. It had been a while since the last time Maddie and I tried, I cried the moment I saw Stephen. I look outside and it was such a beautiful spring day. I could tell it was cool outside with spring breeze but warm from the sun. So, I decided that I would suck it up and sit on the balcony. I open the sliding door and soon as I do, a gust of wind went by and I inhaled the fresh air.             I step outside and look off in the horizon. Flowers were in bloom, and you could smell the different fruit trees in blossom around the palace. Birds were singing and geese were honking as they migrated back from the south. I forgot how much I enjoyed being outside. As I take in the afternoon breeze, I hear Maddie come in.             “Wow, you are actually outside.” I smile at her remark as she puts the tea set on the balcony table and joins me. “It's about time you got some Vitamin D; you were starting to turn pale.” She says while laughing at me.             “Hello to you too Maddie,” I snark while sitting on the chair.             “How are you?” she asks.             “Better today,” I respond while taking a sip of tea. Maddie peers over the railing.             “Oh look, Danny is trying again,” she says while signaling me to come to watch.             “He never will learn, will he?” I ask as we watch him try to sneak up behind Daddy.             “3, 2, 1… Oh, Ouch!” we say in unison. We look at each other and just start laughing. Our laughter catches everyone’s attention. We look down and Danny is rubbing his nose.             “Are you alright?!” Maddie shouts down. Danny throws a thumbs up to let us know it is not broken. We laugh again. As I control my laughter, I look down again and make eye contact with Stephen, my laughter stops suddenly. I could feel myself about to cry.  Maddie senses it too and pulls me away. I hold my back tears             “I am not going to cry,” I say as tears fall, I take deep breaths trying to control my emotions. “I am okay,” I say and sit back down. Maddie sits with me and we sit in silence drinking our tea and enjoying the sunlight. Before we knew it, training has ended, and Daddy dismisses the boys.             “Well, that is my queue,” Maddie says. “I will see you at dinner time,” she says as we do our side cheek kiss.             As she is leaving, Daddy comes in. “General…” she bows.             “Madeline,” Daddy nods his head as he holds the door for her. He looks over at me as I stay outside and watch the sun start to set. “Feeling better?” he asks while putting his arm around my should and hugging me tightly.             “Yes,” I respond as I lean into him.             “It was good to hear you laughing,” he says.             “It felt good to laugh again,” I respond.             “Come on inside,” he says as he directs me back into the room.             “I’m sorry for the intrusion!” Maddie says as she comes back in. “But Miss, your room is ready.” I look at Daddy and smile. I run over to Maddie as she takes my hand and leads me to my room.             “Close your eyes,” she says. I close my eyes and I hear her open the door. She leads me in making sure I do not run into anything. I hear the door shut, her lock it, and then shes flicks on the lights.             “Okay, open them.” I open my eyes and I see that the room is decorated in dark charcoal grey with sapphire blue accents. There were a few sequenced pillows on the bed, the kind that where you move the sequence around to change the colors. I smiled and looked at Maddie. I knew she did this to make me feel close to Stephen and Cyclone.             “Do you like it?” she asks carefully.             “I love it,” I respond and hug her. “Thank you, Maddie,” she hugs me back.             “You are welcome,” she responds. “Now what you would like to eat for dinner?” she asks while breaking our hug.             I pout my lip and think. You know what, f**k it. Thinking to myself.             “Hold that thought, Maddie,” I say to her. I open a link to my Father.             “Daddy?”             ‘Yes, my princess,’             “May I go out to dinner with Maddie?”             ‘Go out? As in leave the palace?” he asks making me sure he heard me right.             “Yes. I am sick of being cooped up. I think it is time I get  back to my routine.” I say with confidence.             ‘That's my girl. Yes, you may go out with Maddie. On your way out, stop by and get my card.’             “Thank you!” I close our link.             “Maddie, let's go out for dinner!” I say grabbing her hands and smiling.             “Are you sure?” she asks shock.             “Yes,” I respond.             “Well, alright then. I am game if you are. I will tell Danny he can have a guy’s night with Draco and Stephen. Let me go get ready and I will be back at around 7:00.” I nod my head, and as she is leaving my room,             “Maddie, wear something sexy but classy.” I raise my brows at her and smile. She smiles back and closes the door.             I take off my clothes and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the water to let the water turn hot and brush out the tangles in my hair. I jump in the shower and let the hot water soothe my body. As I lather my body in body wash, I could not help but think of Stephen. We shared a lot of moments in the shower with each other and not all of them were s****l. It was just us enjoying each other’s company and each other’s touch. I shake it off and finish washing. I jump out and start to get ready for my girl’s night with Maddie.             I rummage through the closet and decide that if I was going out, I was going out with a bang. I grab a mint green long sleeve cotton crop top that you tie around your bosom. The sleeves are cuffed at the wrists and slightly puff from the shoulders to the forearms leaving room for it to keep you cool. I tie the shirt around my bra and make sure that my girls are showing enough to where it was sexy but not slutty. Before I forget, I put a few pieces of Daddy’s shirt into my bra. I still need to keep up appearances. I put on a pair of low-rise boots cut jeans and a light brown belt with a large buckle. I look in the mirror and check to make sure I look nice. Not bad, my ass looks good. I think of myself. I decided that I would let my hair air dry and let the natural curls take shape. I had not cut my hair since I came to live with Daddy, so it has grown out and now reaches my mid-back. I sit at the vanity that was filled with new makeup.             I had been so long so since I put on a full face that I almost forgot how to apply everything. I do a dark smokey eye with greys, dark browns, and black. I put on a pair of natural-looking false lashes and finish off with a nude lip. My hair was nearly dry, so I add some hairspray to keep it from frizzing too much. I puff my hair to add definition to my curls. I go into my closet and put on a pair of black booties with chunky heels. As I take one final look in the mirror, I hear Maddie call from the hallway.             I grab my crossbody Chanel purse that Daddy had bought me a few weeks ago to cheer me up and open the door.             “Damn!” we both say as we look at each other. Maddie was wearing a bright red sequenced low-neck halter that tied around her neck, black skinny jeans, and a pair of red strappy half inch platform heels. She was carrying a medium-sized black Gucci wristlet. Her make up was light and her hair straightened. Maddie always had her hair up, so I never realized how long it was. It almost went touched her butt.             “Maddie you look AMAZING!” I tell her. It was no wonder Danny loved her. She was sexy and her boobs were bigger than I thought because she rarely wore anything remotely revealing.             “Speak for yourself!” she says giving me a look, up and down. “I would kill to have abs like yours,” she says. I smile and close my door making sure to lock it tight.             We go over to Daddy’s room together and I knock on it. He opens the door and his mouth drops.             “Who are you and what you are done with Aimee?” he says. I c**k my head at him.             “Very funny,” I say and hold out my hand. He shakes his head, hands me his card, and his car keys. I look up at him and he smiles. He was going to let me drive his Lamborghini.             “Thank you,” I say and kiss him on the cheek.             “Have fun you two and be safe.” He says as we head towards the elevator.             “We will!” we both yell back.             As we head down, we were getting excited for what lies ahead. I was not going to let my sadness take over anymore. I was going to enjoy the last few weeks of being 21 and what better way than a girl’s night with my best friend and partner in crime.             “You know, we have a walk through the living area to get to the garage,” she says.             “Oh s**t,” I say. It dawned on both of us that we had to walk past a bunch of unmated guys.             “Time to strut our stuff,” she says as the elevator dings and the doors open. We look at each and then hold our heads high and proud. We were both sexy and we knew it. We walk through the living area and guys start to cheer, whistle, and shout as they see us walk by. Some even let their wolves out and started to howl.             “Come to papa!”             “Oh s**t! Look at them apples!”             “Damn girl! Let me a taste of that ass!”             “How about a threesome with me!”               I flip my hair and we keep walking. Guys are drooling and being vulgar, but we did not care. It was nice having the attention after keeping myself locked away for the last couple of months.             “MADELINE! AIMEE! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WEARING!?” We hear a familiar voice. Danny, Draco, and Stephen were in the foyer playing poker when they saw us walk by heading for the garage.             “Don’t wait up!” Maddie says without even giving his question a second thought. All three of them were speechless. Danny was literally drooling over his mate, Draco clapping for us and Stephen, well, let me just say he could not stop staring. I look at him and he gives me a small grin indicating he liked what I was wearing.             We find Daddy’s car in the garage and we get in. I start the ignition and the car roars. I hit the gas and rev the engine.             “Do you know how the drive this?” Maddie asks.             “Of course, he taught me to drive this a while back,” I say while hitting the clutch and putting the car into first gear. I signal to the guards to open the garage door and look out into the open road. I look at Maddie who is putting her seatbelt on.             “What?” she asks.             “Hang on Maddie,” I smile and hit the gas.
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