Evil Unknown

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            {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             I speed through the country road and take us to the next city over. What would normally take 45 minutes took us half that time because of how fast I was going. I pull up to a diner that looked promising and we get out.             “A diner?” Maddie asks.             “I am sick of palace food. Let’s have some junk food.” Maddie smiles and nods.             We go in and sit at one of the booths in the back corner. The waitress hands us a menu and gets us our drinks. We both get Italian crème soda and look over what we want to eat. I was starving. Getting out of the palace brought back my appetite.             “What can I get you, pretty ladies, this evening,” The waitress asks.             “May I have chicken strips with gravy, a grilled chicken sandwich no mayo but add mustard, one bowl of the turkey chili, and two orders of chips,” Maddie says without hesitation. I look at her in shock because she has never eaten so much.             “What about you sweetheart?” the waitress asks addressing me.             “May I have a double bacon cheeseburger, no onions, extra pickles, no mustard but add extra mayo, an order of the chicken and waffles, two sides of syrup and two order of chips as well?” I smile looking at Maddie. “Oh, and a side of ranch dressing please.”             “You got it,” the waitress smiles and walks away.             Maddie and both at each other and start to laugh. The sheer amount of food we just ordered was ridiculous. We both must have missed eating junk food. We talk with each other while we wait for our food. Even though we’re only eating, we both felt liberated to get out and about with no duties, no boys, and no crazy person sending letters to taunt us. As we giggle and laugh, our food comes out nice and hot. As soon as the waitress leaves, we both dig in. Maddie starts with her chili and I start with my burger. We both moan at the good the food is and laugh again. We pretty much ate, talked, ate some more, and talked some more. Before we knew it, we both finished our meals.             “Do you want dessert? I asked her.             “Did you see that they had Chocolate cream pie?” she asks back while leaning forward in excitement.             “Ice cream with caramel?” I ask her.             “Duh!” she exclaims, and I wave down the waitress.             “My, you two have hearty appetites,” she says while cleaning our table. “You must be werewolves.” We both look up at her in dismay. “Don’t worry …” she says as her eyes turn black and then amber. We smile as we realize that she was too. “Dessert?” she asks with joy in her tone as if nothing happened.             “Two slices of Chocolate crème pie with vanilla ice cream and caramel on top please,” Maddie orders.             “Coming right up,” she responds and walks away.             Not too long after, we get out dessert, pay for our meal, and head back to the car. But when we get there, there is a letter on the windshield tucked under the wiper.             “What the f**k?” I say as I pull it out. I look at Maddie and she is just as shocked as I am.             “Did they follow us?!” She says with anger in her voice. I open the letter and read it out loud.               Aimee,             I see that you are finally getting back to your old self. I was getting quite worried that I had already broken you. Good thing I was wrong. There is still so much more to do with you. Do not get comfortable, this is far from over.               Sincerely yours,               As I finish reading, “You have got to be f*****g joking!” Maddie yells.             “UGH!” I crumple the letter. “No! I am not going to let this asshole ruin my first night out since rejecting Stephen. f**k whoever this is. WE are going to have fun. Get in!” I say and Maddie gets in the car.             “Where are we off to?”             “The club,” I respond. I start the car and peel out of the parking lot. I remembered Draco saying that there were clubs specifically for our kind. Maddie looks one up in the GPS that had good reviews and we head there.             It does not take us long to get there. As we stand in line to get in, the security guard walks over to us.             “Ladies, please excuse me, but is your name, Aimee? He asks.             “It is,” I respond looking at Maddie in confusion.             “Please come with me, the General’s mistress and her company do not have to wait.” He opens the rope barrier and escorts us to the front of the line.             “Being his mistress has its perks,” Maddie says. I smile and nod. We enter the club and the music was blaring. We head towards the bar to get some drinks and I decide to open a tab. We down two shots each and head for the dance floor. I was in my element as I loved to dance. I sway to beat of the music, moving my hips and waving my body. Madeline was not a bad dancer herself. Guys try to dance with us, but we push them away as we wanted to have our own fun. I decide to be a little naughty and dance against Madeline. Her eyes were wide in shock at my actions.             “Let loose Maddie! It’s only dancing!” I yell in her ear. We let the music take over as we enjoy our night. Little did I know, that somebody was watching.               {Unknown P.O.V.}             As I sit in the private lounge area of the club, girls on either side of me kissing my neck, and another with her head between my legs sucking me off, I see Daphne dancing against the railing swaying her ass side to side and looking at me seductively. She suddenly stops and I see her look down to the dancefloor. She looks back at me and calls me over. I get up and zip up my pants.             “You are not going to believe who is here,” she says as she points down. I investigate the crowd, and there she was. Aimee dancing away with Madeline by her side.             “So, it appears that she is more stubborn than I thought. I guess my letters are not working anymore.”             “What now?” Daphne asks.             “Patience Daphne, there is still so much more to my plan.”             I sit back down and call back the girls from before. They get back into position; however, it is Daphne who sucks me off this time. The whole time Daphne is doing her thing, I imagine that it is Aimee. Her lips, her hands, and her tongue giving me pleasure. I c*m inside of Daphne’s mouth as she swallows every drop. As the night ends and people start to leave the club, I see that Aimee and Madeline are already gone. They must have left without my knowing.             I pay my tab and leave with Daphne. It does not take long to get back to the palace. I see that Aimee and Madeline have already arrived as the General’s car is parked in its usual spot. I take Daphne to my room on the fourth floor. I close the door and push Daphne against it ripping her top open. I stare at her bare breasts and signal her to get on her knees. She undoes my pants while I take off my shirt. Daphne licks me all over and starts to suck me off again. I thrust deep into her mouth hitting the back of her throat as she gags and spits all over me.             She stands up and takes off her skirt revealing herself in full glory. Nothing I had not seen before. Daphne was alright, enough to get me off at least. She was a good f**k, she knew what she was doing. I guess her being a w***e had its perks. I turn her around and bend her over and penetrate her. She starts the moan and yells for more.             “Yes! My Lord! f**k me harder! You know how I like it!”             I grab her hair and choke her from behind as I continue to pull in and out aggressively. I pull out, pick her up, and throw her onto the bed. I climb on top of her and suckle her breasts while entering her again. I find that I grow bored with her, so I grab her hips and turn over so that she is on top of me. She takes the lead. Bouncing up and down enjoying herself. As I watch her have her way, I lay back and try to get this over with. I close my eyes and imagine that it was Aimee on top of me. That made it better. It made me enjoy it more.             “Get off, I am about to c*m!” I yell at Daphne. She gets down and starts to pull on my erection and suck it off. I let it all go and Daphne swallows it again. She licks it clean.             “Did I pleasure you my Lord?” she askes while making her way to lay in my arms. The sight of her started to disgust me. I grew tired waiting for Aimee to be by my side. I had to be patient, if I tried to pursue her too soon, I would frighten her, and Daphne would get jealous. Once I had Aimee in my bed, Daphne would be a thing of the past.
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