Rejection or Death

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            {Amelia’s P.O.V.}            After a while, I received fewer and fewer letters. Eventually, I was getting one once every couple of weeks. Stephen and I still pretended we were only friends in public, and I always made sure to wear pieces of Daddy’s clothing in my undergarments. Either in my bra or the small fold inside of my underwear. Putting it there was Maddie’s idea because typically the men in the palace sniff there first. Rabid dogs.             Stephen and I, although friends in public, would sneak away every now and then to have some alone time. It would never last long enough, but a little bit of time was better than no time at all. I no longer felt someone was watching me, so I thought that whatever charade this person was up to had decided to give up. But I was totally wrong. I let my guard down and I would end up paying the ultimate price.             I woke up one afternoon from a nap and found a manila envelope had been slid under my door. That was strange, it was not just a letter. I bring the envelope to my desk and carefully open it. I emptied out the contents and there were a bunch of photos and another note. The photos were of Stephen and me together from different days, times, and places around the palace.             “Oh my god….” I say out loud while seeing the horror before my eyes.             I quickly open the letter…               Aimee,              It has been a while. I hope you do not think I forgot about you. On the contrary, I have been watching you very closely. It appears that I was mistaken before. You are not a w***e but in love. Based on the evidence, I can only conclude that Stephen is your mate. If you want to keep him alive and keep your secrets, YOU WILL REJECT HIM! The rejection shall be public so that I know you are not trying to hide or lie. You will not share the contents of this letter or the photos to anyone but dear old Daddy. I do not care if he knows. If you even attempt to deviate from my instructions, I will kill Stephen. Break his heart or I will break his neck. You have until sundown today.   Sincerely yours,               Tears were streaming down my face as I struggled to breathe. This psychopath found about Stephen and me. But where did he get these photos? I cry and fall my knees.             “No … Please no.” I cry out.             I look at the photos and I can see that they were taken from far away and candidly. We were being stalked for months and had no idea.             I grab my chest where my heart is as I feel it break into a million pieces. I am being forced to choose between rejection and death. I could not control my emotions anymore.             “AHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I scream at the top of my lungs letting out a roar and shaking my entire room. I grab my hair and shake my head praying that this was all a nightmare.             ‘What are we going to do?’ Aadya asks. She too is crying because if I reject Stephen, I will also be rejecting Cyclone.             “I don’t know…” I tell her. I sit on the floor with the pictures scattered around me. I look up at the clock and see that it is a quarter to six. Sundown was in fifteen minutes.             “No … Please no!” realizing that I only had fifteens to make up my mind, I feel agony completely take over my body. I sit and continue to cry. I was so lost and paralyzed. Before I knew it, I look at the clock again and see I have five minutes until sundown. I stand up and take a deep breath.             ’No, Amelia!’             “I have no choice Aadya. I will not watch my love die because of my selfishness.”             ‘But they are part of our destiny! We need them!’             “I would rather give up my destiny than see him die.” I open my bedroom door and get ready to go downstairs. I know that Stephen is currently playing poker with Danny and Draco in the living room.             ‘Amelia! Don’t! I am begging you!’ I hear Aadya howl in my mind. She was trying to take over, but I fight her. Knowing what I was about to do would ruin my fate, I tell Aadya -             “It's over. I am not the prophecy.”               I make my way downstairs and I try to keep myself from crying. It does not take me long to get to the bottom. I sense Stephen and see how much fun he is having with the boys. My heart was already shattering. I try to keep myself from crying. I see him across the way, the tears just fall on their own. Stephen senses me and sees me standing by the stairs. He sees that I am crying and gets up. I start to walk to him, and he comes towards me. There are a lot of people around, so what was about to happen could not be any more public. You sick son of a b***h, I will find out who you are, and I am going to kill you for this.             Stephen gets to me and grabs my arms when he sees that I am upset.             “Aimee, what’s wrong?” he asks. I breathe heavily trying to fight back the tears, but I am losing the fight. I look up at him with all the love in my eyes and just kiss him in front of everyone. I kiss him so passionately and with everything that I have, because I knew that it would be the last time, I get to do it.             “Forgive me, “I whisper to him as I break our kiss. I back away and press my lips together not knowing how I was going to muster the words. I look at Stephen and I can tell he knows something is not right.             I mouthed the words I'm sorry.             I close my eyes and the tears fall, “I … Aimee….” I start but keep crying.             “Wait, what are you doing?” he asks as he grabs my shoulders. He can sense what is coming. I back out of his grip and take a few steps back.             “I … Aimee … reject you …”             “No, what are you doing?” he says as tears form in his eyes.             “…. Stephen, as my … “             “BABY DON’T!” he yells.             “...mate.” I completely break down as I finish breaking both of our hearts. Gasps come from all around. Before he can register what, I had just done, I turn and run. I run as fast as I can up the eight flights of stairs to get my room. I knew that Stephen was running after me.             “AIMEE!!”             Faster legs, faster I think to myself. I reach my room and see Stephen is only a few feet behind me. I get in my room, slam the door shut, and lock it.             “AIMEE NO!!!!” he starts to bang on the door as he wales in agony. I back away from the door as the tears keep coming down my face. My tears fell like waterfalls.             “AIMEE WHY!? BABY OPEN THE DOOR!! PLEASE BABY OPEN THE DOOR!!” he keeps pounding on the door and he breaks down crying. Hearing him cry makes me lose it. I fall to my knees and just lose it. Although I can hear him crying outside my door, he cannot hear me because of the walls.             I scream at the top of my lungs, “AHHHHHH!!!!!!” and Aadya immediately takes over. She howls as her heart has also been broken. Outside, a roar of emotions erupts as Cyclone takes over Stephen.             ‘I am sorry my friend.’ I whisper to Aadya. She takes over completely turning into her full form and starts to destroy my room and everything in sight. She uses her claws to tear the walls, she destroys the bed and rips apart all the pillows. She leaves nothing but destruction in my room.             After a few hours passed, Aadya gave me back control, and I was still in my room sobbing naked, s**t is thrown all over the place because of Aadya, and sitting against the door. I could feel that Stephen was still sitting in the hallway leaning against the other side of the door. I was surprised that he did not burn down the palace. I look down and see the silhouette of his hand. I wanted to touch him so badly, but I knew I could not.   ----------------------------------------               Three days have passed since I rejected Stephen, he was still sitting by my door. He never moved, I do not think he even slept, heavens I know I did not sleep. I look down at the door and I still see his shadow peeking through. Daddy tried to open a link to me after he found out what happened, but I blocked him out. I wanted to be alone to wallow in my misery.             “Stephen…” I hear Maddie’s voice. “You can’t keep sitting here like this. You are going to kill yourself.”             “Might as well die…” I hear him respond. It hit like 100 daggers stabbing my heart.             I hear him start to cry again. I could not help but cry too.             “Oh, Stephen…” I see her shadow get bigger indicating that she got down to hug him. His crying pierces my ears. “Come on, come to my room.” I see them both get-up. I wait a while until I do not hear their footsteps anymore and carefully open my door. I look down the corridor and I see them turn to the right and go to Maddie’s room. I pull my head back in and close my door, but before it shuts, a foot stops it. I look up and see my father.             I let him in.             “Holy s**t,” he says when he sees the destruction of my room. “Aadya I presume?” I nod my head. “Aimee, talk to me, my princess. I can tell by this room and by your tears that you did not want to do what you did the other day.”             “I had no choice,” I respond with little strength in my voice.             “What do you mean?” he asks.             I make my way over to my desk and rummage through the glass, feathers, and wood pieces. Under all the rubble, I found the envelope that contained everything. I show him all of the pictures of Stephen and me at our happiest moments and the letter that ruined my life.             Father reads the letter and becomes angry. This person who was threatening me hurt me in the worst way that anyone could have ever imagined. He or she made me reject my mate and in doing so inadvertently changed my destiny.             “Amelia …” Daddy says as he wipes the tears from my face. But they fall faster than he can wipe them.             “Daddy!!!” I run into his arms and cry. I bawl, wale, yell and scream. I felt so helpless and I hated myself. I was disgusted with myself. I felt like dying. I fall on the floor again losing all energy. Daddy kneels and held me tight.               {Delko’s P.O.V.}             I picked up Amelia and carried her to my room as she continued to cry. Given what her wolf had done to her room, I could not leave her in there alone. I gently place her on my bed and let her cry it out into the pillows. Seeing my princess hurting so much killed me inside. I could not keep this myself, and I reached out to Astrid.             “Darling, are you there?” I call to her.             “Delko, my love, this is unexpected,” She responds.             “I am sorry to do this, but I need you to hear this.” I open the link to where Astrid could hear the cries of our daughter.             “Why is she crying!? What happened to my baby?” Astrid yells.             “She has been forced to reject her mate.”             “What do you mean by forced?” I could feel the rage burning inside of Astrid.             “The letters…”             “What about them?”             “Amelia received a package. Inside, it contained pictures of her and Stephen together. The person who sent them figured out they were mates. He forced her to reject him publicly in exchange for not killing him.” I hear Astrid sobbing as I know she is hurting as much I am.             “My poor baby… My poor princess.” She says as she cries for Amelia. “Who is this person? Why are they torturing her!?!?” I hear a roar in her voice. I knew that it was Anastasia.             “I do not know my love, but I have been trying to find out.”             “Delko, you listen to me, and you listen to me well. Find this mother fucker who has hurt our daughter and you make them pay with their life!”             “I will my love. I will rip their hearts out and make them eat it.”             “You better.”               {Madline’s P.O.V.}             After finally getting Stephen to eat and drink something, I put him to bed in our room so that we could watch over him. Heaven only knew what he would do if he were alone. I could not even imagine the amount of pain that he was in. To be rejected that way and humiliated at the same time. I could not understand what came over Amelia. I was so angry with her.             As I walk down the hall to see if the General needed anything before lights out, I noticed that Amelia’s door was opened. Had she finally left her room now that Stephen was not sitting here? I opened the door and was shocked.             “Holy s**t, what happened in here?” I say out loud as I see that her room looked as if it had been hit by a tornado 100 times over. I was walk in to see if there was anything that had not been broken completely. I step around all the glass and woodchips and find an envelope on the floor that seemed out of place. I accidentally pick it up upside down as papers fell out of it. I could see that they looked like photographs. I bent down and realize that the photos are of Stephen and Amelia during their private moments together.             The pictures looked as if they were taken without their knowledge. Somebody was stalking them. I go to pick up more photos but find that one of the papers looks different. I pick it up and find that it's a letter. I read it and lose my s**t. The contents of the letter explained everything very clearly. Amelia was forced to choose … Rejection, or death.
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