Dad Meets Mate

4033 Words
            {Amelia’s P.O.V.}             It has been about a month since that day I flirted with Stephen. I could not believe that he was the one my dream. I mean, technically it was Cyclone, but still, it was Stephen. Maybe we really were destined to be together. Mother always said that the mate bond is strong when it is reciprocated by both parties. I spend the day in my room and sleep in Daddy’s room at night. This was part of our ongoing charade. Daddy bought a large chaise lounge and started to sleep on there. I think he was just too uncomfortable sleeping in a bed with his full-grown daughter.             Since the King forbade her from every coming up our floor, I did not see much of Natalia anymore. I do feel her staring though when I walk about the palace. Daddy eventually let me leave my room during the day, but only if Maddie was with me. If Maddie were busy, I had to stay put or we would have one the guys escort me about. It was never Stephen though, Daddy always kept him busy. I guess being the second in command to the General made it that way.             Majority of time I just went to the gym to work out. The first time I left my room to go to the gym after getting permission was quite the day. Let me just say that wearing nothing but a sports bra and spandex shorts did not make Daddy, Stephen, or the other women in the castle very happy. I also ended up getting a lot of unwanted attention from other men.             I spent my morning drinking tea on Daddy’s balcony with Maddie while we watched the guys train with him. Watching Danny continuously try to sneak up on him was the highlight of our mornings. He never could learn. Although, I am sure watching your mate get elbowed in the face every day was not a fun sight. Sometimes he would be okay, but sometimes Daddy would break his nose. Thank God for rapid healing. I could only imagine how nose jobs Danny would have needed by now. However, secretly, I always tell Father ‘Good job.’             About a week ago, he taught me how to open a mind link. It took a lot of trying, but I was able to open one to him. It was mostly to let him know what I would be doing during the day, or where I would be going with Maddie. Also, we would have private Daddy-Daughter conversations. We spent every night together talking about our day and him telling me about work. He would have conversations with Mother, and he would let me know what she would be saying and vice versa. I had asked why I unable to connect with her, but they both apparently said that it was because it was too far away and that I need to come into my full powers first.             That basically meant I had to sleep with Stephen, and we mark each other. Yeah, I was not ready for that to happen. I kept him at an arm’s length because I wanted to be near him but far enough away, I did not get tempted to jump him. Forcing myself to stay away from him really sucked. I finally knew the pain my parents felt the day they had to say goodbye to each other. Daddy keeps wondering why I have not found my mate yet, but I could not muster up the courage to tell him yet. Something was telling me that it was not the right time. And it was not because I was afraid or nervous. I knew what was expected of me, but something deep down told me that I needed to wait before allowing myself to succumb to the bond of my Mate and come into my powers.             I know that when I do, I will be expected to challenge the King for the throne and potentially must kill him. I see why no one likes him, recently a baby girl was born, and I witnessed her being ripped from her parent’s arms and killed right in front of them. It was the most horrendous thing I had ever seen in my life. It made so much more sense why my parents did what they did. That baby girl I saw die, could have been me.             I also now believe this is the main reason why Maddie and Danny are refusing to have children. Who can blame them? Knowing that there would a 50/50 chance their baby would die before getting to live, who would want to have a baby right now. Unfortunately, there is no contraception for werewolves. Maddie explained that it was the gods and goddesses that blessed couples with offspring. She said that she is happy they have not blessed her yet. I could tell that she wants nothing more than to be a mother but given these times it would only mean heartbreak. She even says that sometimes, she would force Danny to pull out. I felt so bad for them. They have come good friends to me, along with Draco and Stephen.   *Six months later*               Things have settled down a lot after being here for several months. Maddie has since become my best friend and we do everything together. The only time she is with Danny is at night in their room. Danny is getting jealous of our friendship.             Maddie still tends to me as an aid should, but behind closed doors, we are the best of friends. She does not know about my charade with my Dad; however, over the last few months, I have spent less and less time in his room and have been sleeping in mine. So, on occasion, Maddie and I would have a sleepover in my room. We would spend the entire night just gossiping, talking about s*x, boys, and the bond. She would show me different moves to use on a guy and how to do things I never thought I would ever do. Everything was good until one day…             “Open the door!” yelled Maddie. I got up from my computer and opened it. She shoved her way in without even saying ‘hi.’             “Please come in…” I say as I shut the door.             “Lock that!” She says while pointing to the door.             “Maddie is everything okay?” I asked while locking the door.             “No! People are starting to talk Aimee,” she says with concern in her voice.             “About?”             “You! And the General and the fact that you do not smell like him.” I gave her this weird confused look. “Oh my god, you are so dense!”             “Again, with the insults Maddie!?”             “Why do I have to spell everything out for you Aimee? Come. Sit. Let me educate you.”             I walk over the bed and sit next to Maddie. She grabs my hands and explains how the scent of a wolf works. Basically, because I am a virgin, I still have my own special scent. One scent for men in general and one scent especially for Stephen. She says that it allows mates can find each other even in large crowds. Basically, my charade with my dad was starting to fall apart. Our true relationship was still a secret, no one knew, but people were now figuring out that were not physically or sexually together. And that was a huge problem.             It was at that moment; I knew I needed to tell Stephen how I felt about him and tell Daddy about Stephen being my mate. However, I had no idea how I was going to do either one. After Maddie left my room, I called out to my dad through our link and I texted Stephen to come to my dad’s room. I could not help but feel guilty. Another reason why I had not spoken to Stephen in a while was that we were avoiding each other.             About a month and a half ago, Stephen and I got into a huge fight…             -Flashback-             Daddy was out of town on business, so Draco took time off to see his parents, Danny and Maddie were having their own escapades and I decided I would sneak to Stephen’s room in the middle of the night. I learned to sneak around the palace late at night to get snacks without waking anyone. Stephen never really locked his door because no one ever really went to this room. So that night, I snuck in and locked his door. I saw him sleeping and he was only in his boxers. He was so sexy. I was wearing sexy lingerie one piece and no underwear. I did not plan on having s*x, but I wanted to have some fun teasing him.             I stand over him as he was sleeping and kneel at the side of his bed and start to caress his arms. I barely touched him when he grabbed my arm and woke up. He looked at me in shock...             “Hi…” I said with a smile. He smiled back and pulled me onto bed rolling me over, so he laid on top of me.             “Aimee, what are you doing here?” He said as he brushed his lips against my neck.             “I wanted to see you. You have been so busy; I can’t even tease you from far away.” I say as I take in his scent and wrap my arms around his neck. As I lifted my arms, I could feel my nighty raise a little bit, exposing my private area. He still had no idea.           “Aimee, you can’t keep teasing me like this.” He says as he moves his hips trying to reposition himself. I could already feel his hard member against my stomach.             “Why? It’s fun, and you love it.” I brush my lips against his and softly kiss him. I push him over and straddle him, that is when he realized it…             “Aimee, you’re not wearing underwear…” I smiled seductively and shook my head. I bent down and kiss his neck. I pecked him on the lips again. I sat back up and readjust myself, so I was right on top of his shaft. I slowly, I started to move my hips, grinding my juices all over his hard c**k.             He sits up and pulls me even closer to him, thrusting his hips so hard into that I thought he was about to penetrate me. He uses his arms to move my hips in circular motions and the friction became even more intense. He pulls down the left strap of my nighty and exposes my left breast. He teases my n****e with this tongue while still moving my hips against him.             I had made his boxers so wet with my juices that I knew he could also feel them. He pulls me even closer if that was even possible and sucked on the base of my breast.             “Stephen, oh my god … Ah! f**k! Oh my god … Yes.”             “Come for me Aimee,” he says and then kisses me deeply. He forces his tongue into my mouth and thrusts his hips into me continuously. I felt my body tighten as I start to climax             “Stephen!” I scream his name. He kisses me again right as I climax and I moan with sweet pleasure taking over my body while my lips are still attached to his. My body falls limp we lay down with each other. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms, but that was not going to happen. Especially after what came next.             “Aimee, we can’t do this again. I can’t do this anymore.” Stephen says while holding me. I was fully awake and completely turned off.             “What!?” I sat up looking at him. He sits up with me.             “Aimee, I love you. But if I cannot have all of you, and then I do not want any of you.”             “Stephen, that’s not fair!”             “The hell it isn’t! You cannot keep coming in my room, getting off on me, and then going back to Delko!” I was pissed and so was he. “I love you, Aimee! I love you with every fiber of my being! What I do not understand is why you pretend that you do not love me back! I know for a fact that you are not sleeping with Delko!” he said pushing me off the bed.             “Stephen!”             “Stop! Aimee, please! You are killing me.” I stood there with tears in my eyes. “Seeing you with him literally kills a part of me. I know you love me, but you will not admit it. Why?”             “Because I do not want to hurt Delko’s feelings!” Lying out of my teeth. Lying to him like this was killing me inside, but I had no other choice.             “BUT HURTING ME IS OKAY!?!” He roared while grabbing my shoulders. I had never been afraid of Stephen until that very moment. He looks at me and pushes me away from him. “Get out Aimee, until you can figure you what you really want, don’t come back here.”             “You don't mean that…” I say trying to salvage whatever this was.             “The hell I don’t. Get out.” His response was cold and dark.             I leave his room and close the door, but when I turned around to try and open it, he locked it. Stephen locked me out. Tears started to form in my eyes, I rested my forehead on the door and started to sob. I did not know how long I had stood crying at his door, but Maddie heard my sobs and came out.             “What happened?” She asked me while touching my shoulders. I look at her and just hug her. I was hurting so much but I knew I deserved it. Stephen was right, what I was doing to him was not fair, but I loved him and just wanted to be with him. Things got so complicated.             “Maddie, what do I do?” I cry into her shoulder.             “Come on, let’s get you back to bed.” She took me took my room and stayed with me all night while I cried. I cried like a little child.             For a while after that night, it was awkward for me and Stephen, but slowly we started to be civil. I would try to tease him to test the waters, but he would tell me to stop or walk away. Slowly, he warmed up to me again, but he still would not allow me the satisfaction. He did start to check me out again, but that was about it. Even though we were civil again and flirted, nothing came of it.             A few times, I tried to go back to his room, but it was always locked. Some nights I would rest my forehead on his door and sob for a while. Some nights would be so bad, Maddie would have to come over and soothe me to sleep as I bawled my eyes out. Days following those kinds of nights, I never left my room. Maddie would tell Daddy I had a headache or was sore from working out at the gym.               -End Flashback-              I waited in Father’s room and grew nervous. I wanted to die inside, but after what Maddie told me today, I had no choice now. Our charade was not going to last much longer and then there would be too many people questioning why I did not smell like my father. I wanted to vomit. I kept pacing back and forth and then I heard a knock on the door. I ran to open it.             “Hi,” I said as I see Stephen standing there. I had not seen him in several days due to Daddy’s new training schedule for him. He looked even better than I remembered, and he smelled delicious. I let him in and close the door. I turn to look at him and I see he was checking my ass.             “Hey!” I say snapping my fingers. “Eyes up here buddy!”             “Nah, I like this view better.” He says while still checking me out. This time, straight at my cleavage.             “Down boy!” I yell. He laughs it off and finally makes eye contact with me. I just wanted to run into his arms and kiss him. I missed him so much and we had no physical contact since that day in his room. I could see he wanted it too, but he was fighting it. My thoughts were interrupted as my dad came in.             “What’s going on here?” He asks as he walks in and sees Stephen in there with me. That obviously did not look good. “Stephen, why are you in my room with her?” He asks making an evil look at him.             “Do not ask me, ask her!” He said point at me. Thanks, jerk! I look back and forth between the two them as they both waited for an explanation. I let out a huge sigh and dropped my head. I muster up the courage and walk over to my dad first. He put his arms around my shoulder to bring me close thinking we were doing our charade.             “We need to tell him,” I say to my dad.             “Tell him what?” he asks.             “The truth.”             My dad grabs my hand and takes me into the bathroom.             “What are you doing young lady?” he says grabbing my shoulders.             “Maddie came to me today and said that people are talking. People are noticing that I am not covered in your scent or something. And after seven months of playing this game, it is going to fall apart soon. We need to tell someone we both can trust with the truth.”             “Why Stephen?”             “Because I know you trust him with your life. I know for a fact if you were the King, Stephen would be your Beta, your second in command.”             “Be that as it may I cannot …”             “Do you trust me?” I ask him, forcing him to shut up. He does not answer me but looks me dead in the eyes. I give him this side look telling him I am waiting for an answer. He finally nods his head after letting out a deep breath.             I take his hand and we go back out to the bedroom where Stephen was sitting in the armchair.             “I’m sorry about that,” I say to him as I walk hand in hand with Father to him. I could tell he was getting jealous. I smile and let go of Daddy’s hand. I walk over to Stephen and hold his hand by interlocking our fingers together. Stephen tries to pull away, but I do not let him. It was now or never.             “Aimee, you are going to get me killed!” Stephen says while trying to let my hand go. But again, I do not let him. He looks to Daddy and panics. “Delko, I …I… This was not my idea! Aimee let go my hand!” he shouts.             I look at him and just shake my head and laugh.             “I do not want to die, Aimee!”             “You are not going to die …” I look up. “Right Dad?” Stephen stops moving as soon as he hears what I said. He starts to shift eyes from me back to my dad and back to me again. I thought his head was going to fall off his body.             “Di…Did you...Dad?!?!” His eyes widen, and I could tell he was not only shocked, but I think even more scared. What is scarier than a jealous lover? A pissed off Father. Daddy crosses his arms across his chest and his muscles bulge out. ‘Ooohhh… I think I may have gotten Stephen into something he cannot get out of.’             “Yes, Stephen …” I start to explain as I let go of his hand finally and walk over to my Dad. “The General is not my lover. He is in fact, my father.” I start to walk back to Stephen but stop halfway in between. I cup my hands together and bring them to my face as I find the courage to break my father’s heart.             “Daddy…” I start to say and take a deep breath “…Stephen is my mate.” As soon as I finish saying this, too afraid to see either of their reactions, I hide my face in my hands.             I hear footsteps coming towards me, and then I felt someone's arms hug me tight. I knew by the size of the arms that it was my Father.             “Daddy are you mad at me?” I say while dropping my hands and looking at the floor, afraid to hug him back.             “No princess, just sad," he responds.             “Stephen, are you mad at me?”              “Hmph, no baby I’m not mad.” He started to say. “I’M SCARED SHITLESS!” He shouts making me look up at him. “THE GENERAL IS YOUR DAD!!! My mate's father?! Is my boss!?”             “Why are you screaming!?” I shout back as Daddy lets me go.             “Did you expect me to be calm? Babe, I have loved you since the day we met, but you told me you did not want to hurt the General. You never rejected me though. You would tease me nonstop and make me want you, but I would see you with him and it would kill me inside. All this time you have been acting!?” He says grabbing my shoulders. I pout and look at the floor.             “You yelled at me…” I whined in a childlike voice and pouted even more.             “Do not give me that look, Aimee.” He says, and I pout again while giving him puppy dog eyes. “Aimee I am not falling for that.”           “Don’t fight it, Stephen, that’s her specialty,” Daddy says with while shaking his head. “Aimee, if you knew that Stephen was your mate the day you two first met, why did you hide that from me?” He asks while taking my hands in his ever so gently.             “Because I wanted to spend time with you! It wasn’t fair!”             “What wasn’t?”             “UGH!! That day! The day I got here! I was sitting in that corner, Stephen walks in, and then wham bam! The universe says, ‘here is your mate’, you scream at him nearly making him s**t himself and then the universe says, ‘oh, by the way, this is your father!’ Within a span of ten seconds, I had two blows to the heart! So, forgive me for lying to both of you!!” I shout while sitting in the armchair crossing my arms and my legs. I pouted again. This time, I was fighting back the tears.             “Baby, why didn’t you just tell me this before?” Stephen asks kneeling down in front of me. Tears started to form in my eyes.             “Because I couldn’t. We couldn’t. There is so much more to this than you realize. I love you, but I love my dad too. I wanted to get to know him.” I say as I keep crying wiping away my tears as I speak. “I missed out on 21 years with my dad all because of Cyrus. All because of his stupid law.” I cry even harder and bury my face into my knees. “I’m sorry Stephen… I’m sorry Daddy.”             “Baby, come here.” He pulls my arm and forces me to my feet. He embraces me and I bury my face into his chest as I keep bawling.             “Please don’t reject me…” I whimper.             “What?” He let me go and lifts my chin, so I can look at him with tears streaming my down my face. I knew I looked like a raccoon because I could feel the mascara sticking to my cheeks. “Hey, I will never reject you.” I cry even more as I wrap my arms around his neck.             “I'm sorry! Stephen, I’m sorry! I'm sorry! I am so sorry!” He hugs me as tight as he can, and then I felt a larger embrace around us and realize my dad was hugging us both.
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