Truth Be Told

2701 Words
            {Stephen’s P.O.V.}             After making up with Aimee, she slept in her Father’s bed, while Delko and I watched over her. I  sitting on the chaise and Delko sitting in the armchair. I had no idea the amount of stress she has been under. Hiding her relationship with her father, fighting her feelings for me, and having to act like she was his mistress to keep up appearances. I mean, some of the things I had to watch them do with one another to fake it all was impressive, but I knew that it made them both sick. I had to admit, they are both great actors.             (sigh)             “What is on your mind Stephen?” asked Delko.             “I feel horrible Sir. I hurt her feelings a while back. I said awful things to her.” I felt tears forming in my eyes as the guilt from that night in my room came rushing back. The things that happened between us were real. We were passionate, but I thought she was just using me as an outlet. But I was wrong, horribly wrong.             “I do not blame you. You did not know of our charade. I do not think she blames you either.” Delko responds.             “Will she forgive me?” I ask while looking at her.             “The question is, do you forgive her?” I look up at him.             “Of course, I do, I love her,” I say with all the sincerity I have.             “Are you in love with her?” he asks sternly while looking me in the eyes.             “Yes sir,” I responded without backing away.             “Then you have my blessing,” he says as he puts out his hand. I grab it firmly and shake it. I was over the moon. We both smile and look back at Amelia as we leaned back into our respective seats. I had never seen her sleep before, she looked like an angel sent by the gods. How did I get so lucky?             “Sir, where is her mother?” I asked.             “She is in Oxford,” he responds without hesitation.             “Sir? She is alive and in Oxford?” I ask in complete shock.             “Yes, Astrid, my mate, my wife, and my one true love.” I could not believe it; the General had a mate and she was alive.             “I do not understand if she is alive, why is she not here? With you? With Aimee?”             “Because her mother has pureblood in her veins,” he says while closing his eyes. I look at him and then back at Aimee.             “If your wife has pureblood in her, then that means …” I say as I look back and keep my eyes on Aimee.             “Yes…” he responds. He sighs and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and cupping his hands under his chin. “I knew since the day we met that Astrid had pureblood DNA, and when I first learned that she was pregnant, I knew I had to get her out of the Kingdom. I had been Cyrus’ Beta for years and I kept Astrid a secret from him. As a father-to-be, I would do anything to protect my unborn son or daughter. So, I helped Astrid escape. Once I knew she was far enough away from the Kingdom, I let her go and I came back here. My place next to the King.”             I was in shock. He gave up his entire happiness and the chance to be a father and to raise Aimee, in order to protect her and her mother. One, his wife was pureblood, and double whammy, they ended up with a daughter. For him, it was better to lose them physically, but know that they were alive, rather than have them both be executed. That's why Aimee blames Cyrus for growing up without a father.             Something did not make sense though, if their entire goal were to keep Aimee away from Cyrus, why bring her back here? Then I remembered what Aimee said, ‘There is so much more to this than you realize.’ What else were they hiding? Just then, I saw Aimee stir in her sleep. She starts breathing heavily and it looked like she was starting to panic. We both run over to her.             “Aimee, baby …” I try to wake her up. Her eyes were shut tight and started to cry.             “What is wrong with her?” Delko asks while shaking her legs as I shake her shoulders.             “Baby, wake up!” I keep shaking but she will not open her eyes.             “What is wrong her!” Delko shouted.             “She is having some kind of nightmare and seems as if she is trapped in it.” We continue to try and wake her but to no avail. Whatever she was dreaming about was causing her to be distress.             “No!” she yells. “Please no! Don't hurt them! I beg of you, please don't hurt them!” she keeps saying. She was trying to help someone. Delko and I both look at her as tears start to stream down her face. She was crying in her sleep and something in her dreams was the cause.             “They have nothing to with this! Please, I am begging you, let them live! Please, let them live!” she keeps shouting as her crying becomes more hysterical.             “NO!!!!” She screams and jolts awake. “Daddy! Daddy! Stephen!” she was freaking out.             “Babe, baby I am right here,” I say to her.             “Sweetheart, everything is okay, we are both right here,” Delko says grabbing her hands.            She starts to breathe heavily and looks at us. Without even saying a word, she starts to bawl and hugs me tight. I hold her close as she continues to cry. Whatever her nightmare was about really had shaken her. She keeps crying into the crook of my neck and refuses to let me go. I look at Delko and he is shaken. I rub her back and coo her letting her know it was safe. After a few minutes, she calms down and her crying turns to sobs. I try to let her go, but she moves her legs around the bed and wraps them around my hips.             “Don’t leave me…” she whispers through her sobbing while her face was in the crook my neck.             “Baby, I am not going anywhere,” I say as I bring her closer letting her know I had her.             “Daddy…” she turns her head and looks at him. I feel one of her arms let go as she reaches out to him.             “I am here princess.” She whimpers again and starts to sob. Then she starts to cough and clear her throat.             “Babe, do you need water?” I ask her while still holding her. She nods her head and Delko gets up.             “I will go get Maddie,” he says. She nods again and turns her face back into my neck. Delko leaves and I put Aimee back on the bed. I scooch her over so I can lay down with her. I hold her and spoon her with her face now resting in the base of my chest. She puts her left leg around my hips again and her left arm under my right and rubs my back. She pushes her face as close as she can and finds a comfortable position. We lay there for a minute or two.             “Stephen?”             “Hmm?” I respond with my eyes closed. I was so comfortable I was about to fall asleep. This was seriously the best night of my life. Well, second best. The best will be the night we mark each other and make love until the sun comes up.             She moves her head again, but this time to look up at me. She brushes her nose under my chin letting me know she wants to see my face. I look down at her and her puppy dog eyes. Delko was right, you could not fight those puppy dog eyes of hers. Damn, she was going to have me wrapped around her little finger.             She moved in slowly and closed her eyes. I followed her gesture and our lips met in a passionate kiss. No tongue, no open mouths. Just one kiss where her mouth covered my bottom lip and my mouth covered her top lip. I brought her as close I could and moved our bodies to where I slightly was on top of her and pressed our lips even harder together, never once breaking it. Then, she broke our kiss to breathe.             “Stephen, I want you to mark me…” she says while I caressed her cheek.             “What?” I look down at her.            “Mark me,” she said without any hesitation. I knew that this was coming from emotional trauma. I was not going to take advantage of her.             “I will, but not now,” I say pecking her on the lips. She starts to give her pout and puppy dog eyes. “No, Aimee, not that look again.” She pouts even bigger.             “Why?” she whines.             “One, we are in your dad’s bed and two, you are not strong enough right now. You are weakened by all this emotional trauma.” I kiss her again as she runs her fingers through my hair.             “I love you,” she says breaking out kiss again.             “I love you too baby,” I respond and kiss her again. I could not get enough of her lips. We were so into each other that neither of us realized someone had come into the room.           “Can you two not do that in my bed please?” Came Delko’s voice. I break our kiss and jump out of the bed. I see Delko standing in the room with Maddie next to him holding a pitcher of ice water her mouth wide open.             “Oh. My. God. What is going on here?” Maddie asks with her mouth still wide open. “Why are you making out with her on the General’s bed!? Stephen, do you have a death wish!?” Exclaimed Maddie.             “Maddie…” Aimee says. Maddie looks over at her. “I need to tell you something.”             “NO!” Delko and I shout in unison. That did not make us look suspicious at all.             “I need my best friend’s help,” she says reaching out for Maddie’s hand. “...And I need you guys to trust me when I say I trust her with my life.” She says to us. She looks at Maddie and pats the bed indicating Maddie to sit down with her.             Maddie put the water on the nightstand and sits down with Aimee. They take each other’s hands.             “This is a matter of life and death, Maddie. You cannot tell anyone, even Danny. And especially Draco.” Maddie nods. Aimee leans in and whispers in Maddie’s ear. As she is, Maddie’s eyes get wider and wider. Aimee pulls away and Maddie looks at her, and then at us. Eyes bulging out of her face.             “Oh…O..Uh… Oh my … WHAT!?!?” shouts Maddie. Her mouth is wide open again as she is trying to take in everything Aimee just said.             “I have one more thing to tell both of you,” Aimee says standing up and making her way over to me with Maddie. She takes ahold of one of my hands and is still holding one of Maddie’s. “Haaa, my name is not Aimee.” We both look at her in shock.             “WHAT!?!” Maddie and I shout.             “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR NAME IS NOT AIMEE?!” We both shout again. And then she did it again, she starts to pout.             “You yelled at me …” she whines and pouts even more. Dammit, was I seriously going to keep falling for this?             “Sorry baby,” I say as I hug her.             “What on earth was that?” Maddie was completely unphased.             “Her specialty,” Delko and I reply.             “Okay, whatever. Sweetie, if your name is not Aimee, what is it?” Maddie asks. Aimee pulls away from me.             “My…”             “Name…”             “Is …”             She pauses and bites her lip.             “Amelia.” `           “WHAT!?!!?” we both scream at the top of our lungs. Aimee furrows her brows and pouts yet again.             “No, no, no, no Missy! That is not going to work this time. You cannot drop truth bombs back to back and not expect us to yell at you!” Maddie puts an end to the pouting. “I mean, everything makes so much more sense now. I mean, I feel liberated, I can only imagine how you feel. Not just you Aimee … I mean Amelia, but you two!” she says while referring to me and Delko.             “Maddie are you at me?” Amelia pouts.             “Stop that!” Maddie demands.             “Dammit, fine!” Amelia glares and crosses her arms.             “Help me understand something Amelia, why now? Why are you telling me all this now?”             “Because you said to me earlier. How people are noticing after seven months I still do not smell like my dad.”             “Oh …”             “I need your help! All of you! We need to keep pretending.” Amelia says as she looks at me. “Stephen, I love you so much, but we can't be together. Not yet. At least not publicly. My instincts are telling me that it's not the right time. And I have to trust my instincts.”             Maddie and I look at one another and then look over at Delko. We all nod.             “What do you need from us?” Maddie asks.             “I need to way to mask my scent and make me smell like my dad.” She says. We all think and try to figure out a solution. Every time we think we have come up with an idea, it does not pan out. But then, something hit me.            “His scent would have to come from within, so we can't just rub his scent on you. Every time you showered; it would wash away. So, what if you carried his scent?” I said. Everyone made a funny look at me.             “What do you mean?” she asked me.             “The scent should be strong, but not overpowering. Just enough to fool other people.” I keep explaining. I look around the room for something to use, and then I see it. Delko was not going to like this.             “General, take off your shirt,” I say to him.             “Excuse me,” he responds             “We need something that has your scent on it. Something fresh, the shirt your wearing.” I said putting my hand out indicating for him to give to me.             “Daddy?” Amelia looks at him. Delko takes off his shirt and I walk over to the desk with it. I find a pair of scissors. “Honey, what are you doing?” Amelia asks.             “You will see. Just give me a minute.” I snip at the shirt and cut it into smaller pieces. “Baby, come here,” I call her over. I take two pieces of the cut-up shirt and start to place them into her bra.             “What are you doing!?” Roars Delko.             “I am putting my plan to the test. I am not being disrespectful sir.” I keep adjusting the pieces of fabrics and place them inside of her bra just beneath the padding, which was not much. Her cleavage was natural, and I loved it. “How is that?” I look at her when I am done. “Do you feel it?” She shakes her head.             “Mind telling me what the hell you were doing just now Stephen,” Delko said while crossing his arms and Maddie staring in shock.             “Putting your scent within her,” I say and smile. “Maddie, take a whiff.” Maddie walks over and sniffs Amelia. She c***s her head unsure and sniffs again.             “Oh … wait,” Maddie sniffs one more time. “Oh! I smell it, but it is faint.” She sniffs one more time. “I think this will work.” She smiles and gives me a high five. I put the other pieces into a small envelope so that the scent stays as fresh as possible.             “Babe place a piece into all of your bras on either side before you wear them for the day. Take them out before sending your bras to be washed and put them back into the envelope.” She nods.             All three of us look back at Delko who has a smirk on his face.             Operation smell like the General is now in full effect.
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