02. Brandon's Intro!!!

1189 Words
Chapter 03: Brandon’s intro!!! “Third person’s POV” After trying several ways to wake Zeevia from her unconscious state, Jack finally contacted a driver on duty and asked to pull a car out of the parking lot. Jack effortlessly lifted Zeevia’s feather-light, delicate body from the floor and headed directly towards the main gate. “Brandon, could you please tell me where you are taking me?” Jenny kept asking, as her brows were knitted in confusion. Jenny Silver was sitting in the back seat of the car, while Brandon Ortiz was sitting comfortably in the driver seat of the silver-colored second-generation Suzuki alto. “At first you didn’t tell me whose car it is and then you are taking me without giving me enough information as if you are abducting me,” Jenny continued complaining. She kept her gaze directed to the wide roads through the tinted black glassed window of the car, showing the least bit of interest in anything related to Brandon. Brandon pulled the brakes near a building located at the least habited area of the city. He got out of the car and assisted Jenny to do so. “Why you brought me here?” Still confused, Jenny asked while wiggling her brows. Brandon’s lips curved into a smirk and folded his arms around his well built manly chest. He directed his sight towards the 5 floored building while explaining further, “I bought an apartment from this building,” he spoke in a low voice which was barely audible in the stormy wind. “Still, why are you showing this to me? And how did you get the money?” Seemed like Jenny’s confusion got even worser. She tugged a loosened strand of hair behind her ear while her nose was wrinkled due to uncertainty. “I took a loan from a bank.” Brandon kept gawking at Jenny for a bit before adding in an adorable voice, “I want to get married as soon as possible. I know you too wish the same. We both can gradually pay the loan.” Brandon kept grinning ear to ear while displaying his amusement. “What? Have you lost it? Who do you think you are? What made you decide that I am going to get married to a rat like you?” Jenny yelled on top of her voice. The amusement on Brandon’s face got replaced by misery within seconds. He kept staring at Jenny motionless for a second. “Weren’t we dating? Aren’t we in a relationship?” Brandon couldn’t believe in any of the words Jenny spat. He lowered his head while his eyes were crinkling in disappointment resulting in a half-hearted smile to escape from his mouth. “No, we aren’t. Just going for a coffee with you wasn’t dating. I never want to see you, never ever again. Goodbye,” Jenny bellowed in rage. After finishing the sentence she marched away from Brandon and took a cab. She bulged inside and left Brandon alone on the road while his mouth was halfway opened. In Jenny’s eyes, Brandon has been just a friend with benefits. Someone who could assist her financially to pay her bills and buy her cosmetics. Little did she knew how much Brandon loved her. He slept with a grumbling empty stomach for many nights, but as much as he could, he kept satisfying Jenny’s fancy dreams. She used her surgically enhanced, perfect body curves to titillate rich man. In other words, Jenny was a gold digger, in search of a handsome billionaire. Whereas, Brandon was a well mannered, decent young man. He was from a small island located on the northern side of Maldives. His father died when he was as young as 10 years old causing him to roll his sleeves up and work his butt off to earn a meal for his small family; his mother and him. He was barely able to afford daily two meals. In the urgency of earning more money, he shifted to the capital city, leaving his mother on the island as he couldn’t afford to pay rent for an extra apartment in Malé. He was sharing a single room apartment with one of his friends, whose financial status was just the same as Brandon’s. Brandon was slumped in dejection after witnessing the harsh behavior of Jenny. He never assumed Jenny would ever talk to him in a grating voice. His love for Jenny was nothing but pure. He sat there motionless for hours. His eyes were filled with tears as his hopes for a happy life with Jenny was scattered just in a blink of eye. “Pa,” Zeevia uttered with difficulty while slightly opening her eyes. She was lying on a hospital bed, a white bed sheet was wrapped on top of her. The whole surroundings were painted in decent white color. Jack was sitting beside her; in a lavish sofa seat, waiting for Zeevia to wake from her unconsciousness. His eyes were buried on the mobile screen, which he was holding from one of his hands. As he heard Zeevia’s feminine voice, he elevated his gaze back from his phone and directed it towards Zeevia. Her lips were halfway parted while she kept trying to open her eyes. Zeevia partially gained back her consciousness. When her nose got hit by the tainted smell of spirit and medication, she realized she was in the hospital. “Where’s Pa?” As soon as her eyes were opened, she yelled on top of her voice. Witnessing Zeevia’s behavior, Jack stood up to his feet and he easily slipped his phone inside his pant’s pocket. Marching a little closer to the bed where Zeevia was resting, Jack bent from his waist to maintain the eye contact. When Zeevia got the flashbacks of Jack’s word, back in her house, her vision started to get blurred and her breathing began getting rapidly fast. She sat on the bed while her heart was aching. She gently moved the flat of her hand across the chest, as a piercing effect on her chest was making it difficult to breathe. Jack held Zeevia’s face with the palms of his hands and made her look into his eyes; vexation was clearly written in his eyes. Jack kept internally blaming himself. He felt responsible for Zeevia’s current condition. The much Jack wanted apologize and disclose the truth, he was forced. If he ever yelp the truth, his father would have to bear life time sentence of imprisonment or direct death penalty. “I want to see him,” Zeevia begged while crying her heart out which made Jack to snap back to reality. Jack’s eyes got moist seeing his childhood friend completely broken. He held Zeevia’s small hand and pulled her towards the hospital’s mortuary. Once they were in the mortuary, Jack lifted the cloth on top of a corpse, revealing its face. Zeevia’s eyes almost jumped out of its socket when she found David’s body wrapped in a white sheet. Pieces of white cotton balls were inserted in both the nostrils and ear holes.
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