04. What was it???

1269 Words
“Third Person’s POV” “Does this means.....” Jack’s words were cut off by Sebastian’s hushed voice. “Don’t talk about it. It’s something we never knew and wasn’t aware of. We will continue the same,” Sebastian whispered in Jack’s ears. “But, I assume this was the reason behind David’s death. We need to inform Zeevia about this,” Jack’s voice was filled with worry. His forehead was puckered while his eyes were c*****g. “No, but. Don’t you know what David made us to be? We served him for all these years. All the sweat, time and effort we wasted had no value for him,” Sebastian’s eyes were red. Fumes of revenge were visible. “What’s the fault of Zeevia in all this?” Jack raised his voice. Raising his voice in front of his father wasn’t something he did before. The urge to defend Zeevia from Sebastian’s merciless plan made him speak against Sebastian. “Why are you trying to defend that girl? Has she become more important than me?” Sebastian asked causing Jack to gulp audibly. “Then, what do you want me to do? Hide this and let Zeevia...... ” Sebastian hushed placing his index finger on his nose. “Don’t you want your share?” Sebastian decided to speak directly on the matter. “I want. Without it, we would be nothing. All the dreams and prestige will get shattered,” Jack answered what he wanted, without hiding a bit. “If so, listen to me carefully,” Sebastian muttered. He leaned closer to Jack’s ears, before whispering, “before it’s too late, get married to Zeevia.” Hearing Sebastian’s voice, Jack’s both eyes went widely opened as if Sebastian dropped a bombshell. “How can I get married to Zeevia? Don’t you know her current condition? She acts insane.” Jack spat without thinking for a second. Sebastian frowned before yelling at Jack, “I know the reason. You just want to go to your gold digger girlfriend. You are so trapped in her lecherous behavior that you totally forgot about your own father.” Jack gulped audibly as fear invaded inside him. Even though Jack was a grown up man in his early 30s, he never lifted a finger against his father’s will. For Jack, Sebastian was his everything. The reason is strong too. Since Jack was a little boy, Sebastian hasn’t left any odd in serving him. Looking at Sebastian’s dark brown orbs, Jack c****d his head. He left the room without answering his father’s questions. Witnessing Jack’s gloomy face, Sebastian knew his son would obey to his words as always. Jack entered his girlfriend’s condo, when she opened the door. She kept gawking at Jack. Jack’s gloomy face gave her a hint, something was bothering him. She inched closer to Jack and sat on his lap, facing towards Jack while directing her gaze towards him. She held Jack’s manly face in her palms while adding in a sweet voice, “what’s bothering you, Jack.” “It’s nothing but work pressure, Jenny,” Jack elevated his gaze and looked into Jenny’s eyes. “I know you are hiding something. If you don’t want to share, then ok.” Jenny stood up to her feet lazily as if she really didn’t care about it. “It’s like.... I don’t know how to tell it to you,” Jack kept thinking of any better words which will make the shock a little less. Jenny’s brows knitted to one another. She snapped her head towards Jack and kept waiting for Jack to explain further. “David passed away,” his voice was low. “Before he died, he had already renewed his will,” Jack’s voice held grievances, but it wasn’t visible to the Jenny’s greedy eyes. She beamed in amusement and sat back on Jack’s lap, before adding, “so what you got? How many percentage of the share,” she was restless. “I got nothing. He wrote everything on the name of his daughter, Zeevia,” It was getting more difficult for Jack to utter a word. “What?” Jenny shook her head in the disbelief she got from Jack’s words. “Isn’t there any way to get it back? Does this means you are nothing but an ordinary man,” Jenny was staggered while her mouth went halfway opened. Though Jenny’s each word disclosed the thirst she had towards David’s property, Jack was blind to see it. His love towards Jenny was honest which made Jenny to look decent and pure as a newborn baby in his eyes. “There is... Only one way,” Jack’s voice was taken over by the intense sorrow he had. “And, what’s that way?” Jenny elevated her brows in askance. “It’s to... Get married to the young billionairess,” Jack’s words gave chills to Jenny. She gulped while maintaining eye contact. Jenny stood up to her feet and started pacing front and back; in a circular motion. “Then I? What am I suppose to be? Your mistress?” Her voice was filled with rage. Jack stood up and walked near Jenny. He held Jenny’s shoulders and turned her around. Making her look into Jack’s dull eyes, he stated, “this is the only way. Don’t you want a share?” Jenny stood still; motionless for a moment before showing her approval with a nod. “But I can’t happily gift you to another woman. What if you don’t come back? What will I do?” Jenny’s eyes were filled with unshed tears while her brows were joined to each other. “Look Jenny. I promise I will never leave you,” Jack spoke softly while caressing Jenny’s soft black hair. Jenny lowered her gaze. She kept staring at her feet before asking, “will you be touching her the way you touch me?” Soon the tears in Jenny’s eyes betrayed her and started to fall all over her cheeks. The mascara she was wearing started to fade, causing her cheeks to change its color to black. Little did Jack know that she wasn’t getting emotional because Jack would touch some other woman but because she was afraid Jack might fall for Zeevia which means she will lose the share along with the person who was financially supporting her. Jack held Jenny’s chin with his index finger and lifted her oval shaped perfect face. He wiped Jenny’s tears using his palms. Jack gave a kiss on Jenny’s forehead and spat, “I love you, Jenny. No woman can ever replace the space you held in my heart. You are way too precious for me. I won’t be leaving you for any money.” Hearing Jack’s words, Jenny forced a smile. Next day “Stop it Brandon,” Jenny kept yelling, loud enough for all the people walking near the jogging track to hear. A bit far from them, there was a red colored car parked. From a window of the car, Sebastian was spying on them. He kept interestingly listening and observing whatever was going between Jenny and Brandon. “Who the hell you think you are?” Jenny kept yelling while Brandon was holding her hand. “I won’t leave you until you answer my questions,” in the stormy wind, Brandon was talking on top of his lungs, while making sure Jenny heard his words. Jenny’s icy stare was directed towards Jack, while her nostrils were dilated. She clenched her jaw before slapping forcefully on Brandon’s perfectly trimmed manly cheeks.
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