05. Sebastian’s deal!!!

1426 Words
“Third Person’s POV” Zeevia woke up from the slumber. Jack was seated in the large black sofa. It’s been a week since the death of David but there was no improvement in Zeevia’s condition. Zeevia’s condition was getting worse day by day. She was requiring special attention for 24 hours. If left alone, She tries to kill herself or run away. While most of her day spent crying. She had no appetite for eating neither talking to anyone. Even though she was visible to the eyes, she wasn’t fully in this world. Seemed like her soul left her body the day her father left this world. Jack was feeling fed up with all the occurrences in his life. He served life long only to get nothing. His fierce rises whenever he had to comfort Zeevia. He has stopped bothering about Zeevia since the day he got to see David’s will. Gradually he was loosing his mercy upon Zeevia. Jenny’s icy stare was directed towards Jack, while her nostrils were dilated. She clenched her jaw before slapping forcefully on Brandon’s perfectly trimmed manly cheeks. The event surely left marks of Jenny’s palm on Brandon’s fair-skinned face. At the suddenness of the event and due to the deep burning sensation Brandon got from the slap, he moved his hand all over his red cheek. “Stop creating a mess over here. I said Goodbye, means it’s over,” Jenny spoke in a suppressed tone while clenching her white sets of teeth. After completing the sentence, she marched away. Brandon kept staring at Jenny for a moment, then decided to walk away from the opposite direction. His actual motive of trying to have a word with Jenny wasn’t to beg her to come back in his life but to clarify why she had to use him. A step by step, Brandon kept marching forward. A navy-blue colored backpack was hanging on his shoulder as he was just returning from his part time job. . Grief was clearly written on his face, while his eyes were almost moist. Not from the pain he got on his cheeks, neither the embarrassment he got. It was due to the piercing sensation in his heart, as his very first love story had come to an end. And the ending wasn’t satisfying neither acceptable. Brandon couldn’t digest the fact he got rejected just because he didn’t have enough money to fulfill his first lover’s fancy dreams. Sebastian started his car’s engine and drove it near Brandon. He noticed the gloominess on Brandon’s face. Sebastian was a devilish man, in his early 50s. He only thought of himself. For him no relation was greater than money. “Hey, wait,” Sebastian called the young man walking through the side of the road. His face was blank, while his eyes were red, as it was occupied by an unknown emotion. Brandon snapped his head towards the voice. He was surprised to see a man with an unfamiliar voice. The man has his head bulged out from the car’s window. “Yes?” Brandon’s voice barely came out. He elevated his brows and waited for Sebastian to reveal his motive. “Come here,” Sebastian commanded while his voice held so much authority, making it difficult for Brandon to deny his command. Brandon moved his eyes and kept studying the man in front of him. With a doubtful mind, he decided to edge towards Sebastian. “Your life is about to turn… if you get inside of this car,” Sebastian spoke displaying the pride he had. . Brandon gulped in fear as he wasn’t in a state to trust a stranger. He kept staring at Sebastian’s eyes. “Ok, let me make this simple. You will get a job, which will give you enough money to live happily with your girlfriend,” Sebastian spoke professionally. No one knew what was going inside Sebastian’s cunning head. He was a man who would get whatever he wished to have. Hearing Sebastian’s voice, Brandon’s fear turned into a terror, “who are you? And how do you know about me?” Brandon frowned in confusion. “Well, I have witnessed how hardly your girlfriend slapped you,” Sebastian expelled while wiggling his brows. “Just a well-wisher or you can say a blessing,” Sebastian stated. Brandon kept staring at Sebastian’s medically enhanced, smooth skin. Despite his age, Sebastian looked younger than he had to be. In two minds, Brandon kept thinking whether to take the offer or not. After all, money wins in this greedy world. Brandon gained ingress inside the car. Soon the car got to live and started moving. It stopped near a seven-star hotel placed in the middle of the richest community. As Sebastian got out of the car and started walking passing the entrance of the large building, Brandon kept following him. Sebastian took an empty seat at the cafeteria near a table and motioned Brandon to sit. Obeying Sebastian’s words, Brandon sat beside him while placing his backpack on the table and kept observing the up ahead. “Do you know IT-based works?” Sebastian spoke. Brandon nodded in response. “Do you know how to hack security cameras?” Sebastian blurted giving Brandon a shock. Brandon gulped before answering, “yes. But if it’s illegal and the place doesn’t belong to you, I won’t be doing it.” Brandon was down to earth, well mannered, calm man. Regardless of how much he was in need of money, he never thought of crossing the border. Sebastian laughed in his hoarse voice. Brandon’s forehead puckered due to uncertainty. “I was just testing you. I want you to do some other job,” as Sebastian kept talking, Brandon was listening carefully. “What you want me to do?” “I will pay you a million dollars,” Sebastian spoke while giving shock to Brandon. “I don’t want to know what the job is anymore.” “This isn’t a joke. And I know for any decent work you won’t be making me a millionaire,” Brandon muttered while grabbing his backpack and stood up to his feet. A step by step he edged towards the exit door of the cafeteria. He ceased his steps when he heard Sebastian’s voice. “I know how hard you are trying to get money. I have chosen you for a reason.” Brandon turned around to face Sebastian. “I know who you are. I promise I won’t be letting you do any illegal work. And you are always free to leave in the middle.” Brandon walked towards Sebastian, “ how am I going to believe in your words?” Brandon attacked from his words. “This is a copy of my ID card. You can keep this as proof and whenever you feel I am wrong, just file a complaint.” Sebastian handed a piece of paper to Brandon. In which there was a two-sided copy of Sebastian’s national identity card. Believing Sebastian’s words, Brandon once again sat beside Sebastian and elevated his brows in order to ask Sebastian to continue. “I want you to take care of a young lady, who isn’t well and needs 24 hours monitoring.” Brandon propped his head in hand while Sebastian kept talking. “Your advance payment will receive the day you come with us. And the full payment will be received once you succeed in making her health better.” Sebastian wiggled his brows while waiting for a reply from Brandon’s side The only thought Brandon having was why would a sane man offer that huge amount of money just to take care of a sick? “You can easily hire anyone. Even a female, then why me?” Brandon asked. “The girl that I mentioned about is like a daughter to me. I love and care for her deeply. I’m willing to sell all my property for her safety. She cannot be handled by a female as she do many insane acts like trying to cut herself or running away. I needed a trustable man who could do the job and I have already done a background checkup on you. She needs 24 hours of monitoring and it’s not an easy task for me as I have works to handle,” Sebastian explained it all well to Brandon and was waiting for a reply from his side. “What you say? Deal or no deal?” Sebastian asked one more time.
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