1943 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN Von wasn’t sure what to make of Marley asking him out, but he wasn’t about to keep that or their lunch a secret. He wouldn’t risk hurting Hope, which meant he had to tell her—today. On his way home, he stopped by their neighbor Paula’s bakery to pick up half a dozen of Hope’s favorite cupcakes. Not a bribe. A way to soften her up because he had a feeling she wouldn’t take the news well. At home, he set the cupcakes on the counter. The door to her studio was closed. That had never stopped him from entering, but he would do a few things around the house first. A housekeeping service came once a week, but he still cleaned the refrigerator. A task that took less than fifteen minutes, if that, so he did the dishes and wiped down the counters. Von eyed the studio door. Hope

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