2468 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE Dinner flew by. Marley couldn’t remember when she’d had so much fun. Okay, it had been with Von. Last year. So not surprising she was enjoying herself now. Even though they’d been apart, being with him was so…comfortable. Topics went from one thing to another without effort. They never had to search for something to say. Working in similar industries helped, but he was so easy to talk to. She’d forgotten that about him. Marley signed the credit card slip, set the pen inside the bill folder, and placed her debit card in her wallet. “All set.” “You didn’t have to pay for dinner.” Von folded his napkin. “I wanted to.” “Then I want to buy dessert,” he offered. “Ice cream at The Trixie Cone?” “That sounds great.” Especially since Marley wouldn’t mind spending more time wit

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