Chapter Two

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"You're not kidding me, are you?" she asked twice without leaving him. It will be her first vacation since she started modeling. Eve dreamed of spending time with her family on a private island. And it seemed she would do it sooner than she imagined. Just like that, all of her exhaustion was imperceptibly lifted. She was bubbling with excitement as her manager tapped her on the shoulder and now, she was staring in disbelief. "You're digressing again, Eva. Did you even understand what I was saying?" he mumbled. An eyebrow rose as he calmly looked at her hopeful face. Eve couldn't digest what he just said about having a vacation. "God, I've never felt so excited before, Brent. You knew it, you were the only-" "Oh, for me, Eva. Don't call me by that name, it's Brenny, not Brent." She knew it. But for once, Eve wanted to annoy him because he overloaded her schedule. She shouldn't complain because that's how it works. Even so, she sometimes lacked enough to piss him off. "Then you better stop calling me that name too. It's clear, Eve. Eve Darlington," she replied as her mind instinctively returned to the incident she had buried. It's been four years and those years have been the hardest of all. Still challenging. The things she learned were painful, but they taught her important lessons. "Fine. You win, just don't forget about tomorrow's schedule. You should rest now. We'll talk to the others later." Right after that, her eyes slowly drifted away as she nodded her head. She needs to rest. A lot of it. "Yes, Cassy?" Meanwhile, Eve was sleeping when her phone rang. Her cousin Cassandra called. ("You! When will you have time to show up?") Cassandra's voice echoed inside the car. Luckily, her hands were quick enough to move the phone away from her ears. She temporarily forgot how groggy she was. "Yes, thank you for checking on me dear cousin. I'm glad you called," she rolled her eyes. She knew her, she would just scold her for being on vacation and going with them. Which Eve hated the most after what happened to her last time, she was with them. ("Come on, Eve. It's been so long since we last-") "I already told you about it, Cass. And I'm never going back to that place. Sorry, I have to hang up now. Don't worry, I'll buy some time to visit you soon at your place. Take care.” She didn't give her time to answer because she had already ended the call. Eve felt guilty for ignoring her cousin, but now was not the time to focus on dating them. She had more important things to do than seeing her. "Oh, I almost forgot. Evan's been calling me ever since. Didn't you check your phone earlier?" That's when her manager spoke up. She hadn't noticed that he had woken up. "Not yet. I've been extremely busy today. I even forgot to eat the lunch you bought me." She mumbled between yawns. Yssa's broad smile quickly appeared in her mind after that. It was all Eve had been thinking about since early morning. She missed her badly. It's been two months since she took a visit from them. "Wait, there. You'll end up having a week's vacation after this. I already planned it." "I want it badly." She mumbled. If only she could fly to her brother, Eve had already been there countless times. "I know you know, babe. Should I call now-" "That would be pointless. I was planning to visit after this was all over." She mumbled quickly. That's exactly how she wanted it to be. Maybe that was one of the reasons why she trusted him more than her cousins. He was the only one she could run after. "Fine. I can't go with you this time. I'll take care of all your plans and social events while you're on vacation. Just say hello to him for me." Brent answered. "That's enough, don't worry. Do I need to finish something before I leave? Maybe I can help you-" "Well, there was something you needed to know about. But it wasn't that important, you should take your vacation and enjoy your free time first. We'll talk about it when you get back." He murmured an assurance. Eve didn't mean it. From what he said, it wasn't that important. She would leave it up to her manager. There was silence after that. But it didn't last long as the SUV slowly came to a stop. A sign to her that they had reached her place. "I'll see you tomorrow, Eva. Make your sleep a priority tonight. Don't even try to sleep late. You'll meet Mr. Heather tomorrow at 9am sharp." Brenny murmured as he hugged her. She answered him with a nod before running out of the car. Her eyes keenly scanned her surroundings as she walked towards the elevator. She was thankful that there were no people around to notice her presence. She hates paparazzi, recording and taking pictures of everything she does. She breathed a sigh of relief when the elevator was half closed. However, someone stopped the door from closing. Eve quickly put on her sunglasses and lowered her head. All she could see was the man's shiny shoes that screamed luxury. At that moment, a familiar scent crept into her nostrils, making her shudder completely. They were too familiar for her to forget. She almost got lost and was about to look up when another pair of red heels walked in halting her from moving. "You can wait for me DJ. But you didn't. Are you that disrespectful to women?" The woman's voice stopped Eve in her tracks. She stood still and patiently waited for the elevator to close bearing the suffocation and pounding of her heart beating. "You call yourself a respectable person after you f****d my cousin's husband?" His voice was stern. Enough to make Eve's soul bewildered.
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