
Her Sweetest Mistake

one-night stand
office/work place

Four years ago, Eve Darlington lived her perfect life. But one night's mistake changed everything. She swore she wouldn't remember the memory of the stranger. However, fate itself made it difficult for them not to cross each other's paths. Because the one-night stand was soon followed by another passionate night with him. She has no choice but to slowly reveal her deepest secrets.

Damien Heather had only one rule: "Once is enough." But could he really keep that rule intact if he found out she was the same woman he spent the night with four years ago? And how would a self-centered, domineering man accept his child that was hidden from him? Will he make an exception and forget his rule? Will he learn to let go of the grudge he carried against his dead father who turned him into a monster?

Let's follow Eve and Damien's twisted romance as they survive this journey.

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Chapter One
"Mrs. Darlington, why did you decide to be a model? Was it because you dreamed about it before or is there another reason?" Eve looked at the host who was sitting comfortably in front of her. She secretly took a deep breath as her mind slowly recalled the experiences of four years ago. It was because of this that she decided to try the fashion industry, where she successfully became a well-known model. Four years ago, she lived a peaceful life. But with one mistake for one night, her life changed. "Well, I still remember when I was five years old. I wanted to be a model, and maybe that was one of the reasons why I started modeling. And other than that, I couldn't find any reason why." It's true that she once dreamed of it. But she was only five years old, everything changed when she started studying. She slowly forgot about it and never expected to be on the right path in the dream. "Okay, I hope your answer satisfied everyone. And for the last and most exciting part, that's what everyone wants. Most have been dying to hear your opinion on the rumors going around about you and Liam Ford. Is that true? That you've been dating since last year?" Eve surprisingly didn't see it. She had never heard of such a rumor between her and Liam Ford, who was her ex-boyfriend. If the two shared an intimate relationship, it was four years ago. "Liam and I were just friends, we barely communicated because we both had busy schedules. And there was nothing between us," they all made a chorus sound. She was glad she kept her posture and calm expression. In fact, she was getting hot and uncomfortable. She never wanted to look back on her past. But since she was on the show, Eve needed to keep her chin up and act like it was nothing. It's something she never liked about the fashion industry. Everyone wanted to know about her private life. And she hated it. "You started modeling when you were 22, didn't you, Mrs. Darlington? And in those years, no one ever saw you dating. Except for Liam Ford, who was with you." "I don't remember exactly how often we saw each other, but it was only on certain occasions. Other than that, there was nothing." After speaking, Eve elegantly crossed her legs. The cameras around her have been bothering her. To look perfect to everyone, she had to keep her smile and lighten her expression without having a flinch of disappointment in her eyes. “Obviously, but I bet everyone here was disappointed to know that there was nothing between the two of you." She laughed. But deep down, she was praying for the show to end so she could finally rest after she finishes her week-long trial in the fashion industry where she will be working next. "Good. Since the night star has answered all of our concerns and questions, it is all clear now. Thank you, Mrs. Darlington, for joining us tonight. We are fortunate to have you in front of us to address this," Eve patiently nodded her head. Later, her vision shifted to her manager, who walked backstage after the cameras were turned off. The show was over, and she could finally rest. “You are sweating, my dear Eve." He muttered as they both made their way out of the studio completely. She faced him while making a face, the man just raise a brow staring at her pitiful expression. "I told you it would take this long to do it. But you still insisted, don't blame me if I wake up late tomorrow-" "Uh-oh, it's 9pm. You could have slept for 8 hours if you weren't hanging around your apartment. Now let's go inside," she almost rolled her eyes. Not once did she win an argument between her and him. Her manager had all the answers right every time she complained. Note that he was also gay. Sometimes she thought she would blame her cousin for giving it to her, or maybe she could be grateful because he was a workaholic. "Fine. What was my schedule for tomorrow? Please don't tell me I have to get up early again," she muttered after they were finally settled in the SUV. Eve instinctively closed her eyes and leaned her head against the chair. She was so tired she almost fell asleep if he hadn't tapped her on the shoulder. "Don't sleep yet, I'm still reading all your plans for tomorrow. Listen, carefully, because I won't do this a third time." "Ugh. Why aren't you so nice to me, Brenny?" she replied lazily, rubbing her eyes. It helps her stay awake despite how groggy she feels. Her manager let out an enormous sigh as he rolled his eyes. He was definitely the definition of a professional gay. But Eve liked him, even though he was constantly pestering her with her busy schedule. It was he who made it possible for her to go through difficult days. As for what her cousin said, she could trust him. "I wanted to tell you some good news, but you didn't seem to be-" "Okay. I'm already in my ears, just read it all again." She smiled and gave a pitiful look. It worked better for him. He couldn't stand it. "Now you better listen carefully; I'm not going to say it over and over again. At exactly 8 o'clock you have to attend some social events for just 30 minutes. I'm not done yet, don't make that face in front of me. You have 20 minutes to rest, then you go to continue your next work-" "Was there any chance I could take a vacation?" Her shoulder dropped. She didn't realize she was still in front of her manager, who was now staring at her wearily. “I was just about to tell you the good news about the week's vacation, if you weren't so impatient, woman. He then caught her attention.

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